Cities in Kiyortza

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Being a large nation with a large population, there are many cities in Kiyortza

The Big Three

"The Big Three", a.k.a. the cities of Kanistriy-Si'itivu, Sivordjika, and Lorzik, are the only three cities in Kiyortza with more than 5 million people, while the population of Lorzik, the smallest of the three, is a full two million larger than the fourth largest city, that being Visiarp, hence their independent grouping from the rest of the cities in the nation.

The three cities are of decent importance to the nation, with all three being large commercial hubs, though only Sivordjika, of the three, hosts a major port on the ocean, while both Lorzik and Kanistriy-Si'itivu are lakeside and do not have direct access to the ocean. Lorzik,however, does make use of nearby ports on the Astari Sea for a small portion of its shipping.

Ifuksiyaf, currently a middle-sized port city on the mouth of the Itikovi River, was one of the largest cities in the nation about a century ago, and was on course to be one of the largest cities in modern times, though unfortunately the Tsunami of 1930 wiped out much of the city, and its population has remained lesser than that of the Big Three despite close to a century of successful rebuilding.