Sjealandic order of precedence

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The Sjealandic order of precedence is a hierarchy of Sjealandic officials used to direct protocol. It has deep enshrined status and entails many special privileges, and additionally has many practical uses, e.g. determining seating arrangements at formal occasions in the royal house. The order of precedence is very elaborate, and especially the lower classes include a lot of relatively obscure civil servant positions; the following is only an excerpt.

The Archroyal Family

When the Archking is out of the country, his wife the Archqueen takes the position of Regent. Upon Crown Prince Valdemars 18th birthday this will fall to him and his mother will move below him.

If both the Archqueen and Crown Prince are out of the country other members may serve the position of Protector of the Realm. The eligible persons are:

The actual order of precedence is divided into five classes and a common class:

1st Class

  1. Their majesties The King and Queen of Lecia and His Royal Highness Crown Prince of Lecia
  2. Princes and Princesses of Asgård
  3. Foreign Royalty and Sovereign Nobility
  4. HE The Chief Court Mistress
  5. Chambermaids and Courtiers to the Princes and Princesses
  6. HE The Grand Chancellor
  7. HE The Godspeaker
  8. Government Ministers
  9. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
  10. Grand Dukes belonging to the ten Houses of the Blood
  11. Archdukes
  12. Knights of the Order of the Eleph
  13. Knights of the Northern Order and the Archkings Grand Chamberlain
  14. HE The Marshal of the Realm (Either the Field Marshal, Grand Admiral or Air Marshal)
  15. Viceroys of Sjealandic Viceroyalities
  16. Grand Commissars of Sjealandic Grand Commisariats

2nd Class

  1. Generals or Admirals
  2. Possessors of the Star of Stórrheðrinn
  3. Elected Heads of State
  4. Dukes
  5. Lieutenant Generals and Vice Admirals
  6. HE The Hofmarskal
  7. Marshals of the Lesser Courts.
  8. Princes and Marcher Lords

3rd Class

4th Class

  1. Valgjarler

5th Class

Common Class