San Rositan invasion of Kenega

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San Rositan invasion of Kenega
Part of Kenegan War

From top right and in clockwise direction:
HMNS Kenega damaged under missile attack; Imperial troops of 3rd Battalion, Royal Erin Regiment in action in Kenega City; Two aircraft of the San Rositan Navy above Kenega; San Rositan troops in Terelenga
DateLate 2022
Kenega, Northen Wishtonia
Result San Rositan victory

Flag of Castile-La Mancha.svg Vionna-Frankenlisch

Kenega.jpg Kenega
San rosito.png San Rosito
Commanders and leaders

Flag of Castile-La Mancha.svg Baroness Bamber
Flag of Castile-La Mancha.svg Christina Wappelode

Kenega.jpg Kendal Devarnum

San rosito.png Efrain Veracruz

San rosito.png Jorge Sepulveda
Units involved

Flag of Castile-La Mancha.svg Imperial Garrison of Kenega
Kenega.jpg Royal Gendarmerie
Kenega.jpg Royal Coast Guard

Kenega.jpg Royal Park Ranger Service

La Armada de San Rosito
Ejército de San Rosito

Fuerza Aérea de San Rosito

The San Rositan invasion of Kenega, named Operation Barracuda by the San Rositan military, was an operation launched in late 2022 by forces of the Republic of San Rosito to invade and capture the island of Kenega a protectorate of Vionna-Frankenlisch. The operation was the opening of the Kenegan War. With an overwhelming superiority in numbers and materiel, the San Rositans were able to land amphibious and airborne forces on Kenega and seize strategic points on the island, inflicting heavy losses on the Vionna-Frankenlischian and Kenegan defenders.


Ownership of Kenega

San Rosito had long maintained a claim to the island of Kenega. Considered a joke by many observers, the claim to the island rested on claimed descendance of San Rositan from the families of the original Espicutan colonial settlers of Kenega. Espicutan colonists had founded the settlement of Terelenco (now Terlenga) in 1570 and coexisted relatively peacefully with the native population. Though Terelenco expanded over the following centuries and other settlements were established, the colonists never laid claim to the whole island. The first power to claim the entirety of Kenega was Gaul. The Gauls ejected the Espicutan colonists from Terelenco in 1769 and expanded their control over the whole island with the construction of a fort and naval base on the eastern coast (approximately where Kenega City is today). The Kenegan Revolution of 1813 saw the Gaulic government forces overthrown on much of the island and the remains of the garrison besieged in the fort. The fort fell when Frankenlischian forces arrived the following year and the Battle off Hutanjia of 1815 brought an end to the colonial wars in the region with Kenega and other Gaulic possessions in eastern Wishtonia being ceded to Frankenlisch. In spite of Frankenlischian decolonisation in the region of Wishtonia in the 1950s, Kenega and Owaya remained Imperial possessions. Kenega remained peaceful from that point until the San Rositan invasion.

Failed Diplomacy

In the lead-up to the invasion, both Vionna-Frankenlisch and San Rosito displayed only minor interest in resolving the claim diplomatically. In June 2021, in the latter days of Dochlov Zimmermann's Conservative government, Vionna-Frankenlisch was presented with an ultimatum by San Rosito. The ultimatum demanded Imperial withdrawal from Kenega and a handover of power to San Rosito with a deadline set in the following year. The general who delivered the ultimatum, coincidentally, was Jorge Sepulveda, who would go on to be one of the principal San Rositan commanders during the invasion. The ultimatum was ignored and the Conservative government in Vionna-Frankenlisch was soon replaced by one led by the Imperial Party under Arthur Astron and the Kenega situation was swiftly forgotten by the new government.

Continued San Rositan petitions to the Teremaran Security Organisation and other international bodies to support them over Kenega were ignored as well. In fact, San Rosito's standing in the TSO particularly was at rock bottom due to border conflicts between it and it's northern neighbor, the Reino de Brasil. The Queendom of Espicuta, similarly, had complaints ignored by the TSO as their government and portions of the Espicutan public were furious about San Rosito's claims to former Espicutan possessions. The Espicutans were further insensed by the genealogical aspect of the San Rositan claim, which was unverified.

Kenegan defence forces

Operation Barracuda

Forces involved

Air attacks



Occupation of Kenega

Foreign reactions

Imperial plans
