Voting on Telrova

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The following is a summary of how citizens of Telrova vote in their respective countries.

Voting Rights

Nation Resident Citizens Citizens Living Abroad Non-Citizen Residents Women Minorities
Charville Yes Restricted Restricted Yes Yes Charvillean citizens living abroad can only vote in presidential elections and referendums, and must renew their voting registration every 10 years. Non-citizens permanently residing in Charville are eligible to vote in all elections upon having lived in Charville for three consecutive years.
Empireedy Yes Restricted No Yes Yes Empireedy only holds recall elections and does not hold any sort of general election. While there is no requirement to be resident, voters must register and vote in person in Empireedy.
Liberto-Ancapistan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Voters must have an address within the Seven Provinces to participate in general elections.
Nova Briton No No No No No
Pervincia Yes Restricted Restricted Yes Yes Many foreigners in Pervincia are permitted to vote because of special refugee statuses-especially in local or regional elections. Foreign nationals from closely aligned nations are permitted to vote if they have held residency for more than 5 years. Pervincian citizens abroad are required to register and have help residency in Pervincia at some period.
Timiskrane Yes Restricted No Yes Yes Citizens must have lived in Timiskrane on average for 4 months per year at a minimum to be allowed to vote.
Ziroxeut Restricted No No Restricted Restricted Voting is restricted to citizens that have lived in Ziroxeut for at least 10 years. The Prime Minister is the only elected position in the federal government.

Electoral Systems

Nation System
Charville (Presidential) Two-Round
Charville (Forsemling) Mixed-Member Proportional
Charville (Rådmennget) Score Voting
Empireedy First-Past-The-Post
Nova Briton No Elections
Timiskrane Mixed-Member Proportional
Liberto-Ancapistan First-Past-The-Post

Voting Methods

Nation Paper Ballot Machine Voting Online Voting Postal Voting Open Ballot Other Methods
Charville Yes No No Yes No No
Empireedy Yes No No No No No
Liberto-Ancapistan Yes No No Yes No Yes
Nova Briton No No No No No No
Pervincia Yes No Yes Yes No No
Timiskrane Yes No No Yes No No