Party Name
Seats in Folksmot
Seats in Landsmot
Provincial Presidents
Euclean Parliament
Sun and Crescent Party Arbeiderpartii
Social democracy Pro-Eucleanism
National Development Party Gyldflam
Classical liberalism Liberal conservatism Pro-Eucleanism
Sotirian Democrats Sortiren Folksrâgelen
Sotirian democracy Pro-Eucleanism
The Radicals Radikaalen
Social liberalism Centrism Pro-Eucleanism
Green Party Groonpartii
Green politics Federalism Pro-Eucleanism
People's Party Folkspartii
Right-wing populism National liberalism Anti-immigration Eucloscepticism
Socialist Party Sośalistiśpartii
Democratic socialism Left-wing populism Anti-capitalism Eucloscepticism
New Azmara Ny Azmaara
Immigrants' rights Multiculturalism Social democracy
Free Alliance 08 Friibinden 08
Regionalism Federalism Big tent
Grey Party Grejpartii
Pensioners' interests Eucloscepticism