Vinalian Parliament

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Vinalian Parliament
Парламент Віналіана (Parlament Vinaliya)
Coat of arms or logo
Length of term
2 years
closed list Proportional representation
Last election
15 August 2019
Next election
15 January 2021
Meeting place
Vinalian Parliment

Vinalia is a federal, parlimentary, representative republic. Made up of the two constituent states of North and South Vinalia. Federal legislative power is vested on the Vinalian Parliament made up of the Senate of the Union (Upper House), and the House of the People (Lower House). The Senate elects the President, while the House elects the Minister-President

The multilateral system has, since 1993, been dominated by the Unionist Party, Conservative Party, and Workers Party,. The judiciary of Vinalia is independent of the executive and the legislature, while it is common for leading members of the executive to be members of the legislature as well. The political system is laid out in the 1993 constitution, the Tsyvilʹne Pravo (Civil Law), has been mantained since the year 1993, as established in the Treaty of Vinalian Reunification (TVR).


Electoral Process

Voters elect using the closed list Proportional representation method, each province/federal district is slotted at the minimum one seat, with seats being added in relation to the province/district with the smallest population (currently the province of Juyu Ruwach South with 134,600 people). The largest province by population and seats is that of Vevetsia with 35 seats followed by Rigalia with 34 seats. For a party to seat a member in that province/district they must gain a necessary % of votes with parties in Juyu Ruwach South only requiring 51% of the vote to win a seat, while in Vevetsia for every 2.86% of the vote won a candidate is seated. Elections are held every two years, with seats being assigned every 10 years following a census (the Federal district of Vinalinsk had a census performed in 2017, adding three more seats into the district.)

Elections for the Senate are similar to House elections with the exception that all provinces/districts elect 3 members regardless of population, a 33% of the vote is required for a party to sit a member, although this is hard to achieve. As with the house, the party with the largest % of the vote gets seated, if the vote is split and the threshold can not be reached. This has lead to some calls to reform the body.

Senate of the Union

Senate of the Union
Сенат Союзу (Senat Soyuzu)
Upper House
of the Vinalian Senate
Speaker of the Senate
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Political groups
Government (32)
  •   Unionist Party (14)
  •   Workers Party (10)
  •   Conservative Party (8)

Opposition (7)

Length of term
2 years
Proportional representation
Last election
18 January 2020
Next election
18 January 2022
Meeting place
East Wing of the Vinalian Parliament

The Senate of the Union, or just the Senate is the upper house of the Vinalian Parliament and is made up of 39 members, 3 per province/district regardless of population. The senate's main role is in passing legislation and electing the president, Which by law may not be from the same constituent state as the Minister-President. Currently [[ Hryhorij Andrushchenko]] of the Unionist Party is the president of the Senate and has been since 2017, with Yaroslav Savych of the Workers Party serving as his Speaker, a role he's held since 2015 . The Senate is meant to create an equal playing field for both of the constituents, as all provinces and districts are represented equally regardless of population.

The Senate meets in the East Wing of the Vinalian Parliament in Vinalinsk, it previously met in the East Wing of the former Parliament, now Orlavo House of Law. Requirements to enter the Senate include at least 28 years of age, be a citizen of Vinalia, reside in the province/district on which they're running for election, and having lived in said province/district at least 5 years.

2020 Elections

The 2020 Elections saw the Unionist Party control over the Senate maintained with further Conservative losses to the Unionist, and the Freedom Parties, as it has struggled to deal with separation of the Freedom Party.

  Party Position Party leader(s) Seats Status
Unionist Party
Юніоністична партія
(Yunionistychna Partiya)
Vinalian Unionism Omelyan Pavlov
14 / 39
In government
Workers Party
Робітнича партія
(Robitnycha Partiya)
Left Artur Vsevolodovych
10 / 39
In government
Conservative Party
Консервативна партія
(Konservatyvna Partiya)
Centre-Right Sava Panasovych
8 / 39
In government

House of the People

blah blah, The Minister-President is elected by the House. Leadership in the house falls on the president, currently Rostyslav Stefanovych of the Unionist Party is president of the chamber a role he has held since 2015, with Polina Rostyslavivna of the Conservative party serving as the speaker of the chamber, a role she's held since 2018

2020 Elections

House of the People
Будинок народу (Budynok Narodu)
Lower House
of the Vinalian House
Rostyslav Stefanovych, Unionist Party
Speaker of the House
Polina Rostyslavivna, Conservative Party
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Political groups
Government (134)

Opposition (51)

Length of term
2 years
Proportional representation
Last election
18 January 2020
Next election
18 January 2022
Meeting place
West Wing of the Vinalian Parliment