History of Vinalia

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The history of Vinalia


Pre-Classical Vinakian (800 BCE - 10 CE)

Early Pre-Classical (800 BCE - 400 BCE)

500 BCE

Late Pre-Classical (400 BCE - 10 CE)

Lyublytas in Vinalia

Classical Vinakian (10 CE - 1378 CE)

Early Classical (10 CE - 413 CE)

Middle Classical (414 CE - 1274 CE)

Late Classical (1274 CE - 1378 CE)

Post-Classical Vinakian (1378 - 1565)

Early Post-Classical Vinakian (1378 - 1523)

Late Post-Classical Vinakian (1523 - 1565)

Colonial Vinalia (1565-1865)

Early Colonial Vinalia (1565-1700)

Ten Year's War (1700-1721)

Joint Soravian-Gaullican-Paretian squadron during the decisive Battle of the Arucian in 1719

Although the border between Vinalia and Novo Poveja had been established in 1568. However colonists usually crossed the Chyhyryn river to hunt for furs, and seek out timber on the northern parts of the river. Some Soravian colonists had made their way into Novo Poveja as early as 1650, illegally settling in the sparsely populated region. Although initially Povelian authorities sought to stop this, they increasingly struggled with preventing Soravian illegal entry and settlement on their territory. Catherinsk had become by the 1680 a major port for Vinalia, and following an agreement in 1683, Povelians were allowed to export goods from Catherinsk free of duties, they would also return fleeing slaves and serfs to Vinalia. In exchange Soravian settlers south of the river, would be "tolerated", on the condition they converted to Catholicism and paid their taxes. Soravian settlers on the northern areas of Novo Poveja were virtually untouched as authorities had little in the way of enforcing the agreement. Soravian settlement and entry into Novo Poveja increased in the 1690s, leading Povelian settlers to oppose and threaten the new foreign settlers. Both sides began to launch raids across the river, the use of Zapoyan allies by both sides increased tensions on each side of the river.

A raid by Vinalian settlers and Zapoyan allies numbering upwards of 500 men, was launched in 1705. Olenkov's Raid as it was called, resulted in the burning and plunder of numerous towns and villages upstream from the coast. The raid enraged Povelian authorities, who provided for the construction of forts and other installations near {{wp|Ford_(crossing)|fords]] on the river. Frederick I seizing the opportunity, deployed 2,000 men to the Chyhyryn river, to prevent further Vinalian raids south, but also to enforce Soravian power to Povelia. Although the raids ended, Vinalian planters began to call for a general conflict with Povelia, to expand Vinalia. Frederick I was interested in expanding Vinalia into the sugar rich lands south of the Chyhyryn, while also providing Catherinsk, now Vinalia's 3rd largest city, and port much needed protection. Frederick oversaw major expansion and growth in the Soravian Arucian Squadron, which expanded greatly to counter Povelian and Gaullican ambitions in the Arucian. Vinalia also began constructing forts on its side of the river, to counter Povelia.

Conflict erupted in Euclea in 1711 with the Ten Year's War. The conflict saw the major powers of Asterias roped into a great conflict by alliances, and regional rivalries. Soravia found itself in the Asterias in conflict with Povelia and Estmere, which held colonies in the Arucian, and the western part of the Asterias. Vinalia mobilized for the conflict with eagerness, and Vinalian militias and Soravian regulars quickly overpowered Povelian forces on the Chyhyryn, and occupied both sides of the river banks. Povelian slaves were quickly transferred north, and Vinalian forces awaited further instructions. Morale and eagerness in Vinalia, resulted in the selling of "Conquered" land in Novo Poveja. Some Vinalian planters were so eager, that they acquired land as far south as Rémont which they were confident would be granted to Vinalia following the victory of Soravia. At sea, Soravian ships were able to engage the dispersed Povelian ships in numerous skirmishes, successfully blockading Nassea in modern Gapolania, and the Povelian fleet inside. Soravian Privateers terrorized Povelian and Estmerish holdings, with Soravian ships recorded to have bombarded Cuanstad on February 1712. Povelian ships had used the rough seas around the Arucian to unite their scattered forces and drive out the Soravian fleet, which now was dispersed between blockades in Nassea, Remont, and the Arucian. On April 19th, Povelian forces engaged Soravian forces during the battle of the Cubulco Gulf, the battle ended in a Soravian rout, as Soravian ships quickly retreated from their positions to return to Kisharsk. Povelian ships scoured the Arucian for Soravian forces, but could not successfully engage them in battle.

With the Soravian fleet forced to Kisharsk, Povelia and Estmere prepared a combined fleet to blockade, along with an army to take over Kisharsk. An army of 5,000 Povelian soldiers, along with colonial militias, and Zapoyan soldiers set forth from Porto Sotiri to invade mainland Vinalia. Following rough seas throughout the winter of 1713, the Povelian fleet was forced to break off its blockade of Kisharsk, allowing Soravian ships to escape Kisharsk and trail the Povelian fleet, unbeknown to them Estmerish forces were heading to join them. Soravian ships engaged the combined fleet in the Battle of the Strait of Secanton in February 1714, having walked into an ambush, the Soravian fleet was nearly completely destroyed. Povelian and Estmerish ships arrived off of Kisharsk and proceeded to blockade the island on March 15th 1714. An Estmerish army of 2,000 was to be landed on the island on April 28th, Estmerish and Vinalian forces fought for control of the island, before the island surrendered on the 9th of May. Facing a stronger Povelian force, Soravian forces retreated from the Chyhyryn river, and engaged the Povelian invaders in various skirmishes between February and June, but were unable to prevent the encirclement and eventual fall of Catherinsk on January 1715. Vinalian forces engaged Povelia throughout 1715, and 1716 but were unable to prevent the fall of most of South Vinalia, and New Samistopol on August 1716.

The entry of Gaullica, and Paretia into the conflict in 1717, provided relief to the colonists. Gaullican ships engaged Povelian ships throughout the Asterias, forcing Povelia and Estmere to end the blockade of Vinalia. By 1718, a major Soravian fleet had arrived to Orlavo, as it signaled the return of Soravia to the Asterias, 5,000 soldiers were unloaded on Orlavo, allowing Vinalia to launch a major offensive against Povelian forces, which had retreated west to engage Paretian forces. Gaullica and Paretia desired to engage Povelia and Estmere in battle, but were unable to decisively engage them throughout 1717, and 1718. The fleets from all 3 nations entered the Arucian sea on early March 1719, prompting the joint Povelian-Estmerish squadron to engage Soravian forces first. The Battle of the Arucian was the largest naval battle in the Asterias up to that moment, and involved the great Asterian forces of all 5 nations. The battle ended in an Estmerish and Povelian defeat, with the Povelian fleet escaping to Novo Poveja, and the Estmerish fleet being completely destroyed. Soravian forces had freed all of Vinalia by June 1720, allowing them to briefly invade Novo Poveja. Paretia and Soravia had agreed in 1717 that Ardesia south of the Meka river was to be granted to Paretia, with everything north granted to Vinalia. The end of the war in 1721, saw Vinalia expand to the Meka River, and established Soravia as a global superpower.

Late Colonial Vinalia (1721-1865)

Chistovodian Vinalia (1865-1885)

Republic of Vinalia (1885-1935)

Kokhineal майно near New Samistopol in 1895

Vinalia in the Great War (1927-1935)

Vinalian Revolution (1933-1935)

Vinalian Struggle (1935-1992)








United Republic of Vinalia (1993-)

Recent events (2015-)