Education in Emerstari

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Education in Emerstari is mandatory for children between the ages of 6 years and 15 years. The school year in Emerstari usually begins in late August and runs until early July, broken up by a Christmas (6 Dec. – 6. Jan.), fall (20 Sept. – 10 Oct.), spring (15 April – 30 April), and summer (1 July – 31 Aug.) breaks.

While there does exist preschool in Emerstari, usually in the form of local church programs, it is fairly uncommon for children to attend, and it is viewed as a familial responsibility to foster young children. Between the ages of 6 and 11, children attend Furstskole (English: First school) wherein they all study the same subjects. From 11 to 15, children attend Midtenskole (English: Middle school). In this school, there is more variety and choice in the subjects that students can study, but there is a requirement of one foreign language. The majority of Emerstarian schools are administered by counties but are regulated federally.

Almost all studies continue studying after Midtenskole in a 3-year-long secondary school, Gymnasjom (English: High school) where most choose one out of 18 national programs, of which, some are vocational and some preparatory.

In 2014, 49% of Emerstarian children attended public county schools, 31% attended public church-affiliated schools, 14% attended private schools, and 8% were homeschooled.


1978 graduation class of a Vernian Midtenskole

In 1876, the Emerstarian legislature passed the Skoleska Låger, a series of laws creating a new plan that would standardize schooling across the nation. Up to that point a large portion of Emerstarian children was homeschooled or tutored and another portion attended schools run by local churches.

The Skoleska Låger of 1876 created Alltskole (English: General school) which consisted of four grades. In 1901, three more grades were added and Alltsskole was divided into Furstskole and Sekondskole. The current system was devised in 1937, making school mandatory from ages 6 to 15. Additionally, Sekondskole was renamed to Midtenskole and the optional Gymnasjom was introduced.

Primary education

In the Emerstarian Furstskole, students take each of 16 subjects which are, according to the time allocated: Emerstarian, Mathematics, Physics, Physical education, History, Biology, Religion, Geography, Technology, Music, Visual arts, and Handicrafts. These subjects are taught in three stages, lower stage (Grades 1–2), middle stage (Grades 3–4), upper stage (Grade 5).

In Emerstarian Midtenskole, in addition to required Emerstarian, Mathematics, Physical education, History, Chemistry, and a foreign language, students may choose to study Geography, Religion, Music, Home economics, Visual arts, or engineering and technology.


Emerstarian students begin receiving grades from third grade; before third grade, students receive an Individulsk Taksseringplan (English: Individual Assessment Plan), containing teachers' assessments of the student's knowledge.

The grading system in primary school uses the grades A, B, C, and D as passing grades and E as a failing grade. If a student cannot be graded due to extensive truancy, the student will receive a dash instead of an E; a dash is not considered a grade. If a student is on the verge of receiving an E in a certain subject, the teacher thereof is responsible to write the student and the student's parents a review on how to improve themselves.

National tests

In grades 3–9, national tests are administered to all students. The aims of these tests are to assess both the students' and the schools' progress and they are considered when dispersing the national education budget. In grade 3, there is a second national test to specifically assess students proficiency in Emerstarian and basic math, science, and history.


Secondary school, called Gymnasjom, usually lasts for three years, and is optional, but it has a 99% enrollment. It is divided into 21 different national programs with different educational focus. The system is course-based with the same courses sometimes being used for multiple programs.

National programs

The national programs are divided into two categories: preparatory and vocational. All of these programs give basic qualification to attend university or to apply for a job.

List of national programs
English name Emerstarian name Type
Social Science Program Sammlingskvettenskap Preparatory
Natural Science Program Naturskvettenskap Preparatory
Business Management and Economics Program Ekonomigprogramme Preparatory
Technology Program Teknikprogramme Preparatory
Humanities Program Manskaprogramme Preparatory
Arts Program Konsteprogramme Preparatory
Electricity and Energy Program Elektrisk- åg energiprogramme Vocational
Building and Construction Program Byggandesk- åg konstruksjonprogramme Vocational
Vehicle and Transport Program Vagn- åg transportprogrammet Vocational
Health and Social Care Program Hålsja- åg Sammlingskvårdprogramme Vocational
Child and Recreation Program Barn- åg rekreasjonprogramme Vocational
Business and Administration Program Handelsk- åg administrasjonsprogramme Vocational
Natural Resource Use Program Naturbruksprogrammet Vocational
Agricultural Science Program Bondeskprogramme Vocational
Handicraft Program Håndverksprogramme Vocational
Restaurant Management and Food Program Restaurangt- åg Måtsprogramme Vocational
Industrial Technology Program Industriteskprogramme Vocational
HVAC and Property Maintenance Program VVS- åg landsprogramme Vocational
Hotel and Tourism Program Hotell- åg turismprogramme Vocational

Higher education

Uppsalle University, founded in 1450, is the oldest university in Emerstari

See also: List of universities and colleges in Emerstari

The first university in Emerstari, Uppsalle University, was established in 1450 by order of Georg I Erik. It remained the only university in Emerstari until 1461 when Rensulier University was founded.

In 2016, 62% of Emerstarian adults had attended a university.


A few charity institutions cover all of a student's tuition, including the Der Kuings Upperskoleskfond (The King's Higher Schooling Fund), and scholarships are widely available. The average yearly tuition in Emerstari in 2015 was:

  • Public university (4 years): $3,278 or 2,927 ESK (per year)
  • Private university (4 years): $11,382 or 10,163 ESK (per year)

Chart of grade levels

Grade levels in Emerstari
Type of education School Designation
Doctoral level University

2–4 years

4th year
3rd year
2nd year
1st year
Master's level education University

1–2 years

2nd year
1st year
Bachelor's level education University

2–3 years

3rd year
2nd year
1st year
Secondary school High School

Ages 16–18

12th grade
11th grade
10th grade
Primary school Middle school

Ages 12–15

9th grade
8th grade
7th grade
6th grade
First school

Ages 6–11

5th grade
4th grade
3rd grade
2nd grade
1st grade
Preschool education Preschool

Ages 1–6
