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The Grand Kingdom of Azureria
Reino de Azureria (Azika)
Flag of Azureria
Motto: For the Best of Magna
StatusClient State of Nova Solarius
Official languagesAzika
Ethnic groups
Dragon Order
Government  Constitutional Monarchy
• Draconis Rex
Xavier VII
• Senate Rex
Rupert Leoni
House of Lords
• Establishment
15 Feburary 1795GD
• 2195 estimate
Currency        Azi Denar
Driving sideright

The Kingdom of Azureria is a sovereign island country, located in Ilus, part of the Magna Region. Azureria's closest neighbor is Judias. The nation is surrounded by the Magna Sea, with a volcano 2 miles off the coast of Azureria. The nation was founded after the East Blue-Sol War, which resulted in the abdication of East Blue King Alfonso IV and Nova Solarius installing Xavier I as King of Azureria.


The origins of the name Azureria comes from the Azika word "Azuroia" meaning "Blue Land". The area has blue grass in the winter, which the inhabitants call their grass Azurio. The first recorded name of Azureria was a text from 1005 AR by Solarian explorers recording the island name as Azureria after locals told them the name of their island.


Ancient Era (500sBGD-1GD/1000BR-500sBR)

Little recorded history is written and only surface during the end of the Era around 100sBGD. The first text comes from a historian called Alucio the Elder in the Olis Texts that wrote that "The Kingdom of Teliz controlled the island by a tyrant King Ildutas I and had made my nation very isolated from the rest of the world. We were in conflict with the Confederation of Motuasima a decade ago but it ended in a stalemate which I felt it was a meaningless war. We only want peace, not war but our King doesn't listen to the people." - Excerpt from the Olis Texts. These accounts reflect the Motusian records of a war with a island nation to the south.

By the time of 175BGD The Kingdom of Teliz was mainly an isolated nation, with few interactions with the outside world. It's leaders wanted to control the information coming in and out of the country for fear of uprising from the workers. This was called the Helum Doctrine, named by the Supreme Minister Jois Helum, which dictated who and what can leave and enter the nation and for how long a foreigner can stay in the country. This prompted many people to lose connection with the outside world, leading to people thinking they were the only ones to inhabit the world. This caused decades of social isolation from the Ilus community. The only outside interaction the Teliz Kingdom had was a forced one, made by the Iacrixna Empire in 140sBGD, when King Favis II of Iacrixna send warships to the ports of Teliz, forcing the King of Teliz to submit and pay tribute to Iacrixna.

Classical History (1GD-700sGD/500sBR-120sAR)

Era of Terror (700sGD-1004GD/120sAR-450sAR

Middle Ages (1004-1530GD/ 450sAR-946AR

18th Century-Present

East Blue-Sol War

During the East Blue-Sol War in 1793-1795GD/1209-1211AR, Solarian Troops blockaded and bombarded the island to starve out the inhabitants of the island. The King of East Blue at the time, Alfonso IV, was an unpopular ruler, and had stored all the food in his palace to keep his noblemen and family safe. It resulted in the Royal Blue Army revolting and opening the gates of the city to Solarian troops on January 6, 1795. Only the King's personal guard faught to defend the palace, but was soon overrun by both Solarian and East Blue troops and captured the Alfonso IV in the palace. After Alfonso IV signed the peace treaty, he handed over the crown to the head of the House of Zayis, Xavier Nemo Zayis, with Solarian approval.