The Red Guards of the Revolution (Liguersien: Los gardes roges de la revoluçon; Gaullican: Les gardes rouges de la révolution) is a mass youth organization in the Socialist Republic of Champania. The Red Guards is for adolescents and young adults between the ages of 14 and 24. Historically, the organization was operated by the Champanois Section of the Workers' International, however, since the dissolution of the CSWI in 1981, the organization has since been run by the Communist Youth League, a department of the Office of Art, Sports, and Culture. The organization is set up similarly to the CSWI and in the contemporary, largely reflects a modern party organization. In the modern day, membership is estimated to be roughly 93% of eligible members. The Red Guards is also responsible for guiding the activities and doctrine of its sister organization, the Septemberist Pioneer Brigade, which is for children below the age of 14. The current Responsible Secretary is Ariane de Lostrade.
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