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Tyreseian syndicalism

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Tyreseian syndicalism (Tyreseian: sindicalismu tirejanu) is a term for the state philosophy of the Workers' Federation of Tyreseia. Tyreseian syndicalism encompasses a constellation of political ideas, theories, and philosophies that underpin the vast majority of Tyreseian political life. Generally, as a syndicalist state, Tyreseia is categorized among the various nations of the global Left, and is frequently categorized as a form of socialism, though it differs significantly from other forms of socialist expression such as Beranism, Wernerism-Ulwazism, and anarchism. Tyreseian syndicalism is considered part of the global philosophical movement known as Participism.


The first proper syndicalist theorists drew heavily from Belisarian philosophers such as Paul Werner, as well as worldwide early experiments in Participism. Hanno of Tyria, one of the foremost early syndicalist authors, is believed to have visited Norumbia during the early 19th century, as well as Talahara shortly after the conclusion of its civil war in the 1840s. Talahara's experiments with anarchism and council democracy greatly influenced the structure of Tyreseia's own syndicalist government after its establishment in 1883.

Fundamental shared tenets

Tyreseian syndicalism is best seen as a spectrum of ideas, according to modern interpretations such as those of Tsabratan University's Liverra Venanchu in her 2008 book A Window on Tyreseian Syndicalism (Tyreseian: Juna huinestra dul sindicalismu tirejanu). This spectrum constitutes the majority of prevalent ideas potentially acceptable to the mainstream. According to Venanchu, some of the tenets shared by ideas within the spectrum are thus:

  1. A truly equal, communal society is the highest form of human social organization;
  2. The preservation and improvement of human living conditions is the highest goal of societal progress;
  3. The preservation of liberty to speak, publish, protest, congregate and associate is fundamental to a functioning democracy;
  4. True democracy is both political and economic;
  5. Unions, controlled by their workers and organized by industry, form the basic economic unit of society (and of politics, in many variations);
  6. A proletariat under capitalism or another economic system, once sufficiently conscious and organized, will inevitably revolt;
  7. Political democracy without economic democratization is a tool for economic elites to maintain control;
  8. The government exists to protect the people and their welfare from foreign and domestic threats;
  9. The government exists at the whims of the people, with representatives bound to serve their constituents; and
  10. The government exists to facilitate projects that unions cannot do, such as state services, until such time as they are rendered obsolete (not followed by some mainstream schools of syndicalist thought, such as anarcho-syndicalists).

Hallmark manifestations of these shared values are seen in the fundamental structure of the Tyreseian government, which adopts a nested-council structure with strong powers of recall, initiative, and ballot referenda endowed in constituents. As the guiding principles of a government style in place for over a century, these values have become embedded in the fabric of Tyreseian society. As such, it is debated whether some of Venanchu's identified shared tenets instead constitute Tyreseian cultural values.

Other applications

Tyreseian Basic Institution

The Tyreseian Basic Institution, or Instidudi Basigi Tirejani, is the national constitution of Tyreseia and its founding document.

Foreign relations

One of Tyreseia's most famous diplomatic doctrines is that of so-called "democratic diplomacy." A large number of diplomatic overtures initiated by Tyreseia's People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs are aimed at improving Tyreseia's relations and impression among foreign populations, not just their state governments. The aim of "democratic diplomacy" is to inspire pro-syndicalist or other left-wing sentiment in the world through demonstrations of Tyreseia's economic and political systems. This policy had led to Tyreseian foreign aid spending to be among the highest in Scipia as a proportion to overall budget, as well as the construction of supranational organizations to facilitate aid to struggling workers such as Global Labor Observatory.


Feminist critique