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The '''Collegium Primicerium''' is a body of magistrates that are led by the [[Monarchy of Latium|Emperor]], and charged with the administration of the central government's executive bureaus. It is chiefly an advisory body to the emperor, who is not formally a member of the college. The bureau heads are senators appointed by the emperor. The emperor may designate heads of other bureaus and agencies to the college, or create or merge existing bureaus and appoint their heads to the council.
{{for|a list of praesides senatus|List of praesides senatus}}
{{Infobox official post
|post            = Praeses Senatus
|body            =
|native_name    =
|flagsize        = 100px
|insignia        = Emblem of the Latin Senate.png
|insigniasize    = 100px
|insigniacaption = Emblem of the Latin Senate
|department      =
|image          = NewPompilius.jpeg
|imagesize      = 200px
|alt            =
|incumbent      = [[Alexander Pompilius]]
|incumbentsince  = 4 January 2016
|style          = The Most Renowned<br> His Excellency
|member_of      = {{ubl |[[Sacred Assembly]]|[[Collegium Primicerium]]|[[National War Council (Latium)|National War Council]]}}
|reports_to      = The [[Monarchy of Latium|Monarch]] and The [[Senate of Latium|Senate]]
|residence      =
|nominator      = [[Factions in the Latin Senate|Senatorial Factions]] (in practice)
|appointer      = The [[Monarchy of Latium|Monarch]]
|termlength      = At the Emperor's pleasure <small>while maintaining support of a majority of the Senate</small>
|inaugural      = [[Thomas Anicius]]
|formation      = 25 February 1866
|salary          =
The '''Praeses Senatus''' (''President of the Senate'') is considered the most powerful member of the Senate, and serves as the leader of their senatorial faction in the entire senate. The position was established in 1866 by imperial decree of [[Theophylactus I Augustus|Theophylactus I Anicius]]. It is not required that the Praeses Senatus is a sitting Senator, however, no non-incumbent has served in the role since its inception, resulting in the office being considered the highest elected office in [[Latium]]. Despite not serving as the presiding officer, the Praeses Senatus manages and schedules the Senate's legislative business while the [[Orator Senatus]] presides over debates. According to constitutional convention, the Praeses Senatus is named [[Latin Consul|Consul]] during his first year in office and serves alongside the emperor.
The current Praeses Senatus is [[Alexander Pompilius]] of [[Omnes (Latium)|Omnes]]. He was elected to his first term as Praeses Senatus on 4 January 2016, the first day of the Xth Senate. He has led Omnes since 2014.
The role of Praeses Senatus was first established on 25 February 1866 as one of the first reforms of Emperor [[Theophylactus I Augustus|Theophylactus I Anicius]]. The emperor appointed his younger brother [[Thomas Anicius]] as the first Praeses Senatus, who was named consul for the year alongside the emperor. The Senate later confirmed Anicius as Praeses Senatus the following day, thereby instituting a duel confirmation now associated with the office. Anicius served two five year terms as Praeses Senatus.
Early on, the Praeses Senatus primarily served to keep order and enforce senate rules, while playing a minor role in scheduling legislative actions as this was, until this point, primarily handled by imperial prerogative. The subsequent creation of Orator Senatus to keep order and enforce rules enabled the Praeses Senatus to participate in debates and wield significant influence over the legislative process, as well as determine the senate schedule and what measures would stand for vote.
Nominating procedures for the office often resulted in heated elections among senate factions, which in the early post-reform period were far more nebulous than today. As a result of the weak factions and often changing support structures, emperors wielded tremendous authority in the nominating process.
The praeses senatus is appointed by the [[Monarchy of Latium|Monarch]], and serves at his or her pleasure. However, the praeses senatus must maintain the support of a majority of the Senate (usually its faction or coalition alone) or else face resignation. If this occurs, the Senate may not appoint a replacement, but instead the emperor must. In recent years, the vices praeses senatus (''Deputy of the President of the Senate'') will step into the role on an interim basis.
[[Factions in the Latin Senate|Senate factions]] play a key role in the nomination of the praeses senatus. To be nominated by the senate, a candidate must receive a majority of votes cast among the current session of senate. If no candidate achieves a majority, a voice vote occurs until a candidate is selected. In recent years, nomination votes are a formality, as the victorious faction leader following the latest senatorial election is generally the only candidate able to achieve a majority. Once the senate formally nominates a candidate, the candidate is granted an audience with the emperor, who then accepts or rejects a nomination. The last time the emperor rejected a nominee was 2003, where the senate's nomination of [[Aurelius Ostia]] was rejected by Emperor [[Jason VI Claudius]], who instead appointed [[Antonius Tullius]].
Since the creation of the role in 1866, 37 individuals have served as praeses senatus. The first, and so far only, woman to serve as praeses was [[Maria Tarpeia]], who held the role from 2011 to 2015. The longest serving praeses senatus was [[Jason Claudius, Duke of Adrianople]], who served for over 22 years from 1946 until 1968. Claudius was the only individual to hold the position of praesus senatus while simultaneously serving as [[Master of Offices]].
The largest role of the Praeses Senatus is managing the legislative schedule and business of the Senate, which has greatly expanded in the years since the office was established. The Praeses Senatus also serves a number of administrative functions, X, Y, and Z. Along with this, the Praeses Senatus may summon and adjourn the Senate – though with Imperial assent as only the emperor may dissolve the senate. Primary of the Praeses Senatus' duties is to decide the agenda, when sessions meet, when votes are held, and significant influence in appointing or deciding committee appointments. The praeses senatus is also responsible for ensuring the legislation is supported by a majority and then earns imperial assent. In the modern era, they can sometimes lead to either confrontations with the emperor or a more restrained senate. 
===Primicerii office===
{{main|Collegium Primicerium}}
The praeses senatus is a member of the [[Sacred Assembly]] and the [[Collegium Primicerium]], which enables the praeses senatus to play a role in the selection of primicerii – most often by recommending individuals of his or her faction. As the administrative heads of government departments, these praetors ensure that policies of the emperor are carried out by permanent civil servants. All primicerius appointments are made by the Emperor, most often among sitting senators or individuals appointed to the senate for the purpose of primicerii appointment.
The growth of the collegium met with widespread complaint and opposition because its meetings were often held in secret and it excluded the Senate at-large, focusing on the Emperor and his court. While the College has grown in significance since it's 1860s changes, it remains secondary to the [[Sacred Assembly]].
An individual may also serve as praeses senatus while concurrently serving as the head of a college bureau. Most often this occurs when a vacancy arises in either the praeses senatus role or a primicerii on an interim basis.
The vices praeses senatus (''Deputy of the President of the Senate'') is the deputy of the praeses senatus. Its duties vary and depend on the political makeup of the senate and discretion of the praeses senatus. One key duty common among recent deputies is serving as chairman of the Committee of Rules and Procedures.
Since 2001, the praeses senatus has earned a {{LAS}}222,451 annual salary, along with a {{LAS}}50,000 annual expense account, a {{LAS}}100,000 nontaxable travel account, and {{LAS}}20,000 for entertainment. The most recent raise in salary was approved by the Senate and [[Jason VI Claudius]] in 1998 and went into effect in 2001.
The praeses senatus' main office is located at Curia Aurelia in [[Castellum ab Alba|Castellum]]. It contains a number of amenities, as well as access to a sizeable staff, facilities available to the praeses including medical care, recreation, and security services. Palatine House, located near the base of the Palatine Hill, is a complex of seven connected townhouses exceeding 100,000 square feet of floor space which serves as an unofficial residence of the praeses senatus, and occasionally serves as a guest house for state visitors due to it's proximity to the Palace.
The Praetorian Guard is charged with protecting the praeses sentatus and his or her family for the duration of their tenure in office, and since 1993 beyond completion of their term. Before 1993, post-office security was handled by private security firms of the former praeses senatus' choice, paid for via state pension funds. Praeses senatus' may receive a pension after their time in office that is apportioned based on need; this type of pension has only been collected on one occasion by Valens Poppaeus, who was diagnosed with cancer prior to the 1995 senatorial election, prompting him to step down.
==See Also==
*[[List of praesides senatus]]
*[[Consul of Latium]]
{{multiple image|perrow=2|total_width=280
|footer = Consuls of the Latin Empire for the year 2022
|header = Incumbent co-consuls
| image1  = Florian Claudius.jpg
| caption1 = Consul prior<br />[[Florian Claudius]]
| alt1    = Claudius
| image2  = Valentia Verrucosa.jpg
| caption2 = Consul posterior<br />[[Valentia Verrucosa]]
| alt2    = Verrucosa
The '''Consul''' is one of the most prestigious offices and honorifics in [[Latium]], and was formerly the highest elected political office in ancient Latium. Despite lacking administrative duties or executive authority, the role of Consul remains of significant importance, as it is the only position that may be shared by the [[Monarchy of Latium|Emperor]].
The role of the consul in government has frequently changed since its inception in the 6th century BCE. At its inception, the consuls served as the supreme civil and military authority of the state. However as the emperors supplanted the consuls as the supreme ruler of Latium, the consulship transitioned into a senior administrative role, and one that was frequently assumed by the emperor themselves. The emperor has been the sole appointer of the consulship since the 1st century CE, but until the 6th century CE was nominally elected.
==Selection and duties==
From the 6th century BCE origin of the consulship until the 6th or 7th century CE, the consuls were elected, even if only nominally, from among the Senate. From the 7th century onward, the consulship has been appointed by the emperor.
Two consuls are chosen every calendar year, with a term lasting from 1 January to 31 December. A consul appointed to start the year is the ordinary consul (''consul ordinarius''). Suffect consuls (''consul suffectus'') are appointed to serve the remainder of an ordinary consul's term if a consul resigns or is removed before their term is complete. Ordinary consuls chosen at the start of the year hold more prestige than a suffect consul.
The consul whose name is listed first is the consul prior. Most often, the consul prior is the emperor, a member of the [[Latin Imperial Family|Imperial Family]], or other close relative of the emperor. The consul whose name is listed second is the consul posterior. Traditionally, the consul posterior is a prominent senator or other important figure at court or in government, or at times another member of the imperial family.
During a new emperor's first year on the throne, he serves as consul for the year without a colleague. When the role of junior emperor exists, the senior and junior emperor traditionally assume the role of consul for the first full year following the junior emperor's Acclamatio. Thereafter, the senior emperor and junior emperor each selected on consul for the year. When this arrangement exists, each also appoints a suffect consul for the final six months of the year. Following a senatorial election, the incoming [[Praeses Senatus]] is appointed consul posterior and serves as consul alongside the emperor for the first year of the new senate.
==List of 21st century consuls==
{| class="wikitable" style="width:850px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
|- bgcolor="#FFDEAD"
!  width=4% | Year
!  width=48% | Consul prior
!  width=48% | Consul posterior
| align=center | 2001
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Jason VI Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Iason Felix Alexander Hadrianus Cae. Aug.]] I
| bgcolor="#c1ffc1"| [[Justin Seius|Gn. Seius Tubero Iustinus]]
| align=center | 2002
| bgcolor="#E0FFFF"| [[Marsella Atmos|Imp. Aug. Marsella Eudoxia Atmos]] I
| [[Michael Pinarius|Dux A. Pinarius Natta Michael Constantinus]]
| align=center | 2003
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Jason VI Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Iason Felix Alexander Hadrianus Cae. Aug.]] II
| [[Constantine Julius|G. Julius Libo Constantinus Spurius]]
| align=center | 2004
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Jason VI Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Iason Felix Alexander Hadrianus Cae. Aug.]] III
| bgcolor="#c1ffc1"| [[Ant. Tullius Longus Rufus Aurelius]]
| align=center | suff.
| [[Marcus Stellantinus|M. Stellantinus Acidinus Ioannes]]
| align=center | 2005
| bgcolor="#fff2cc"| [[Prince Theodosius, Duke of Beroea|Pr. Fl. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Theodosius Gregorius Constantinus Dux Beroeae]] I
| [[Michael Claudius|L. Claudius Sabinus Michael Theodosius]]
| align=center | suff.
| bgcolor="#fff2cc"| [[Maria of Latium|Pr. Maria Claudia Anicia Christina Sophia Constantia]] I
| align=center | 2006
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Jason VI Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Iason Felix Alexander Hadrianus Cae. Aug.]] IV
| bgcolor="#c1ffc1"| [[Constantine Otacilius|Aur. Otacilius Constantinus Georgius]]
| align=center | 2007
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Constantine XX Claudius|C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Constantinus Felix Iosephus Imp. Dest.]] I
| [[Silvanus Bodius|M. Bodius Silvanus Valens]]
| align=center | suff.
| [[Constantine Tarpeius|Dux Gn. Tarpeius Montanus Constantinus Apollos]]
| [[Henry III of Polnitsa|Henricus Dux Radenbura]]
| align=center | 2008
| bgcolor="#fff2cc"| [[Prince John, Duke of Aurunca|Pr. Vop. Claudius Anicius Ioannes Leo Andreas Silvanus Dux Auruncae]] I
| [[Aurelius Flavius|Aur. Flavius Asbadus Aquila Celsus]]
| align=center | 2009
| bgcolor="#E0FFFF"| [[Marsella Atmos|Imp. Aug. Marsella Eudoxia Atmos]] II
| [[Michael Pinarius|Dux A. Pinarius Natta Michael Constantinus]] II
| align=center | 2010
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Jason VI Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Iason Felix Alexander Hadrianus Cae. Aug.]] V
| bgcolor="#fff2cc"| [[Maria of Latium|Pr. Maria Claudia Anicia Christina Sophia Constantia]] II
| align=center | suff.
| [[Victor, Duke of Ravenna|Victor Ravenna Gentilius Ioannes Theophylactus Alexius Dux Ravennae]]
| [[Emin Sarafyan|Emin Marius Sarafyan]]
| align=center | 2011
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Jason VI Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Iason Felix Alexander Hadrianus Cae. Aug.]] V
| bgcolor="#c1ffc1"| [[Maria Tarpeia|Dux Maria Tarpeia Anicia Iuliana Antontia]]
| align=center | 2012
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Jason VI Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Iason Felix Alexander Hadrianus Cae. Aug.]] VI
| [[Natan Philes|Natan Constantinus Andronicus Davidus Philes]]
| align=center | suff.
| [[Flavius Aemilius|Dux Fl. Aemilius Regillus Marius Petrus]]
| align=center | 2013
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Constantine XX Claudius|C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Constantinus Felix Iosephus Imp. Dest.]] II
| [[Lucius Tullius|L. Tullius Longus Samuel Cyricus]]
| align=center | suff.
| [[Constantine Corvus|Opet. Corvus Decimus Constantinus Postumus]]
| align=center | 2014
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Jason VI Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Iason Felix Alexander Hadrianus Cae. Aug.]] VII
| bgcolor="#E0FFFF"| [[Marsella Atmos|Imp. Aug. Marsella Eudoxia Atmos]] III
| align=center | suff.
| [[Leo Keld|Leo Dux Celda]]
| align=center | 2015
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Constantine XX Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Constantinus Felix Iosephus Cae.]] III
| [[Marius Claudius|Ap. Claudius Sabinus Marius Michael]]
| align=center | suff.
| bgcolor="#c1ffc1"| [[Theodorus Stilcho|St. Stilcho Marcius Theodorus Alexander]]
| align=center | 2016
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Jason VI Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Iason Felix Alexander Hadrianus Cae. Aug.]] VIII
| bgcolor="#C1FFC1"| [[Alexander Pompilius|Alexander Pompilius Cicero Felix]] I
| align=center | suff.
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Constantine XX Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Constantinus Felix Iosephus Cae. Aug.]] IV
| align=center | 2017
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Constantine XX Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Constantinus Felix Iosephus Cae. Aug.]] V
| ''no colleague''
| align=center | 2018
| bgcolor="#fff2cc"| [[Prince Theodosius, Duke of Beroea|Pr. Fl. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Theodosius Gregorius Constantinus Dux Beroeae]] II
| [[Gregorius Poppaeus|Gregorius Poppaeus Eugenius Donus]]
| align=center | 2019
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Constantine XX Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Constantinus Felix Iosephus Cae. Aug.]] VI
| bgcolor="#E0FFFF"| [[Alazne Dain|Imp. Aug. Alazne Euphrosyne Dain]] I
| align=center | 2020
| [[Theodosius Rasinius|D. Rasinius Olybrius Theodosius]]
| align=center | 2021
| bgcolor="#ffd4ff"| [[Constantine XX Claudius|Imp. C. Claudius Anicius Sabinus Constantinus Felix Iosephus Cae. Aug.]] VII
| bgcolor="#C1FFC1"| [[Alexander Pompilius|Alexander Pompilius Cicero Felix]] II
| align=center | 2022
| [[Florian Claudius|C. Claudius Nero Ioannes Florianus Hadrianus]]
| [[Valentia Verrucosa|F. Verrucosa Valentia Zoe Damiane]]
* Imperator, abbreviated as ''Imp.'', in reference to the emperor
* Caesar, abbreviated as ''Cae.'', in reference to the title ''Caesar''
* Augustus, abbreviated as ''Aug.'', in reference to the title ''Augustus''
* Princeps, abbreviated as ''Pr.'', in reference to a prince or princess
* Imperator Destinatus, abbreviated as ''Imp. Dest.'', in reference to the heir apparent or Prince of Youth
* Suffectus, abbreviated as ''Suff.'', in reference to a substitute or appointee in place of a consul who died, resigned, or was removed from office before the completion of term.
;Praenomen abbreviations
| valign="top" |
* A. = Aulus
* Ap. = Appius
* Aur. = Aurelius
* Ant. = Antonius
* C. = Gaius
* Cn. = Gnaeus
| valign="top" |
* D. = Decimus
* F. = Faustus
* K. = Caeso
* L. = Lucius
* M. = Marcus
* Mam. = Mamercus
| valign="top" |
* N. = Numerius
* Opet. = Opiter
* P. = Publius
* Post. = Postumus
* Proc. = Proculus
* Ser. = Servius
| valign="top" |
* Sex. = Sextus
* Sp. = Spurius
* T. = Titus
* Ti. = Tiberius
* Vop. = Vopiscus
* Q. = Quintus
* <span style="background-color:#ffd4ff">[[Monarchy of Latium|Emperor serving as consul]]</span>
* <span style="background-color:#FFFFE0">Member of the [[Latin Imperial Family|imperial family]] serving as consul</span>
* <span style="background-color:#E0FFFF">[[List of Latin consorts|Empress consort serving as consul]]</span>
* <span style="background-color:#C1FFC1">[[Praeses Senatus|Praeses Senatus serving as consul]]</span>
<!-- * Suffect consuls -->
<!-- * Consuls outside the regular series -->
<!-- * -->

As an institution, the college lacks any collective executive abilities or powers. As of 2022, it consists of # members, including the # bureau magistrates, the [[Master of Offices]], [[Praeses Senatus]], and # extraordinary members appointed by the emperor who do not lead a bureau. Members of the college serve at the emperor's pleasure.
==Authorizing authority==
==Eligibility and selection==
==Current college and college-rank officials==
{{College of Praetors}}
==See also==
==See also==
{{Template:Latin consuls}}
{{Latin Empire Navigation Box|state=collapsed}}
[[category:Latin's user page and sandboxes]]
[[category:Latin's user page and sandboxes]]

Revision as of 20:04, 6 February 2022

The Collegium Primicerium is a body of magistrates that are led by the Emperor, and charged with the administration of the central government's executive bureaus. It is chiefly an advisory body to the emperor, who is not formally a member of the college. The bureau heads are senators appointed by the emperor. The emperor may designate heads of other bureaus and agencies to the college, or create or merge existing bureaus and appoint their heads to the council.

As an institution, the college lacks any collective executive abilities or powers. As of 2022, it consists of # members, including the # bureau magistrates, the Master of Offices, Praeses Senatus, and # extraordinary members appointed by the emperor who do not lead a bureau. Members of the college serve at the emperor's pleasure.

Authorizing authority

Eligibility and selection

Current college and college-rank officials

Seal of Latin Emperor Constantine XX.png
Collegium Primicerium
Office Portrait Name Term of office Senate faction (if applicable)
Vir illustris
Master of Offices
Florian Claudius.jpg
The Illustrious Consul
Florian Claudius
(born 1971)
1 February 2019 – present n/a
Count of Arrangements
  • Victor Tarpeius
  • PERSON 1
Praeses Senatus
The Most Admirable
Alexander Pompilius
(born 1958)
4 January 2016 – present Optimates
Secretary to the Praeses Senatus
  • PERSON 1
Master of Soldiers
(Magister Militum in praesenti)
Claudio Graziano (cropped).JPG
The Illustrious
Aurelius Romulus
3 January 2022 – present n/a
  • PERSON 1
Quaestor of the Palace
(Quaestor sacri palatii )
Robert De Niro VF Shankbone 2010 NYC.jpg
The Illustrious Duke
Michael Pinarius
3 March 2009 – present Independentes
  • PERSON 1
Count of the Sacred Largesses
(Comes sacrarum largitionum )
Alessandra Moretti daticamera.jpg
The Illustrious
Diana Lupeia
27 February 2017 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Count of Remembrance
(Comes memoriae)
The Illustrious
Rufus Tranquilus
19 March 2022 – present Populares
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for Foreign Affairs
(Primicerius peregrini et barbarorum)
Tony Amendola by Gage Skidmore.jpg
The Magnificent Duke
Flavius Aemilius
17 October 2020 – present Independentes
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for Public Affairs
(Primicerius publico)
Irene Pivetti 3 (cropped).jpg
The Most Admirable
Diana Aproniana
17 January 2020 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for Agriculture
(Primicerius agricultura)
No image.svg
The Most Admirable
Constantine Aniensis
18 August 2021 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for Economic Affairs and Development
(Primicerius oeconomici)
Maurizio Lupi Official.jpeg
The Most Admirable
Vitalius Calussa
11 March 2020 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for Imperial Care
(Primicerius curae)
Eric Pauget.jpg
The Most Admirable
Justin Marandicius
9 February 2022 – present Populares
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for Education
(Primicerius educationi)
Elisabetta Trenta 2019 varo Trieste (cropped).jpg
The Most Admirable
Maria Plautia
3 June 2020 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for the Environment
(Primicerius circumiecti)
Daniel Labaronne.jpg
The Most Admirable
Flavius Genucius
30 April 2020 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for Housing and Local Government
(Primicerius domuum et localis administrationis)
Luigi Di Maio Official (cropped).jpg
The Most Admirable
John Daedalus
26 January 2020 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for Labor
(Primicerius laboris)
No image.svg
The Most Admirable
Amantius Rutilus
9 January 2021 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for Energy
(Primicerius navitatis)
No image.svg
The Most Admirable
Petrus Cruscellio
9 January 2021 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for the Culture
(Primicerius culturae)
Vincenzo De Luca crop.jpg
The Most Admirable
Emilian Potitius
8 January 2021 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Primicerius for Transportation
(Primicerius moti)
No image.svg
The Most Admirable
Felix Mallius
10 January 2021 – present Optimates
  • PERSON 1
Collegium-level offices
Praetorian Prefect
(Praefectus Praetorio)
No image.svg
The Illustrious
John Santella
12 February 2019 – present n/a
  • PERSON 1
Augustal Prefect of Overseas Territories
(Praefectus augustalis ultamaris)
No image.svg
The Most Admirable
Marius Lucullus
19 November 2022 – present n/a
  • PERSON 1
  • PERSON 1
Prefect of State Security and Intelligence
(Prefectus securitatis civitatis et nunti)
Giuseppe Cavo Dragone 2020 (cropped).jpg
The Most Renowned
Constantinus Allobrogicus
18 February 2017 – present n/a
  • PERSON 1
Legate of the Scholarian Guard
(Legatus scholae palatinae)
No image.svg
The Most Renowned
Marcus Rasinius
8 November 2021 – present n/a
  • PERSON 1
Mayor of the Duchy of Adrianople
(Maiordomo ducatus adrianopoli)
Valentia Verrucosa.jpg
The Most Renowned Consul
Valentia Verrucosa
21 October 2018 – present Populares
  • PERSON 1

See also