Twa-ts'uk-men Incident

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The Tjo-ts'jakw-men Incident was a terrorist attack on the Kien-k'ang railway station of the same name, in Themiclesia. The incident was perpetrated by a cultist movement who believed that the station was a safe haven in a coming apocalyptic event, which would see the Themiclesian emperor emerge as the ruler of the world or a deity. The cultists took control of the station with thousands of civilians trapped within; when authorities recovered the station, 112 civilians were found dead, in addition to 56 cultists and 182 police officers. The master-mind of the movement was later captured and sentenced to imprisonment, generating controversy internationally about the severity of the sentence.


Takeover of the site


Trial and controversy

Taking of bail

After the apprehension of the Mastermind, the Attorney-General announced that indictments for sedition will be filed starting in 2004, fully eight months after the conclusion of the episode. The Mastermind was released on bail amounting to OSD$184 million, the highest, by an order of mangnitude, ever imposed by a Themiclesian court of law. Legally speaking, the court has the option of denying bail altogether, on a charge of sedition; the Master of the Court, however, decided that this trial must be "above suspicion in every way", and so granted bail to afford the defendant unimpaired legal counsel. The Crown did not contest this decision, but the Kien-k'ang Metropolitan Police was alerted to "take necessary measures to ensure safety of the public and the defendant".

Pleading, trial, verdict

Proceedings in error and judgment

See also