LGBT rights in Cordonia

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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) rights in Cordonia are among the most progressive in the world and have gradually improved since the 1960s.

Laws regarding same-sex sexual activity

Recognition of same-sex relationships

Adoption and parenting

Discrimination protections

Transgender and intersex rights

Health and blood donations

Summary table

Right Yes Note
Same-sex sexual activity legal
Never criminalized.
Equal age of consent (16)
Since 1990[a]
Anti-discrimination laws in employment
Since 2000
Anti-discrimination laws in the provision of goods and services
Anti-discrimination laws in housing, health insurance, facilities and public accomodations
Since 1994
Anti-discrimination laws in schools, colleges and education
Since 2005
Anti-discrimination laws in hospitals and homeless shelters
Since 2000
Anti-discrimination laws covering sex characteristics, gender identity and expression in all areas
Since 2015
Same-sex marriages
Since 2000[b]
Recognition of same-sex couples
Since 1994[c]
Stepchild adoption by same-sex couples
Since 1994
Joint adoption by same-sex couples
Since 2000
Step-child adoption by single individuals regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity
Since 1994
International adoption by individuals regardless of marital status, sexual orientation and gender identity
Since 2000
Paid family leave for same-sex parents and couples
Since 2000
LGBT anti-discrimination laws in adoption, visitation and custody rights
Since 2000
Hate crime laws inclusive of sexual orientation, sex characteristics, gender, gender identity and gender expression
Since 1994
LGBT people allowed to serve openly in the military
Since 1990
Conjugal visits for same-sex couples
Since 1994
Right to change legal gender
Since 2015
Ability to change legal gender without a psychiatric or psychological evaluation
Ability to change legal name without a psychiatric or psychological evaluation
Legal name changes have always been allowed in Cordonia regardless of gender identity.
Automatic parenthood for both female spouses after birth
Since 2000
Automatic parenthood for both male spouses after surrogate childbirth
Since 2000
Legal access to single gender-neutral bathrooms
Required in public schools and government buildings.
Coverage for sex reassignment surgery
Since 2020
Gender confirmation surgery, puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy and other transition-related healthcare for transgender people required to be covered under health insurance and provincial Medicare policies
Since 2015
LGBT education
Since 2005
Third gender option
Since 2015
Intersex characteristics declassified as a physical deformity
Homosexuality declassified as an illness
Since 1965
Transgender identity declassified as an illness
Since 1994
Conversion therapy banned for minors
Since 2000
Gay panic and trans panic defences banned in court
Since 2001
Equal access to surrogacy for all couples
Since 2000
Same-sex couples reimbursed for surrogacy costs
Since 2015
Sexual orientation and gender identity allowed as grounds for asylum
Since 1994
Cordonian census counts number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and recognizes a non-binary gender or Intersex option
Since 1994
LGBT anti-discrimination law in prisons, juvenile halls, and immigration detention centers, including but not limited to transgender people required to be housed according to their gender identity and coverage of transition care
Endorsable visas for immigrants and travelers who are legally recognized as non-binary or Intersex in their country of origin
Since 2015
Prohibition on the detention of immigrants on the basis of their LGBT identity
Since 1994
Prohibition of deportations of LGBT immigrants back to countries with the death penalty for homosexuality
Since 2000
Same-sex couples allowed to access artificial insemenation
Gay and bisexual males allowed to donate semen
Never banned.
MSMs and female sex partners of MSMs allowed to donate plasma and blood
Since 2022.


  1. The age of homosexual consent was lowered to match heterosexual consent by an act of parliament in 1990. It was previously 21 before 1990. From 1990–2022, each duchy regulated their own age of consent but the previously mentioned act mandated that homosexual and heterosexual consent be equal. The Uniform Age Act of 2022 nationalized the age of consent at 16 since 2022.
  2. Same-sex marriage was legalized by the Equal Marriages Act of 1999 and took affect on 1 January 2000.
  3. Civil unions for same-sex couples became legal in Cordonia 1994 with most of the rights of marriage. Before then, some duchies recognized cohabitation with limited legal rights. Civil unions were originally codified for same-sex couples but expanded to opposite-sex couples in 2015.