AleziRadio Festival of Songs 2005

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AleziRadio Festival of Songs 2005
ARFOS 2005.png
Final16th of May 2005
VenueNeutron Science Arena, Oldport-Newport, ZF
Presenter(s)Hanazri Cannes
Musical directorUlfairah Yazanika
Directed byAmi Hansari
Executive supervisorIshaq Nurqifli
Executive producerAndi Adiruddin Hasaruddin
Host broadcasterRadio Zafizamarrah (RZ)
Number of entries18
Voting systemEach region sends five-member juries where each votes 1,3,5,7, and 10 for the best 5 songs, added with online vote using Propotional Vote.

AleziRadio Festival of Songs 2005 is the fourty-eighth edition of the annual AleziRadio Festival of Songs. The competition was held as usual in 16th of May 2004 by the authorities of Radio Zafizamarrah (RZ). This is the sixteenth time that Zafizamarrah hosted the competition, the third time that the competition was hosted by Zafizamarrah outside of the Metropolitan City, and the second time that Oldport-Newport hosted the competition after last time doing so in 1969.

The competition was granted to Zafizamarrah after Andi Tenriatta Namian won the competition for her region with the song "ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ", which was the second song sung in Buginese to do so. The initial decision was to host the 2005 festival in Metropolitan Zafizamarrah with potential venues for the competition including The National Stadium, Oxygen Arena, The Zafizamarranian Clam, and Grand Alezian Theatre (joining the 3 medium-sized out of 5 theatres into one). However, the news was received poorly by the Alezian public demanding Radio Zafizamarrah to "introduce their region outside of the capital since they've been there way too many times previously".

Reacting to the backlash, Radio Zafizamarrah instead decided to give the public the right to list three cities in Zafizamarrah that the public ideally wanted to see host the competition. The result of the polling was Radio Zafizamarrah contacting the three cities of Iskandaruddin, Nashriza, and Oldport-Newport to ask about their interest on hosting the festival. However, only Oldport-Newport expressed interest and as such, the rights to the festival went unanimously to Oldport-Newport.

Oldport-Newport is the third biggest city in Zafizamarrah behind the Metropolitan City and Iskandaruddin and is the prime spot for entry into North Alezia by ship due to the city holding the nation's biggest and oldest seaport, being developed by the Buginese and then by the British. The port has given the country a very considerable contribution to it's GDP, with the city also being the prime spot for trade and Alezian exports of electronics such as computers. Other than as a prime trading spot, the city is also known for being one of the most visited cities for beach tourism, being one of Zafizamarrah's coastal cities.

After Oldport-Newport was announced as the festival's host, the city government of Oldport-Newport held a bidding process for venue owners to earn the rights to host the festival in their venue. Initially, after a bidding process, the venue selected was the Seaside Mega AmpiTheatre which was completed recently in time for the festival. However, the venue owner eventually declined the rights due to a renovation that had to be done last minute which couldn't be completed in time for the festival even in the most optimistic scenario. And thus, the venue who was designated as the back-up venue which was the Neutron Science Arena was selected, with its' mega auditorium able to host 10,000 people.

The decision to host the festival in Neutron Science Arena was considered "weird" and "eccentric" at first. Reasons for these sentiment includes the fact that the arena itself was never used for artistic programmes, instead being used for school field trips, scientific events, and meetings. However, the Science Arena has a pretty advanced audio system making it a prime spot for music festivals. The festival itself proved to be successful organization-wise, and thus proved the ability for the Science Arena to host non-scientific events, even though as of 2022, the 2005 ARFOS remained as the only non-scientific event to be hosted in the venue.

The graphic design for the competition mostly stayed similiar to the previous years. The changes being instead of Mosin-Naganese flowers, the graphic used is a five-pointed star. The star itself representing the Alezian star in the Alezian flag which while usually meant to be free to interpretation, most of the Alezian public perceive the star as a symbol of hope and perfection.


The list of conductors can be seen below.

Region Conductor
Basna Ali Hisauradin
Zafizamarrah Andi Harunaddin Dami
Pyalivostok Lisa Navianova
Tel Hadiv Dorothy Weiss
Mosin-Nagan Ami Navidayan
Bristol Ann-Roberts Hailings
Aramna Helga Robbine
Pantabang Islands Cherea Alisaunitaian
Daya Island Amilea Samidana

Commentators and Spokepersons

The name written in bold is the spokeperson for that region or territory.

Region Radio Broadcaster Commentators
  • English: Azza Ruzindari (AR-P1), Anria Marindaruddin (ABA Channel One)
  • Arabic : Farah Al Fattaharin (AR-P2), Nur Hasan Yusril (ABA Channel One, broadcasted a day after the live competition)
Zafizamarrah Radio Zafizamarrah
  • Arabic: Mafzali Amiruddin (RZ-P1)
  • Buginese: Andi Zahranita Narinda (RZ-PB)
Pantabang Islands Radio Zafizamarrah / Pa'ana'taba'angi
  • Alezian : Ya'en Rama'i Dadon (RZ/P A)
  • French : Samuel Na'ikane'i Salem (RZ/P Francais)
  • Dutch : Emilio Saalvendijk (RZ/P Nederlandse)
Tel Hadiv Radio Tel Hadiv - Yezateinu
  • Hebrew : Sheila Rayeshmaim (RTH-Y-P1)
Bristol Royal Radio of Bristol
  • English : Lisa Albertsen (RRB)
  • French : Enis Tauberin (RFrB)
Pyalivostok Radio Pyalivostok
  • Russian : Ani Yozyk (RP)
Basna Radio Basna Raya
  • Indonesian : Hanzari bin Soeradi (RBR)
Mosin-Nagan Radio Tel Hadiv - Yezateinu / Mosinannaganyan
  • Georgian : Ami Riki (RTH-Y / MN)
Daya Island Radio Pyalivostok / Dayain Saari
  • Finnish : Denaya Maaristo (RP / DS)
  • Swedish : Lovera (RP / DS / Svensk)
Aramna Araminhaes Radioues
  • Aramnan : Anne Lozeinnavais (ARR)
South Alezia Televisie Alezie-Suid no commentary and no jury

Participating Entries and Results

  • "*" = the singer won the Independence Award which was held the day before the competition.
  • The song for the Independence Award for the year was "All Hope Was Never Lost" sung by Immada in 1949
No. Region Singer Song Translation Language Place Points