2019 Weichtal Offensive

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2019 Weichtal Offensive
Part of War in Weichtal and the Aldinean Cold War
Soldiers of the Sjealandic XVI Brigade during combat
Date3 November 2019 - Present
Status Ongoing
West Aldinean Defence Organisation
Weichtal Home Army
 Lingenburg (Unofficial)
Units involved
  • Weichtal Home Army
  • Strength
    32,000 36,000
    Casualties and losses
    72 killed
    Sjealand 3 killed
    145 killed

    The 2019 Weichtal Offensive, code-named by the West Aldinean Defence Organisation as Operation Ivalde is an ongoing military offensive conducted by the West Aldinean Defence Organisation against the Weichtal Home Army, a Lingenburgish secessionist rebel group in eastern Kreissau.

    The offensive was preceded by a large WADO military build-up in the Kreissauer canton of Andmark along with several warnings issued by the Kreissauer government towards the rebels in Weichtal. On the 3rd of November the offensive was started when the Royal Kreissau Air Force in conjunction with WADO support launched air-strikes on WHA positions in western Weichtal. This was followed by incursions by mechanized infantry of the I VAFO Corps at three points along the line of contact.

    As of the 7th of november, WADO forces have captured 13 villages and heavy fighting is ongoing near the cities of Vargsburg and Fiehle. In retaliation the WHA has crossed the line of contact at 6 points in far western Kreissau as captured 5 villages with NFO forces from Valden preparing to move on them. The offensive has caused the displacement of around 9,000 people so far, with human rights watchers fearing more displacements in the future.

    The offensive was condemned by the Golden Circle Pact, which is considered an unofficial ally of the WHA and the civilian administration in Weichtal. Additionally a resolution was put forth in the Council of States, which saught to condemn the offensive, but was vetoed by Sjealand.


    War in Weichtal

    Ongoing since 1997 the War in Weichtal has claimed over 11,168 lives due to combat, terror attacks and humanitarian disasters such as the 2004 Lünchslau landslide. Protests by the Lingenburgish minority in eastern Kreissau against proposed funding cuts against their regional autonomous government spiralled out of control as the Kreissauer government arrested several young men suspected of arson during the 1996 Weichtal Riots. The government of Kreissau recieved sharp international criticism of its handling of the situation, in part because the 1995 Aldinean Recession had had a big effect on the Kreissauer economy, with large budget cuts especially directed at the police, which was ill equipped to handle the increased civil unrest.

    When a young woman, Angela Vohlen was shot dead by police in the capital of Weichtal, Hürtgen, in early 1997 the situation proved critical, and the local leader Andrea Wiehlenau, supported by the Weichtal Home Guard, declared the official secession of Weichtal from Kreissau on the 2nd of January 1997. Soon after two brigades in Weichtal defected to the new state, disarming the remaining Kreissauer forces in the region. Along with this, at the urging of the Golden Circle Pact, the government of Lingenburg allowed several thousand volunteer soldiers from its National Militia along with professional soldiers to cross the border into Kreissau to join the newly formed Weichtal Home Army.

    Throughout 1997 and 1998 there was heavy fighting in the region as the Royal Kreissau Army managed to take a southern strip of Weichtal along the border with Saarvaland, while the WHA took most of the Roland Canton. An intervention from the Council of States, spearheaded by Aucurian and Galideenan diplomats negotiated a ceasefire between the warring parties along the december 1997 line of contact. Additionally over 14,000 COS peacekeepers were deployed to maintain the ceasefire.

    Throughout the 2000's there was little skirmishing, but the ethnically Lingenburgish Sons of Vohlen committed several terrorist attacks in Kreissau and neighbouring states, most notoriously the 2009 Wittenburg Bombings, which claimed over 90 lives. The withdrawal of the peacekeepers in 2011 initially made people hopeful for a freeze in the conflict, but renewed skirmishes from 2013 onwards proved that the conflict was not yet over.

    In 2018 the worst year of the conflict would enter, as the Sons of Vohlen would launch coordinated terror attacks in 5 Kreissauer, 1 Sjealandic and 2 Valdeni cities within a week, at the cost of over 549 total lives. The terror attacks caused massive moral outrage in Aldinea and the government of Weichtal denounced the Sons of Vohlen, calling them Barbaric monsters without basic respect for human life, though several news sources claimed that several individuals in the WHA were connected to the group. Following the 2018 attacks along with the 2018 Aldinean Crisis and other posturing by the GCP, lead to an official WADO declaration in early 2019 to find a solution to the War in Weichtal, possibly by arms. The declaration was controversial and not supported by Valden, Thy or Saarvaland.

    WADO-GCP relations


    Operation Timeline

    3 November 2019

    Kreissauer KF-25 Falken above Weicthal.

    The operation began on 3 November 2019 with Kreissauer and allied airstrikes on rebel positions across the western part of Weichtal. According to local news sources WADO forces deliberately targeted infrastructure leading out of villages and towns known for large WHA contingents. WADO aistrikes and artillery especially targeted the towns of Frauendorf, Schronersitz, Lüthude and Trygenscheidt. According to Brigadier General Erik Scavenius of the Sjealandic XVI Brigade, shelling from his brigade along with Kreissauer airstrikes succesfully eliminated a WHA strongpoint near the KA-17 Highway.

    WHA Commander, Lieutenant General Albert Dieschbourg encouraged his soldiers to stand fast and claimed he had initiated a troop surge to the border regions of Weichtal to combat what he called a Fascist invasion. The parliament of Weichtal, the Stadtraad passed a bill providing the framework for a possible universal male conscription should the crisis continue. It is expected about 120,000 total people in Weichtal are soldiers or tied to a local militia.

    Ground invasion

    In the evening Kreissauer tanks were reporte as crossing the line of contact at Frauendorf and Trygenscheidt, with WHA forces abandoning the towns after short fights. The flag of Kreissau was hoisted over the town hall in Frauendorf by First Lieutenant Jürgen Koch, who was later awarded the Order Silver Eagle for Bravery.

    4 November 2019

    5 November 2019

    6 November 2019

    7 November 2019

    Humanitarian Impact
