Urana Firma

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Flag of Urana Firma

The Region of Urana Firma is a collection of independent nations, all of which are located within multiple universes that are part of one massive multiverse. There are many alliances to be found within Urana Firma made up of many nations, each alliance stands for its own principles. The meaning to the name of Urana Firma is "firm space" to symbolize the nations that stand together as one region.

Higher Powers

[WIP] All the Entity, Demi and Elemental stuff.

[For Review]

Above all life in the Multiverse there exists God, creator and lord of all that there is. At the begin nothing existed but God in his realm, one day God created his First born child. He named this child Tuesday, his power was immense an neared his Fathers own.

After a Time God gave Tuesday a Brother, this Brother was called Sunday. Sunday was virtually Tuesday's equal in power.

What came next was something new, something different, for God had created a daughter his first and would become only. He named his Daughter Saturday, she looked at the power of her elder brothers in awe, though she had incredible power she was no match to them.

God then thinking he wanted his children to have more siblings and created Thursday. Thursday learned to stand even to Saturday his power close to her own.

God Continued making another son he named Friday. Friday took to his elder siblings only just below Thursday in power.

God thinking his family was growing to a good size created Monday who he thought would be his final son. Monday stood close to his brother Friday in power.

But soon after his children requested one final Sibling, so God formed his Final child he named Wednesday. He was both the youngest and the weakest of all Gods children.

God then told his children to go and play, to create and learn their powers and ability's. By working together the 7 children looked outside Gods Realm, looked to the nothingness that was the Abyss. And it was within that nothingness that they planted their seed and from that seed grew their first creation the Void.

The Void was empty nothing existed within it, and so the children used their new creation to play and develop their powers. It was Sunday who first toyed with the Abyss wall that surrounded their Void, unleashing his power on the unseeable wall that was the Abyss as it consumed his power, soon his siblings saw what he was doing and found it amusing and made a game of it, the one who could shoot for the longest won.

After many games of this something unexpected happened to the wall of the Abyss, a great fire of creation was released from within the Abyss. The fire quickly formed into the first universe hot and primordial. The children amazed at what had happened, they now had a new game to play, they all found their own area of the Abyss and channeled their powers into it, it was a race of creation first one to make a universe wins, the last one to loses.

After many rounds of their new game the Void was now rich with young universes. It was Saturday who first found the way to enter a universe and with in she a new play ground all her own. She knew that she had to tell her brothers of what she found but never before did she have something uniquely hers. So in her universe she tested her powers, learning ans shaping the rules that governed it. She then learnt how to form the first Star to ever exist, she stood in awe at the wonder of her creation and knew it was time to show her brothers what she had made.

Her brothers annoyed their sister keeping them in the dark about such an important discovery. Soon they had filled that first universe with Stars, they then split up for their next game. Their new game the one who can fill their universe first would win.

Soon they found that every universe was filled with stars. Growing bored Thursday went back to the first universe that they played in. He found Saturdays first star, he then wondered what would happen if he pored his power into it what would happen? What he found was that, that creates a supernova, Thursday liked making supernovas, he wanted to create more of them.

After a time of Thursday secretly causing stars in Children's universes to go supernova. Saturday returned to her first and favorite star. What she found was nothing but dust shrouded in darkness. Upset at her discovery Saturday ran to inform her brothers what she had found.

Tuesday seeing his sister upset set off to remake her lost star. It took some time but he formed a new star, but there was something different about this star. It was as if there was a something unknown inside it. It was then that Tuesday noticed the strange dust that was where the lost star was had stated to move and orbit around his new star. Curious he sat and watched as over time the dust would collect and clump up into lumps that grew in size.

He went and brought Saturday to show her what he had found, hoping that the sight would cheer up his sister. Together they went to the largest of the lumps, they wandered around its rocky surface when they found the most breath taking sight either had seen since the first stars were born, for they looked out upon the first ocean.

Saturday spent a lot of time at the ocean, she enjoyed swimming in its waters and watching how it reacts to her powers. One day she noticed a slime forming in her favorite spot to play with her powers, she called Tuesday to come and have a look at the slime. When Tuesday took a closer look at it, he felt something truly unexpected. The slime had the feeling of life, though not the same kind as he and his family had. No this was different, strange even. But it was alive.

The two took this information to their Father God to see if he had made the slime. When questioned God was confused, he had not created anything and was not expecting that any of his children could either. The two took their father to see the slime. When they arrived God confirmed that while a simple form the slime was living.

Excited of Saturday's achievement they showed it to all their siblings, soon they all went out looking for other lumps of dust with water. little did they know that all the places they found a missing star with the needed dust was where Thursday had made his supernovas in. Soon there were many lumps with pools of water with small patches of slime though while the sons could make forms of life, only {Saturday|Saturday]] had a natural gift for its creation, quickly learning them method needed to form it and learning how to change how it forms and what colours it took. [Too be finished]


[WIP] For all the facts about Universe rules, Void and Abyss.

The reality that Urana Firma functions with is simple in its complexity.

The outer most edge is Gods Realm, below that lays the Abyss. The Abyss acts as the outer wall of the Void. Within the Void exists every universe.

There exists within each universe a version of both Hyper Space and Sub Space There also exists a realm that exists though cosmic chance called Zolesch [I know its not right but its a hard spelling to remember when I have little involvement with it, so someone else spell it right.]


Below are listed the known countries that are in Urana Firma and use this wiki.

Flag Short and formal names Capital Government
Alterran Flag.jpg Alterae - The Federal Republic of Alterae Norberg Liberal Cyberdemocracy
Asdia.png Asdia – The Utopian Asdian Empire Vrienburn Autarkic Asdianist Autocracy
BytFlag.png Bystoria – The Collective Republic of Bystoria Qanam IV Robotic Hivemind
Coryanhafflaruda Flag.png Coryanhafflaruda – Technocratic Empire of Coryanhafflaruda Titanuma City Scientific Utopian Technocratic Hivemind
File:RSFlag1.png Domusiland - The Federative Principality of Domusiland Domusiville Democratic Federal Principality
Echolodia 102317.jpg Echolodia – The Greater Republic of Echolandia Olmorsaik Conservative Democracy
Greater siberia-mongolia 646979.jpg Greater Siberia-Mongolia – The Constitutional Khanate Union of Greater Siberia-Mongolia New Khanbaliq Constitutional Khanate Union
The great imperator jeffrey 54131.png Jeffrian Imperium - The Interuniversal Imperium of

The Great Imperator Jeffrey

Jeffopolis Totalitarian Dictatorship
Kerbal Flag 3.png Kerbal Kind – The Europa Centurian Kollektiv of Kerbal Kind AD-22B Scientific/Military Robotic Hivemind
Flyin Flag.png The Flyin – The Gold Lucky Constitutional Monarchy of The Flyin Flyinia Alpha Constitutional Monarchy
Front Flag.png The Peoples Front of Darunia – The Swarm of the Front of Darunia Mother Hive Military Hive Monarchy
Swede Flag.png Swedish Country – Vinter Interuniversella Imperium Drake Absolute Monarchy
100px Insert Main wiki page here – Long Nation name Insert Capital Insert gov type


[WIP] Current and past Alliances.

External Links