User:Montecara/Sandbox 9

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List of political parties in Montecara

Montecaran name
Ideology Position Affiliation Seats Members
CS Senate Local
Republican Union
Uniòn Republicàn
Sotirian democracy
Center-right ACDE
Montecaran Socialist Party
Partìo Soçialìsta Montecarà
Social democracy
Soft eucloskeptic
Center-left SAE
Liberal Party – The Radicals
Partìo Liberàl – I Radicali
Social liberalism
Center ELP
Our Future
Nòstro Futùro
National conservatism
Right-wing populism
Hard eucloskeptic
Right wing MNDE
The Greens
I Vérdi
Green politics
Center to left wing GEM
Montecaran Section of the Workers’ International
Sexòn Montecarà dèa Internaxonàl dei Lavoratòri
Hard eucloskeptic
Left wing to far left MRL


Catholic People's Party
Partìo Populàr Catolicà
Sotirian democracy
Social conservatism
Soft eucloskeptic
Center-right to right wing ARC
  • Atudite interests party
  • Irfanic interests party
  • Radical centrist internet bullshit party


  • The Republican Union is a Sotirian democratic party on the center-right. It promotes a social philosophy based on Catholic doctrine, but has also shown a willingness to support some progressive social policies. It advocates for a market economy with a broad social safety net provided by both the state and private charity.
  • The Montecaran Socialist Party is a social democratic party on the center-left. Its policies are meant to promote social and economic equality by building a comprehensive welfare state. It strongly supports keeping state-owned enterprises in public hands. It opposes Montecaran membership in the Euclean Community.