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Magical Dueling
Two magical girls fighting in a professional duel.
Team membersSingles or Team Relay
Mixed genderNo; Magical Girls only
Country or regionMagia Regnum

Magical Dueling (Magian: 魔法決闘) is the national sport of Magia Regnum and is considered a captivating and dynamic competitive endeavor that showcases the extraordinary abilities of magical girls. It is typcially a one-on-one battle or team relay conducted within designated arenas, where duelists employ their unique magical abilities and specialized combat techniques to outmaneuver and defeat their opponents. Divided into divisions based on their chosen weapon category or magical abilities, duelists exhibit a range of skills, from precise swordplay to long-range archery, from defensive mastery to devastating hand-to-hand combat. Tournaments provide a structured framework for duelists to compete, determining champions and igniting the excitement of spectators. With its blend of physical prowess, strategic thinking, and enchanting magic, Magical Duels captivates audiences and celebrates the remarkable talents of magical girls in the realm of Magia Regnum.


The origins of Magical Duels can be traced back centuries to a time when magical arts were intertwined with everyday life. It is said that the earliest form of magical combat emerged as a means of settling disputes between rival magical factions. These confrontations often took place in open fields, where skilled magical practitioners showcased their abilities in spellcasting and elemental manipulation. As the demand for structured competitions grew, magical academies and esteemed magical masters came together to establish standardized rules and regulations for these duels. This marked the formalization of Magical Duels as a recognized sport within Magia Regnum. Over time, the popularity of Magical Duels soared, captivating the imaginations of both magical practitioners and ordinary citizens. The sport began to attract a dedicated following, and tournaments were organized to bring together the most skilled duelists from across the realm. Advancements in magical training techniques and the discovery of new magical disciplines contributed to the evolution of Magical Duels. Divisions were introduced to provide duelists with a platform to specialize in their preferred weapon category or magical abilities, further diversifying the strategies and combat styles within the sport.

The Ministry of Sports took charge of overseeing Magical Duels, ensuring the safety of participants and the fairness of competitions. They established standardized battle arenas equipped with magical barriers to contain the duels and protect spectators. Referees and officials were trained to enforce the rules, resolve disputes, and maintain the integrity of the sport. As Magical Duels grew in popularity, it became a source of national pride for Magia Regnum. The championships drew large crowds from all corners of the realm, with spectators eagerly anticipating the awe-inspiring displays of skill and magic from their favorite duelists. The sport of Magical Duels has since become deeply ingrained in the culture of Magia Regnum. It has given rise to legendary duelists whose names have become synonymous with greatness. The sport continues to evolve, adapting to new magical discoveries and technological advancements, while remaining rooted in the rich traditions and heritage of the realm.

Rules and Set Up

The rules of Magical Duels govern the conduct and gameplay of this competitive sport, ensuring fair play and participant safety. These rules are designed to maintain an engaging and balanced competition where the individual skills and abilities of each magical girl can shine. Magical Duels take place within designated battle arenas equipped with magical barriers to contain the duels and ensure the safety of participants and spectators. Each duel is a one-on-one battle between two magical girls, allowing for focused competition and the spotlighting of individual abilities. The objective of a duel is to incapacitate or knock out the opponent, achieved through various means such as magical attacks, physical strikes, or strategic maneuvers. Duelists are allowed to utilize their unique magical abilities during the duels, ranging from elemental manipulation and illusions to healing spells and defensive enchantments. However, forbidden or excessively dangerous spells may be restricted. Duelists can choose and employ magical weapons and equipment based on their division and individual preferences. However, any items providing an unfair advantage or posing significant risks may be regulated or prohibited.

A crucial aspect of Magical Duels is the implementation of a time limit for each duel. The introduction of a time limit adds an element of urgency, strategy, and intensity to the gameplay, making the duels more dynamic and captivating for both participants and spectators. Each duel is assigned a predetermined time limit, typically measured in minutes. The specific duration may vary depending on the nature of the competition, the level of skill of the participants, or the governing body overseeing the duels. Common time limits range from 5 to 15 minutes, striking a balance between allowing sufficient gameplay and maintaining the pace of the competition. The presence of a time limit forces duelists to carefully strategize and make calculated decisions within the allotted timeframe. They must weigh the options of offensive and defensive maneuvers, considering the risks and rewards of each move. The pressure of time creates a sense of urgency, compelling duelists to act swiftly and decisively to gain an advantage over their opponents. In situations where a duel ends without a clear victor within the time limit, tiebreaker rules may come into play. These rules can vary, but commonly include factors such as points accumulated throughout the duel, judges' evaluations, or sudden-death rounds. Tiebreaker rules provide a fair method to determine a winner and prevent inconclusive outcomes. In certain cases, when the stakes are high or the duel is of particular significance, overtime periods may be implemented. Overtime allows the duel to continue beyond the regular time limit, giving duelists an opportunity to break the deadlock and determine a definitive outcome. Overtime periods typically have shorter time limits, intensifying the pressure on the participants to deliver a conclusive result.

Referees and officials hold significant responsibilities throughout the duration of a duel. Their primary role is to observe the actions of the duelists, enforce the established rules, and make impartial judgments regarding the legality and fairness of the combat. They ensure that the duels adhere to the predetermined guidelines, maintaining the safety of the participants and the integrity of the sport. Referees and officials undergo rigorous training to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively oversee Magical Duels. They receive instruction on the rules, regulations, and proper conduct of the sport. This training encompasses various aspects, including understanding different divisions, recognizing valid techniques, evaluating the impact of spells, and assessing the overall performance of the duelists. They closely monitor the actions of the duelists, ensuring that they adhere to the established guidelines. They have the authority to issue warnings, deduct points, or impose penalties for violations, such as unsportsmanlike behavior, cheating, or the use of prohibited techniques or spells. In cases where conflicts or disagreements arise during a duel, referees and officials step in to resolve the issues impartially. They listen to the concerns of the duelists, consult the established rules, and make informed decisions to address the dispute. Their objective judgment ensures that conflicts are handled fairly and efficiently, minimizing disruptions to the flow of the competition.


A typical dueling arena

Tournaments typically feature a bracket-style format, where duelists compete in a series of matches that culminate in a final showdown between the top contenders. The specific format may vary, ranging from single-elimination to double-elimination or round-robin formats, depending on the size and duration of the tournament. Prior to the start of a tournament, duelists are often ranked or seeded based on their performance in previous competitions or qualifying rounds. Rankings determine the initial matchups in the tournament bracket, aiming to create balanced pairings and ensure that top contenders do not face each other in the early stages. Tournaments consist of multiple stages or rounds, where duelists progressively advance or are eliminated based on their performance. Tournaments are organized by divisions, grouping duelists according to their chosen weapon category or magical abilities. Within each division, duelists are further classified into classes based on their skill level or ranking. This ensures that participants are matched against opponents of similar abilities, allowing for fair and challenging competitions. Tournaments offer prestigious prizes and recognition to the champions and top performers. These rewards may include titles, trophies, monetary rewards, endorsements, or opportunities for advancement within the Magical Duels community. Tournaments are often hosted by prestigious magical academies, renowned arenas, or national magical sports associations. These entities provide the infrastructure, resources, and expertise required to organize and execute the tournaments successfully. Hosting a tournament enhances the reputation of the institution or organization and promotes their role in ther sport.

Tournaments attract a wide range of spectators, including enthusiastic fans, magical enthusiasts, and curious onlookers. The dynamic nature of the matches, the skillful displays of magical abilities, and the competitive spirit generate a captivating and electric atmosphere. Spectators witness the evolution of rivalries, the emergence of new talents, and the unfolding narratives of triumph and defeat, immersing themselves in the spectacle of Magical Duels.


Practitioners of the sport are organized into divisions based on their weaponry of choice and magical abilities. These divisions provide a structured framework that allows duelists to compete and showcase their specialized skills and combat styles within their respective categories. Each division represents a distinct approach to combat, with duelists demonstrating their expertise, strategy, and mastery in the exhilarating arena of Magical Duels. Within each division, duelists focus on developing their chosen weaponry skills and magical abilities to the highest level. Rigorous training regimens and specialized techniques are tailored to each division, providing duelists with the necessary tools to excel in their specific disciplines. The divisions are not only a means of categorization but also a platform for duelists to express their individuality and personal style within the sport and allows those to tailor to their specific strengths.


A Bladeheart magical girl

The Bladeheart Division consists of magical girls who specialize in wielding bladed weapons, such as swords, daggers, or sabers. It is a division that places a strong emphasis on developing exceptional swordsmanship, agility, and precision in combat. Bladeheart duelists undergo rigorous training, dedicating themselves to the art of swordplay and honing their skills to perfection. At the heart of the Bladeheart Division lies a deep commitment to mastering the art of wielding bladed weapons. With unwavering dedication, Bladeheart duelists immerse themselves in the study of swords, daggers, and sabers. They embrace various styles and techniques, ranging from classical fencing to more exotic and specialized forms of swordplay. Through countless hours of practice, they strive to achieve mastery, cultivating a keen sense of control, balance, and unparalleled precision with their chosen blades.

Agility and speed are key attributes that Bladeheart duelists cultivate to gain an edge in combat. Recognizing the importance of swift movements, they engage in intensive conditioning exercises and agility drills. This training enhances their reflexes, speed, and dexterity, allowing them to gracefully evade incoming attacks while launching lightning-fast counterattacks. Such agility enables them to navigate the battlefield with exceptional finesse and strike with remarkable swiftness. One of the remarkable features of the Bladeheart Division is its incorporation of magical energies into blade combat. Bladeheart duelists possess the unique ability to channel their own magical energies directly into their weapons. By harnessing this power, they enhance the cutting power of their blades and infuse them with elemental properties. Flames may envelop their swords, ice may encase their daggers, or lightning may empower their sabers. The infusion of magic adds an unpredictable and devastating aspect to their attacks, making them all the more formidable in battle.

Stalwart Shield

The Stalwart Shield Division comprises magical girls who excel in defensive combat using shields and defensive magic. these duelists showcase their expertise in defensive maneuvers, employing shields with exceptional precision to block, deflect, and counter enemy attacks. Meticulous training lies at the core of the Stalwart Shield Division. Duelists within this division are experts in defensive techniques, possessing an intricate understanding of shield usage. They have honed their skills to achieve impeccable timing and positioning, enabling them to intercept incoming attacks with precision. Whether it be a mighty swing of a sword or a barrage of magical projectiles, Stalwart Shield duelists meet these challenges head-on, expertly employing their shields to neutralize threats.

In addition to their proficiency in physical defense, Stalwart Shield duelists possess a deep understanding of defensive magic. They have delved into the study of protective barriers and energy shields, learning how to harness their magical energies to create an impenetrable defense. Drawing upon their knowledge of defensive spells, they erect formidable shields that withstand powerful assaults, providing an unparalleled layer of protection. These shields can repel both physical and magical attacks, creating a haven of safety amidst the chaos of battle.

Stellar Bow

A Stellar Bow magical girl

The Stellar Bow Division comprises magical girls who excel the mastery of archery, harnessing enchanted bows and arrows to deliver devastating blows from afar. Stellar Bow duelists are highly skilled marksmen, displaying exceptional accuracy, unwavering focus, and an innate understanding of their opponents' weaknesses. Stellar Bow duelists undergo extensive training to refine their skills, attaining the utmost precision and control over their shots. Through tireless practice, they develop keen eyesight, steady hands, and a profound understanding of the intricacies of projectile trajectories. Their hours of dedicated training allow them to unleash arrows with pinpoint accuracy, hitting their targets with unwavering precision. Enchanted bows and arrows form the arsenal of Stellar Bow duelists, serving as their conduits for channeling both physical and magical energy. These bows, often intricately crafted and imbued with enchantments, possess remarkable qualities that enhance the power and effectiveness of the arrows unleashed by the duelists. Stellar Bow duelists expertly channel their own magical energies through their bows, empowering their arrows with additional force, elemental properties, or specialized effects.


The Catalyst Division consists of magical girls who harness their magical abilities through magical catalysts, such as wands, staffs, or orbs. These catalysts may take the form of wands, staffs, orbs, or other enchanted objects. Catalyst duelists boast a deep understanding of various magical disciplines and employ their chosen catalysts to cast potent spells and conjure elemental forces, making them versatile and adaptable spellcasters in the realm of Magical Duels. At the core of the Catalyst Division lies a profound understanding of magical principles and the ability to tap into the vast reservoirs of magical energy that surround them. Catalyst duelists have undergone extensive training to hone their mastery of spellcasting and the manipulation of magical energies. They possess a vast repertoire of spells and incantations, ranging from offensive spells that unleash destructive forces to supportive spells that aid allies and defensive spells that shield against attacks.

The choice of a magical catalyst is a deeply personal one for each Catalyst duelist. Some wield wands, using intricate wand movements and precise incantations to focus and channel their magic. Others prefer staffs, utilizing their larger size to enhance the scope and power of their spells. There are also those who favor orbs, which serve as conduits for their magical energies, allowing them to harness and direct elemental forces with ease. Regardless of their chosen catalyst, Catalyst duelists exhibit a profound connection with their magical tools, weaving their intentions and desires into every spell they cast. Versatility is a hallmark of the Catalyst Division, as duelists within this division adapt their magical abilities to suit the ever-changing situations that arise in duels. Catalyst duelists possess a comprehensive understanding of different magical disciplines, such as elemental manipulation, illusionary arts, healing magic, and more. They can seamlessly transition between offensive, defensive, and supportive magic, employing the appropriate spells and techniques based on the circumstances they encounter.

Catalyst duelists are not limited to direct spellcasting alone. They also possess the ability to enhance their physical attributes with magic, enabling them to augment their strength, speed, and agility in battle. This versatility allows them to adapt to various combat scenarios, giving them an edge against opponents who rely solely on physical prowess.


A Gauntlet magical girl

The Gauntlet Division focuses on magical girls skilled in unarmed combat and magical hand-to-hand combat techniques. This division attracts individuals who possess exceptional physical prowess, unmatched agility, and lightning-fast reflexes. Gauntlet duelists seamlessly blend their mastery of martial arts techniques with their innate magical abilities, enabling them to deliver devastating strikes and overpower opponents in close-quarters combat. At the core of the Gauntlet Division lies a relentless dedication to physical conditioning and martial arts training. Duelists within this division undergo rigorous physical exercises, honing their bodies to peak performance. They develop exceptional strength, speed, and flexibility, allowing them to execute precise movements with unparalleled grace and power.

Gauntlet duelists draw upon a diverse array of martial arts disciplines, from ancient forms rooted in tradition to more contemporary and innovative styles. They master techniques such as strikes, kicks, grappling, throws, and evasive maneuvers. The fusion of their martial prowess with their magical abilities enables them to augment their physical attacks with bursts of magical energy, infusing their strikes with additional force and elemental or specialized effects. In close-quarters combat, Gauntlet duelists exhibit exceptional agility and reflexes, enabling them to swiftly dodge incoming attacks while launching rapid counterattacks. Their fluid movements, acrobatic prowess, and lightning-fast reflexes grant them the ability to evade and redirect opponents' strikes, creating openings for devastating retaliation.

Underground Dueling

Atarashī Mahō, a criminal syndicate in Magia Regnum, is notorious for it's lucrative underground Magical Dueling business.

Underground dueling matches and illegal gambling have been a growing problem for Magia Regnum. These illicit activities have tarnished the reputation of Magical Duels and posed significant risks to both the participants and the integrity of the sport. The Ministry of Sports, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies, has been actively working to combat these issues and protect the integrity of Magical Duels. To address the underground dueling matches, the Ministry of Sports has increased its efforts in monitoring and investigating reports of illegal duels. They have established a specialized task force dedicated to identifying and dismantling the underground dueling networks. This task force comprises skilled magical girls and experienced law enforcement personnel who work together to gather intelligence, infiltrate illicit organizations, and apprehend the culprits involved in organizing and participating in illegal duels.

The Ministry of Sports has also been implementing stringent penalties and sanctions for those found involved in illegal dueling. Offenders face severe consequences, including fines, suspensions, and even bans from participating in official Magical Duels matches. These strict measures aim to deter individuals from engaging in underground duels and to send a clear message that such activities will not be tolerated.In addition to the crackdown on illegal dueling, the Ministry of Sports has been actively addressing the issue of illegal gambling associated with Magical Duels. They have established partnerships with regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies to combat illegal gambling syndicates that exploit the popularity of the sport. The Ministry has implemented measures to monitor betting activities and enforce strict regulations on licensed gambling operators.

To raise awareness and educate the public about the dangers of illegal dueling and gambling, the Ministry of Sports has launched campaigns and initiatives. These efforts include public service announcements, educational programs in schools, and collaborations with influential magical girls and teams to promote fair play, sportsmanship, and the importance of supporting the official Magical Duels league.