Midrasia's Infobox
This user is a member of Aeia
MT | This user is primarily a "Modern Tech" roleplayer. |
| This user chats on Discord as Mydrazia. |
This page is about me!
Well, I joined Nationstates back in 2011, when I belonged to a region called the Federal Union. We were small and times were simpler, we used to have RPs that were pretty bad and every once in a while people would fall out. But now most of them are gone, and i'm still here looking to get more out of my NS experience. Plus I love to world build in my spare time, so I usually sit here lurking on IIWiki whilst contemplating what articles i'm going to write that I never quite get around to starting.
Oh, I also run a new worldbuilding and rp region within NS called Aeia which you should join!
Priority List I never actually follow
Republican Overhaul