Cordonia content rating systems

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Media works, including films, television, music and video games in Cordonia is rated and restricted by the Cordonia Ministry of Youth per the parliament of Cordonia.[1]

Comparison table


  •  White No restrictions: Suitable for all ages / Aimed at young audiences / Exempt / Not rated / No applicable rating.
  •  Yellow No restrictions: Parental guidance is suggested for designated age range.
  •  Purple No restrictions: Not recommended for a younger audience but not restricted.
  •  Red Restricted: Parental accompaniment required for younger audiences.
  •  Black Prohibitive: Exclusively for older audience / Purchase age-restricted / Banned.


Films in Cordonia are the second-most restricted media after video games. According to the Cordonia Ministry of Youth (CMOY), the goal of the film content rating system in Cordonia is to protect children and adolescents from viewing content that is not appropriate for their age–and is not intended to censor media consumption by minors–but delay it until they reach maturity. Film ratings depend on several factors, including language, violence, substance abuse, nudity and sex.

Some profanity is allowed at the PG level (e.g. "damn", "shit") but more profane words (e.g. "motherfucker", "cunt") are restricted to the 14+ level. Profanity used in a historical context (e.g. a documentary) that usually is restricted to 14+ is allowed at the PG level. Light violence that is short in duration is allowed at the PG level; violence is allowed at the 14+ level but realistic, extreme (e.g. body horror) or persistent is restricted to 18+. Notably the Saw franchise was rated 18+ and was not allowed for 14+ despite several appeals. Brief nudity is allowed in PG films, sex scenes are banned in G and PG films. Sex scenes that do not show genitals are allowed for 14+ films but sex scenes that show genitalia must be 18+ no exceptions. Any films that depict extreme (e.g. scat fetishes) and persistent (e.g. BDSM) sex are restricted as 18X and cannot be shown at regular theaters. They must be shown at a licensed venue that does not allow anyone under 18 from entering or loitering on the property. 18X films contain pornographic content but usually is not considered pornography as the intent of the 18X film is not for sexual pleasure.

Checking identification for 14+ and 18+ films is required by the CMOY and strictly enforced by theaters. National identification cards (Cordonian identity card) are compulsory for Cordonian residents 14 and older which allows theaters to properly ID for age (though patrons can also use a driver's license or passport). Purchasing multiple 14+ theater tickets without checking ID for every ticket requires the purchaser be 20 or older. Children 6–13 may see a film that is 14+ with the consent or accompaniment of a guardian, parent or in locos parentis who is 20 or older. The guardian/parent/in locos parentis does not have to accompany the under-14 minor if they are at least 10. Patrons 6–9 must be accompanied and cannot watch 14+ films alone. Films 18+ are restricted to adults; minors are not allowed even with parental consent.

Films bought or streamed online are less regulated then films shown in theaters. Films online still require a one-time verification of age by scanning an ID (by law must be deleted from operator servers after age verification) or verifying a valid credit card (by law must be deleted from operator servers after age verification). Streaming or buying age-restricted films only requires a one-time verification and does not have to be verified every single time a 14+, 18+ or 18X film is bought, rented or streamed. Operators like Netflix, Hulu and other streaming sites can verify the age for a profile or user account to watch all age-restricted film or TV shows.

There are no legal penalty towards children and adolescents who watch mature films. Instead, theaters and website operators are held liable. Parents, guardians and persons in locos parentis can be held liable, though this is usually not enforced with the exception of extreme circumstances.

0/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Other Notes
G PG 14+ 18+ N/A


Music containing extreme profanity or sexual violence (e.g. Date Rape by Sublime) cannot be aired on public radio from 0900–2100. There are no restrictions on the listening or purchasing of music with digital downloads or internet streaming. Parents, guardians and persons acting in loco parentis are advised to talk to children and youth about mature music as recommendations but music is not age restricted. There are no restrictions to purchasing physical copies of music.

0/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Other Notes
G 14+ 18+ N/A Music is less restricted than films, TV and video games because it is not feasible to enact age restrictions on a technical level.


TV shows that are broadcasted on public TV do not enforce strict age requirements, though 18+ TV shows cannot be aired on commercial channels from 0800–2300. For online streaming, G and 14+ TV shows do not require age verification. 18+ shows that stream online do require age verification by scanning an ID or verifying a credit card. Minors can watch 18+ TV shows with the consent of a parent, guardian or person acting in locos parentis. Operators like Netflix and Hulu send an email verification to a parent/guardian/in locos parentis to allow children to watch mature content.

0/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Other Notes
G 14+ 18+ N/A TV is less restricted than films because it is not feasible to enact age restrictions on a technical level.

Video games

0/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Other Notes
E 12+ 14+ 16+ 18+ N/A Video games are the most restricted out of media content in Cordonia to protect the mental health of children and adolescents.

See also


  1. Children and Youth Media Protection Act of 29 May 2000. The Parliament of Cordonia. p. 2–4.