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Flag of Dunnmaar
First Habitationc. 2000 BCE
Establishment as Capital of Jormundea385 CE
Incorporated (in Ottonia)1872 CE
Proclamation of the Dunnmaar Autonomous Republic1936 CE
 • TypeMayor-Council Government
 • BodyDunnmaar Metropolitan Council
 • DirectorSoren Wyrnur (Labor Party)
 • City3,872 km2 (1,495 sq mi)
 • Land3,008 km2 (1,161 sq mi)
 • Water864 km2 (334 sq mi)
 • Metro
19,136 km2 (7,388 sq mi)
 • City5,352,223
 • Density1,400/km2 (3,600/sq mi)

Dunnmaar is a city, metropolitan area, and constituent republic in the Federation of Ottonian Republics. It is the country's second-largest single city and metropolitan area by population. The city was one of the principle industrial hubs and commercial centers of a succession of states, starting with the Dunnmaar Confederation following the collapse of the Ottonian Empire, then as a part of the Kingdom of Tyrrslynd, then in the Ottonian Federation, and then North Ottonia. As a constituent republic within the FOR, Dunnmaar is autonomous in its internal affairs, and interacts directly with the other republics and the federal government, rather than being a municipality within a republic.

The city is one of the country's industrial hubs as well as a major port, linking the mountainous interior of the country with the Jormundsea, and plays host to a number of North Ottonian enterprises, including the state enterprise Vulksaron, the cooperative heavy industrial company Svaartaron, and the headquarters of North Star Freight & Shipping. This significance in industry also means that historically Dunnmaar has been a hotbed of the Ottonian labor movement, and to this day the cities politics are notably dominated by left-wing parties, even by the standards of North Ottonia.

Dunnmaar's economic and cultural footprint takes up much of the southeastern coast of the Jormundsea and reaches partway up-river on the Dunn River to the ancient city of Yorwyk. The metropolitan area is divided into nine boros: Nuboro, Aldboro, Svaartaron, Bronnswyk, Grayhuld, Aldpurt, Erikspurt, Oakwyk, and Haensley. While the municipal governments of the city of Dunnmaar proper are situated in Aldboro, the Republican government is based in Grayhuld out of facilities adjacent to the historical Grahulm Castle.


Settlement in the area dates back to prior to the arrival of Latins in what is now Ottonia. Following the Latin conquest of much of the Ottonian Salacian Coast and southern Jormundsea, Dunnmaar became one of the principle cities of the province of Eona Ulterior, with robust city walls guarding a valuable commercial and fishing port for contacting barbarian tribes further north. Following the Latin retreat in the 5th century CE, Dunnmaar established a hegemony in the southern Jormundsea and and Eona regions, creating the Dunnmaarish Confederation. The Confederation would accept the suzerainty of Otto the Invincible in the 9th century CE, but once Otto died and his empire contracted significantly under his descendents, the Dunnmaarish increasingly found themselves able to act independently. By the 13th century, Dunnmaar was the largest city and crown jewel of the Jormundsea League, a maritime empire that contained the whole of the Jormundsea and reached its tendrils into Eona. However, this increasingly brought it into conflict with its expansionist western and southern neighbors from Tyrrslynd, Draakur, and Onneria.

By the 14th century, the pressure was causing the League to crack, with many member cities flipping to Tyrrslynd's side. In an effort to stop the fighting and secure a less-disadvantageous peace, the lords of Dunnmaar, the House of Grahulm, secured a dynastic marriage with the Tyrrslynder ruling family. Draakur, Tyrrslynd, and Jormundea would be a unified kingdom for the next 400 years, expanding to hold Skraelingia and Corvaea as well. The next four centuries would be fairly peaceable ones for the southern Jormundsea Coast. However, divergences in the interests of the urban Dunnmaarish sphere, the maritime Jormundean people, and the other eastern Tyrrslynder people from the Salacian Coastal areas would eventually prove too vast to ignore.

In the late 1700's, inspired in part by the teachings of Reytled and its pagan revival movement, Jormundea, Dunnmaar specifically, Skraelingia, and Corvaea had erupted in revolt against the Tyrrslynder crown. The Jormundean Revolution would lead to the independence of the Jormundsea Republic (with Dunnmaar as its principal city once more), the Kingdom of Skraelingia, and the Corvaean State. The Revolution would also inspire the successful revolt of the neighboring Kaamrykers against their Ostmarker overlords. The Northern States, as they came to be called, were key to leading the effort of Ottonian Unification, and their elites would be well-represented in the ensuing Ottonian Federation, even as industrialization transformed the region, transforming Dunnmaar more than any other city into a bustling hub of industry. This also meant that Dunnmaar quickly became one of the centers of Ottonia's nascent labor movement, including seeing the foundation of the first chapter of the Ottonian Labor Front.

War would come again in the early 20th century when the Ottonian Civil War broke out, followed not long after by the Great Ottonian War. Dunnmaar was hit particularly hard by Ghantish troops during the latter, enduring a 2-year long siege that would eventually be broken with the help of Eonese and Skraeling forces. Initially left on their own by the distintegrating federal government, Dunnmaarish people and forces declared the "Free Republic of Dunnmaar" as they stood against the Ghantish and South Ottonians. By the time the dust settled in 1943, Dunnmaar was in ruins, and it would take more than a decade of concentrated rebuilding efforts before the city returned to glory, especially as the city played host to significant fighting during the Ottonian Revolution between Popular Front and Ottonian National Party partisans.

Under the subsequently-ratified New Foundation of Ottonia constitution, Dunnmaar was recognized as a republic alongside other larger political entities, forming a government as the Dunnmaar Autonomous Republic.






