Urana Firma

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WIP: Preparation for writing [Someone write out a description kthx]

Flag of Urana Firma

The Region of Urana Firma is a collection of independent nations, all of which are located within multiple universes that are part of one massive multiverse. There are many alliances to be found within Urana Firma made up of many nations, each alliance stands for its own principles. The meaning to the name of Urana Firma is "firm space" to symbolize the nations that stand together as one region.


Below are listed the known countries that are in Urana Firma and use this wiki.

Alterran Flag.jpg
Flag Short and formal names Capital Government
Greater siberia-mongolia 646979.jpg Greater Siberia-Mongolia – The Constitutional Khanate Union of Greater Siberia-Mongolia New Khanbaliq Constitutional Khanate Union|
Alterae - The Federal Republic of Alterae Norberg Liberal Cyberdemocracy
BytFlag.png Bystoria – The Collective Republic of Bystoria Qanam IV Robotic Hivemind

Echolodia 102317.jpg

Echolodia – The Greater Republic of Echolandia Olmorsaik Conservative Democracy
The great imperator jeffrey 54131.png Jeffrian Imperium - The Interuniversal Imperium of

The Great Imperator Jeffrey

Jeffopolis Totalitarian Dictatorship
Kerbal Flag 3.png Kerbal Kind – The Europa Centurian Kollektiv of Kerbal Kind AD-22B Scientific/Military Robotic Hivemind
Swede Flag.png Swedish Country – Vinter Interuniversella Imperium Drake Absolute Monarchy
Flyin Flag.png The Flyin – The Gold Lucky Constitutional Monarchy of The Flyin Flyinia Alpha Constitutional Monarchy
Coryanhafflaruda Flag.png Coryanhafflaruda – Technocratic Empire of Coryanhafflaruda Titanuma City Scientific Utopian Technocratic Hivemind
Front Flag.png The Peoples Front of Darunia – The Swarm of the Front of Darunia Mother Hive Military Hive Monarchy
100px Insert Main wiki page here – Long Nation name Insert Capital Insert gov type

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