List of Political Parties in Greater Kamilistan

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Brief Overview

The Revolution Islamic Republic of Greater Kamilistan, or Kamilistan is a Federal Elective Parliamentary Republic, a Revolutionise Hybird regime state under the NAH Alliance, with Regionalism and Autnomy granted for the 6 to 8 Autonomy Self-Republic States. IThere is about 250 seats in the Representives, or the Lower Sector, while te upper sector is 90, though they have considered changing it to 110, while in local, or regional there is about 2500 - 2900+ seats, both district and cities. In order to form a goverment, as the law was inplented in 2006, a political party must have, atleast, 121 seats, however political parties must work together to form a coalition to become goverment. Kamilistan Registry of Societies and Parties has introucted that, a political party must have atleast 70-100 members to be counted as a political party.

After the long rulling party, the Revolutionary Kamilistani Communist Party reformed into the Democratic People's Left Union (Now the People's Union Party) introduced a multi-party system, by Bakial Ngakali. During which, there is only about 120 seats in the previous called "Democratic Revolutionary Assembly of the People or just "Ushvak", the senate was introduced during the final years of the communist rulling, by the end, there is about 3 total parties, "Democratic People's Left Union", Democrats Alliance and National Freedom and Identity Movement, with the DPLU won 80 out of the 120 seats, DA got 35 while the NAFIM got only 5. Itt was only then the registration of political movements and parties begen to sprung up.

During the Electional Parties Act of 2026, independent candidate shall not/participate in both local, and state elections, and must be part of a certain poltical party or societies, as for the example for Representives Louis Dyawtrew Olevski for West Yerevan, formerly representing for that seat as the United Labour Democrats ( a party that merged to one of the parties in the National Allinace of Hope ) during the 2031 General Election, he although win, but he have to gave up the seat due to the EP Act of 2026 being in affect, followed by many other independent from solo-parties, like Serafim Solovev of Tibbilisi Centre, from the "National Group of Independent Voices" , Sergey Olevkov of East Batumi, from the "People Libertarian Party" and etc.

Political Parties/Alliance that have representives in parliament and regional

Logo Name Abbr. Leader Political Ideologies Lower House (Representives) Upper House (Senate) Regional
Example National Alliance of Hope Example Bashkar Nugavaski Example Example Example
Example General Revolutionary People's Group GRSG/GRPG Imani Al-Khahan Makmoud Khan Example Example Example
Example United Liberal ULibarḛval Yemelyan Kovalev Example Example Example
Example Electoral Bloc of Left Workers EBLW/SBSỉ Bakial Ngakali Example Example Example
Example Rally of the Patriotic Alternative Example Mikhali Yougevchovski Example Example Example
Example Development and Justice Party AK-P/AK-Partije Yavuzsoy Aktas Example Example Example
Example Earohpeah Kamilistania VOLTZ Matvey Poroshinya Example Example
Example Our Youth's and Kids Better Future Example Example Example Example Example
Example All Kamilistani Political Party "New Idea" Example Example Example Example Example
Example Democratic Right DR/DS Example Example Example Example
Example Party of Recreation and Revival PRR/PRƯ Erim Yartarman Example Example
Example All Kamilistani Political Party "People's Growth and Future" - Democratic Growth Party Example Example Example Example Example
Properous I.A Flag.png Islamic Alliance - Decendents Islamic Alliance Rostam Faramarzian Example Example
Example New Future Generation - Kamilistans' Forces of Progress Example Example Example Example Example
Example Get up and Fight! Mafia and Corrupters, Out! Yolsulụz Sorshalandır Fazel Barbarz Example Example Example
EHB-EGU Banner or Logo.jpg The Greens EHB/EGU Anatalia Tushekov Example Example
Example Save Our Kamilistan Example Example Example Example Example
Example Civil Trust Example Example Example Example Example
Example United Board of Shias - Muntasiran Movement of Kamilistan MM/MH Naser Esfahani Example Example Example
GAF Logo.jpg Nationalist Order - Proud Motherland Front NO-PMF/MD-GAF Zaur Alasgarov Example Example


Parties not in the Kamilistan's Parliament but have local representives in regional or districts

Logo Name Leader Ideologies Political Position  Local  Reprsentives Notes
Example Freedom and National Identity   Centre-Right   
Example Group of the People - Socialist 2000s   Left-Wing to Far-Left  A split of from the We are the Revolutionaries - Democratic Social Party and the merger of the Vladimir Sorodogo Movement of Socialism, Workers and Peasant People's Party, the short lived United Socialist Front for Democratic Labour, People Struggle and Power Party and the Red Dawn
Example Humanist People Power Party Centre-Left
Example New Light - Democratic Conservatives Kamilistania Centre
Example Bridge for Modernity and Partnership A political alliance, not to be mistaken as a sole legal one party, formerly the Modern Power Bridge, consist of Conservative and Democratic Christian base party like the Development for Unity and Stability Party
Example Hükấmdarzar Translations: "Monarchs", a pro-Monarch party, fully name is the National Kamilistani Party of the True Democrats and Saviours
Example Kamilistan Democratic Party - For Equality Centre-Left
Example Christian Party of Traditionalist and Nationals Oriel Alexeev Right-Wing to Far-Right    Split from the Far-Right party the Front of the Traditionalist and National Socialist and merger of the National Organization of Kamilstan Alternatives and the United Right and the Defend the Constitution - New Defenders Sector
Example Law, Justice and Reform - United Vanguards   Right-Wing   

Banned Political Parties

This section will show the list of banned parties, from autonomous to ideologies, they have violeted the Section Code 5-I of political parties whch is Any Poltical Parties, Organisation and Societies, shall or may represent every Kamilistani religions, ethicity, cultures, and aswell as Ideolgoies wise and autounomy, however, if one, or it performs hate to a certian religion, or ethicity and cultures, performing terroism against one another, or affilated with a terriost organisation shall be de-register, and aswell those who tend to go against the authorities

Name. Abbr. Leader Ideologies Period Description/Desc
Turiyian Freedom Party TFP Ashlan Erhanikep Turiyian Nationalism, Sepratism, Anti-Kamilistani, Pro-Indepdent, Pro-Turkish, National Conservatism (Turiyian Version) 1987-2006 The TFP, know as the Turiyian Freedom Party founded by former Turiyian Autonomous Minister for Turiyian Security Ashlan Erhanikep, sought to breakaway from Kamilistan, the party then allied itself with Turiyian Republican Army for Independence, a insurgency group that sought to fight for indepedence, the party finally was banned in 2006 after the surrender of TRAI
Belivers of the Truth Party BTP Abu Khalim Al-Jahen Salim Mekmed Salafism Jihad, Qutbism, Wahhabism, Anti-Christian Sentiments, Anti-Secularism, Sunnism, Anti-Shi'ism. 1994-2008 Established after Sunni Extreamist Group Amam Al-muminin Al-haqiqiiyn was disbanded and defeated, 3rd in leadership Abu Khalim formed the BTP inorder to countinue the Amam legacy, shortly after in 2002 it joined hands with the Al-Shahdan Al-Murial (ASAM group) and the Islamist Mujahidden of Kamilistan (IMK), the two terriost group, after that the goverment arrested and aswell kill 78 BTP Militia's, 23 ASAM's and 34 IMK in a attack, the party was forever banned and Abu Khalim was killed soon after during a raid
Almanahan Resistances Movement (ALTAH) ALTAH/ARM Azmir Heasjakavin Makmed Almanahan Indepedency, Pro-Indepedent, Persian Liberations, Anti-Kamilistani Sentiments, Anti-Kamilistan Goverment, Anti-Kamilistan, Pro-Iran 1967-2011 One of the main Almanahan independet based parties, the ARM(ALTAH), founded by Admiral of the Almanahan People's Liberation Organisation, Azmir Makmed promised that the ARM is a, 'Political representive of the APLO', but before the Almanahan Autonomy 8th Re-election after the United Democratic Path or UDA, a backed Kamilistani party was elected, 5 candidates were murdered by Ahmed Sahirin Ikmane, a candidate for the Al-Wadana Isarin District, the party was banned after that incident, but stil operates underground
Abkhazian Free Party AFP Example Example Example E67xample
Path of Liberty in Kurdistan Example Example Example Example Example
Christian First Party CFP Atapeg Gamburyan Chrsitian First, Ultranationalist, Anti-Secularism, Christian Nationalism, Christian State 1989-2010 Estabalished by 2nd former founder of the disbanded Christian National Party or CNP, the party aimed for a christian-fied state of Kamilistan during which Kamilistan was a christian majority nation, the party campaign against non-christians, mostly the Buddhist and Shia Muslims, and Sunnis, which atleast reported 210 deaths intotal by the CFP, the CFP was banned in 2010 after a major attack in the Gisra's Turkish Market
34th Alliance Group 34 AG Example Example Example Example
Hezarbilah(A branch of the Party of God, Hezbollah) Hezarbilah Example Example Example Example
Kurdish People's Labour Party KPLP Hekar Gerdengaz Marxist-Lenism, Kurdish Indepedency, Pro-Kurdistan, Communism, Far-Left Wing Politics 1990(1991)-?? (2001 Expected but not confirmed A breakway from the main legal party, the United Associations for Representive Kurds, the party wanted a liberated Kurdistan, via insurgency, the Kurdish People's Unit was formed, after the Kirkuk Clashes, the party was listed as a sepratist group, and the pary was banned, however its still operates underground, with its ally, the Kurdish Workers Party
Reformist of Kamilistan RK (Or just Zja Reforzmazi) Sergei Kitroskiv Reformist, Centrist, Reform the Goverment, Anti-Non Religious 2005-2015 Established by Activist Igor Mishivonsk, the Reformist Party was meant to reform every Kamilistani aspect, and goverment rulling, hwoever the the Reformist wanted a religious base state, the party went against 81% of all the Kamilistani Revolutionary Counsitiution, causing it to ruin its legalship, and soon after banning it, it sill ooperates underground till this day buts its declining
National Indentity Party NIP Example Example Example Example
Shining Road of Unification SRU Example Example Example Example
Kamilistan Social, Identity and Firsts Party Lar-Fizre Example Example Example Example
Right Groups Example Example Example Example Example
Kamilistani Nationals Party KNP
For Iraq Movements of Re-Independece Za Siraqia! Imir Sahir Al-Dahia Mekmoud Ba'athism, Pro-Iraq, Indepdencey Movement for Iraq, Sepratism, Democratic-Socialism 2026-2028 Formed by Imir Sahir and 5 others former Iraqi army Lieutenants and 2nd Lieutenants after the capture of Baghdad (Now rename as Al-Baghdad) and losed of 50-60% to Kamilistan, the party was meant to 'Reform and established a new, free Iraqi state' after its armed wing Iraqi's People's Army or IPA, a less long enough the armed wing got defeated, and the movement was forced to be banned under Bakial Ngakali's Adminsitration, its 3 leaders were arrested and 2 were living in exlie, one in Belgium and one in the 'Iraqi Protectore Democratic Republic', the party have operations underground
Grand Pan-Islamic Party GIP Suleiman Al-Hairj Muhammed Khan Islaminism, Islamist, Islamic Nationalism, Sunnism.
People's Guards Congress
Rights Revolutionary Party

Historical Parties

After the end of the absolute monarchy of King Erkran, and King Adzan the 2nd was in placed, he introduce a system where there will be a parliament and a Prime Minister, Dep. PM, Senior Ministers and Junior Ministers, as he wanted the nation to threw its old past and to progress towards the future, Many of those who wanted to change, some wanted to end the monarchies begen registering their parties. Many of them either switched their names or disbanded soon during the the Revolution within the caucasus

Logo Name Abbr. Leader Ideology Political Position Years Active Share of Votes(Whether or not they got elected as Goverment Other Notes
Example Republican National Front RNF Example Example Example Example Example
Example National Party NP Example Example Example Example Example
Example United Party of Hope UPH Example Example Example Example Example
Example Motherland's Coalition MC Example Example Example Example Example
Example All Centrist Party ACP Example Example Example Example Example Part of the Citizens Union
Example Citizen's Voices Party CVP Example Example Example Example Example Part of the Citizens Union
Example United Organization of the North Caucassion People Group UONCPG Gunǎy Yaçĥim Miyaǎraŗ Sepratism Movement, Sepratism, Pro-Indepedency away from Kazamania(Now Kamilistan), North Caucassion People Group Minority-Interest, Nationalism Centre-Right to Right Wing 1971-1989 (Now the Yasakeria Forward Democratic Party) Sucessfully won the Indepedence Refrcedrum in 1971, with a 89.2% voting for leaving Kamilistan, forming the Northern Caucassion Republic of Yasakeria
Example People's Party Strava Example Example Example Example Example
Example Socialist Workers Party of the Nationals SWPN Example Example Example Example Example
Example Grand Wolves Party GWP Example Example Example Example Example
Example Eagles and Tigers Party ETP Example Example Example Example Example
Example Nationalist-Socialist People's Party NSPP Example Example Example Example Example
Example Democratic Party of the Anti-Imeperialist Youths DPAIY Example Example Example Example Example
Example Islamic Alliance IA Muhidyen Makmour Al-Yaji Islaminism, Islamist Democracy Centre to Centre-Right Example Example
Example Right Sector Party RP Example Example Example Example Example
Example Democratic Party DP Sergei Yashim Moroskovin Social Democracy, Green Politics Example Example Example
Example Group of Nationalism GN Example Example Example Example Example
Example United Armed Forces Party UAFP Dima Tirgaro Militaric(Military/Military Goverment) Right-Wing-Far Right 1960-1972 2% (Mostly Pro-Army supporters within the RKAK Part of the Caucassion Wolves Warriors Shield
Example Communist Revolutionary Party CRP Example Marxist-Lenist, Communism, Anti-Monarch Far-Left Example Example Countinue as the RKCP
Example Social Cause Party SCP Example Example Example Example Example

Branches of the RKCP and its branches during the communist reign of 1976-1995

Logo Name Abbr. Founder/Leader Ideologies Political Position Years Active
Revolutionary Kamilistani Communist Party RKCP Alexander Yurigachiv Marxist-Lenism, Communsim Far-Left 1969-1979 then 1988-1995

The list of the Communist parties that took over Kamilistan in the past (In timeline after the RKCP)

Logo Name Abbr. Founder/Leader Ideologies PolItical Positon Years Active
People's United Congress PUC Mikhali Ashavinkinsk Unionism, Democratic Centralism, Nation's Reform and Economic Act Far-Left 1979-1980 (The least long lasting communist reign
Lefts-Workers of Revolutions Party Zja Revolujion Igor D. Devnaskov Anti-Nation's Reform and Economic Act, Anti-Ashvinkisnk, Unionism Far-Left 1980 March 2nd to October
Example Caucusus Revolutionary Platform CRP Ashlan Recep Gilornia World Revolutions, Left Communism, Pro-NREA Left-Wing October of 1980 to 1982
Example Socialist Movement of Peasents and Workers SMPW Andrei Kashyuna Anti-Liberalism, Anti-Western, Anti-Capitalism, Kamiltiani Patriotism Left-Wing 1982-1984
Example People's Revolution Party PRP Dima Sayasnkani Left-Wing Nationalism, Industralism, International Socialism Left-Wing to Far Left 1984, June 8th to August the 29th
Example New Movement of Democratize NMD Sergey Devnovasyain Democratization, Liberalise, Anti-Sayanskani, Anti-NREA, Progresvism, Westernazation Centre to Centre Left August the 29th of 1984-1986 (Broke apart into the ICUO)
Example Initiative Council of United Opposition ICUO Dima Sayushiki Example Example Example
Example Platform of Liberal-Democracy PLD Boris Yavanshyan Example Example Example
Example Reformist Communist RC Ali Muhammed Alkayan Shanyin Example Example Example
Example Revolutionary Kamilistani Communist Party RKCP Nicoz Nimanshiya (For 5 Months) - Bakial Ngakali Reformist, Communist-Democratic-ish, Westernization, Example Example

Parties banned during the Communist Reign of 1976 to 1995

Logo Name Abbr. Founder/Leader Ideologies Political Position Years Active Other Notes
Forward - Progress Party PP/İleryǎi Roman Izigarkor Progresvism, Anti-Communist, Social Democracy Centre-Left 1978-1989 (Renamed to DPP) Coutinue as the Democratic People's Party
United Democratic Initiatives Party UDIP Yuri Nishomangav Rakaroc Representive Democracy, Kamilistani Nationalism, Left-Wing Populist Centre-Left to Left Wing 1978-1995 Merged with the Progress Party
Public's Voices - National Justice Party NJP Dima Dayanokov Social Justice, Anti-Corruption, Liberal Democracy, Pro-westernazation, patriotism Centre to Left-Wing 1977-2001 Now part of the Path of Justice
Great Kamilistan Nationalist Party GKNP Dimitri Yashamoungov Nationalist Conservatism, Kamilistani Nationalism Centre-Rigth to Right-Wing 1980-1990 Disbanded
Socialist-Nationalist Party SNP Ahmad Rahan Yassurin Nationalist-Socialist, Neo-Conservatives, Islamist (Shia), Religion-ish Right-Wing to Far-Right 1980-1999
Vatan - People's Warrios Party Vatan Paylag Demirjian Right-Wing Populism, National Conservatism, Patriotism, Anti-Communist Right-Wing 1978-2003 Now part of the Rally of the Patriots
öyagürlükçü - National Union öyagürlükçü Sergey Borshah Libertarian, Unionism, Anti-Sepratism Centre-Right 1978-1983 Disbanded
Party of New Democracy PND ??? Social Democracy, Secularism, Libertarian Centre-Left Wing 1978-1979 The leader/founder was unkown, PND merged with the Progress Party
DJP.png Ulusan Gelişimi - Future Development Party UG/FDP Kadri Kaynarca Nationalism, Neo-Ottomons, Right-Wing Populist Centre-Right to Right-Wing 1978-1992 Now is the Development and Justice Party
Popular Labour Party PLP Anatalia Torshamani People's Democracy, Kamilistani Nationalism, Localism, Reform Movement, Anti-Communist Centre to Centre Left 1977-2000
Özgürlük Ağhagǎm - Freedom OA Ahmin Yapashanya Ultranationalism, Anti-Westernazation, Naz-sm, Anti-Religious Far-Right 1976-1995 The party is now banned and disbanded
Halk İttifakı - People's Alliance Andrei Yatar Miligarsk Minority-Interests, Big Tent, Secularism, Direct Democracy Centrist 1979-1989 Merged with the Progress Party
Halkın Sosyal Democrakǎýĕ HSD Damla Tiryaki Social Democracy, Liberalism, Left-Wing Populismm Left-Wing 1983-1987 Translation means People's Social Democratic(Democrats)
Progressive United Alliance PUA Igor Salavaskin Yarah Centrist, Catch All, Big Tent, Secularism Centre 1978-1997 Mergred with the Progress Party

Parties during the 2nd Multi-Party era

Minor Parties, Defunct, Joke/Un-sure, Parties not representing in any Parliament or Congress in any Krauka, Federal Cities or Autonomy States

Logo Name Abbr. Leader Ideology and Political Position Founding Year, Years Active Special Notes
Direct Forces Party DFP Example Example Example Example
South Dagestan People's Joining - Unification Dagestan Party UDP Example Example Example Example
Aysnan 2009 Aysnan Example Example Example Example
Congress of Future Plannings CFP Example Example Example Example
Democracy Party of Kamilistan DPK Dimitri Yashabor Direct Democracy, Social Justice, Pacifism [] Centre to Centre Left 2010-PResent (Not to be mistaken as the DPP)
Flowers Party FP Example Example Example Example
Kamilistan's National Pirate Party KNPP Yasun Dushanabe Example Example
Wolves Eye's Nationals Party WENP Example Example Example Example
Liberal Union Organisation Party LUOP Example Example Example Example
Red Flowers Front - Social Democratic Party of Kamilistan SDP-K Example Example Example Example
One Tent and Home OTH Example Example Example Example
Kalsakia Traditions Preserves Union Example Example Example Example Example
Kamilistan National Self-Goverment Organization for All Russians within Kamilistan KNSGOARK Vladimir Tirgorski Yustin Russian Minority-Interest, Russian Nationalism [] Centre-Right 2007 as the the "All Russians Representive Party" or ARRP, till present Part of the Kamilistan Minorities of within or outside Council
For 10 Action Example Example Example Example Example
Civic People's Party Example Example Example Example Example
National Progress and Reforms Example Example Example Example Example
Ossetian Movement of Co-operation OMCO Example Example Example Example
Freedom of Will Party FWP Example Example Example Example
National Revolutionary Democratic Actions - Revolutionary Action Party NRDA-RAP/RAP Example Example Example Example
Kamilistan Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party BA'ATH Bashir Makmour Al-Yuisa Assaran Pan-Arabism, Ba'athism, Socialist [] Centre-Right 1998-Present Affilated with the Ba'ath parties in the arab world
United Sector of the Right Bloc USRB Mikhali Pratoshorgi National Conervatism, Anti-Imigration, Anti-Globalist, Right Wing Populism, Totalitirsm, Authoriansim Democracy 2009-2019 Merged with the Conservative Party
TOWARDS - Future's of this Nation TOWARDS Example Example Example Example
Reform and Nationalist Union RNU Example Example Example Example
Blins and Beer Party BBP Example Example Example Example
All National Democratic Party ANDP Roaman Tiornorgon Ilirokos Ultranationalist, Right-Wing Populist, Na-ism, Conservatism [] Far-Right 2002-Present
Progresive Centrist PC Sergey Nilorosk Arash Progresvism, Social Democracy [] Centre-Left 2017-present
Kalsakian People's Revolution - Kalsakian Democratic Initiative Party KPR-KDIP/KDIP Kalsirkar Intarshorvkarns Kalsakian Nationalism, Sepratism, Kalsakian Minority-Interest, Pro-Independcy for Kalsakia [] Right-Wing 2009-Present
Abkhazian Democratic Union ADU
Kamilistan's Alternative KA