
Revision as of 19:23, 6 March 2019 by Sjal (talk | contribs)
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If you have the misfortune of knowing me already, I feel sorry for you. If you happily don't yet, leave this page while you still can, and never come back for your own sake.

It seems that I am the current cartographer for Kylaris, feel free to check the region out, or do not, whichever you prefer. I believe in your ability to make the choice most suited for you in this moment.

As is customary, get out of here stalker.




  • Austrosia: Radical socialist federation who loves to call every campaign a revolution, always treading a fine line between its libertarian ideals and practical concerns. Forever alive in my heart and thoughts but way too cool and radical for me to ever find it a suitable home on that cursed website.
  • Sceathaney: Small insular North Germanic traditional monarchy located way so far from its original land it went a little insane. Fourth iteration of the idea, with the distant first one being called Sjalhaven (hence the name I'm generally known on NS).


  • User:Sjal/Sandbox - List of head of states of the Pirievines, still have to add a few lines per individual to describe what they did during the terms.