List of Emerstarian monarchs

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King of Emerstari
Kuing Emerige
Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark in 2018.jpg
Erik XII Georg
since 7 July 1994
StyleHis Majesty
Heir apparentFrederik Johann Eirikr
First monarchErik the Victorious

The monarch of Emerstari is the head of state, government, church in Emerstari. The first King of Emerstari (Emerstarian: Kuing Emerige), or as it was earlier styled King of the Emerstarians (Emerstarian: Kuing dem Emersker) was Erik the Victorious who united the nine Emerstarian petty kingdoms in the mid-eleventh century. Later chroniclers, particularly during the first Eirikrian Restoration, authored histories of the Emerstarian monarchy based on Emerstarian folklore tracing Erik the Victorious's ancestry to Adam and Eve through Rodouf, a great-grandson of Noah through Japheth and Magog, who led the first migration to Emerstari.

List of monarchs of Emerstari

House of Eirikr (1047-1122)

The reign of Erik the Victorious begins the rule of House of Eirikr, which had been referred to earlier as the House of Kveldur after a semi-legendary ancestor of Erik; the House of Eirikr, by its own right and through its cadet branches, would continue and still continues to dominant Emerstarian politics. Erik I died in 1078, and his two eldest sons Jakob I and Olaf I agreed to rule as diarchs as before his death, Erik had requested his friend, the Bishop of Uppsalle Bjivorr Eylirsson, to excommunicate his sons if they commit kinslaying or split the Kingdom via civil war. Jakob's eldest son, Jakob II took vows of chastity (possibly to hide the fact he was infertile). Therefore when he died, the kingship was again a monarchy through Olaf's line, but Olaf's son, Karl I died in 1122 with only an infant son, so the nobility used an Emerstarian form of tanistry known as slektentilsogening to select a new king.

Portrait Modern Name
and Epithet
Contemporary name
and Epithet
Lifespan Relation to Predecessors Reign Consort(s) Title Arms
Pictures of English History Plate X - Canute and His Courtiers.jpg Erik I
the Victorious
der Segerfuld
Eirikr Ingemjårsson
1 August 1009

21 July 1078 (68)
title created 1047

Anneke van Wekehaart (three children) Koungengr a dem Emerska
King of the Emerstarians
Eirikr Segersælla Coat of Arms.png
Harald 3. Hen.jpg Jakob I
the Southerner
der Sydmann
Jakobr Eiriksson
14 November 1046

23 April 1085 (38)
Son of Erik I 1078

Ragnhilde Leffsdottir (five children) Eirikr Segersælla Coat of Arms.png
Oluf hunger.jpg Olaf I
the Northerner
der Nordmann
Olaf Kounengsson
29 January 1049

14 March 1105 (56)
Son of Erik I 1078

Adelaide d'Anjeu (four children) Olaf Eiriksson Coat of Arms.png
Sankt Knud.JPG Jakob II
the Chastite
der Kysker
Jakob Jakobssen
6 April 1070

2 September 1112 (42)
Son of
Jakob I

- Eirikr Segersælla Coat of Arms.png
Erik 1. Ejegod.jpg Karl I
the Older
der Aldre
Karl Olufsson
27 May 1089

6 November 1122 (33)
Son of Olaf I 1112

Asa Swyensdottir (one child) Olaf Eiriksson Coat of Arms.png

House of Sigfredsson (1122-1235)

Harald I succeeded to the to throne as the maternal grandson of Jakob I. His father, Sigfred the Hound, for whom the House of Sigfredsson is named, had been a trusted commander of the Eirikrian kings, and his grandfather had been one of the earliest supporters of Erik the Victorious. Harald, an avid bear-hunter (for that, he earned his epiteth), severely injured himself in a hunting incident in 1134, and he abdicated for his son Erik II. Erik II's great-grandson, Karl II had only a daughter, so the throne passed to the third son of Karl's sister, Isabel Håkonsdottir who had married Peter von Wassen, Count of Wassen.

Portrait Modern Name
and Epithet
Contemporary name
and Epithet
Lifespan Relation to Predecessors Reign Consort(s) Title Arms
Kong niels.jpg Harald I
the Bear-Hearted
der Bjornhjartedt
Harald Sigfredsson
4 February 1100

23 December 1140 (40)
Grandson of Jakob I 1122

Gunnhilde Magnusdottir (two children) Koungengr a dem Emerska
King of the Emerstarians
Sigfredsson Coat of Arms.png
Erik emune.jpg Erik II
the Second
der Tvadter
Eirik Haraldsson
5 April 1116

18 April 1163 (44)
Son of
Harald I

Ingeborga Gormsdottir (one child) Sigfredsson Coat of Arms.png
Erik lam.jpg Erik III
the Short
der Skjort
Eirik Eiriksson
2 February 1146

23 December 1179 (32)
Son of Erik II 1163

Borghilde Ulvsdottir (two children) Kounge af dem Emerska
King of the Emerstarians
Sigfredsson Coat of Arms.png
Knud 4. Valdemarsen.jpg Håkon I
the Clean
der Ren
Håkon Eiriksson
30 July 1162

5 October 1190 (28)
Son of Erik III 1179

Margaret Sweynsdottir (six children) Sigfredsson Coat of Arms.png
Valdemar sejr.jpg Karl II
the Younger
der Ungre
Karl Håkonsson
2 March 1184

23 May 1235 (41)
Son of
Håkon I

Margaret Sweynsdottir (six children) Sigfredsson Coat of Arms.png

House of Wassen (1235-1250)

With the death of Karl II, the throne passed through his sister's grandson, the third son of Peter von Wassen, Count of Wassen, Wilhelm von Wassen who ruled as Villem I. The rule of the House of Wassen, though relatively short, opened Emerstari open to the rest of Scania through marriages with Rhenish and Polsnian families. Villem's son, Olaf II died without issue, and the nobility gathered in council selected Gustaf, Earl of Malmø, a member of the House of Malmø, a cadet branch of the House of Eirikr to be King.

Portrait Modern Name
and Epithet
Contemporary name
and Epithet
Lifespan Relation to Predecessors Reign Consort(s) Title Arms
Kong niels.jpg Villem I
the Rhenish
der Hrenlander
Villem Persson
2 January 1200

5 December 1242 (41)
Grandnephew of Karl II 1235

(1) Adelheida Eiriksdottir (two children)
(2) Heide von Horsten (one child)
Kounge af dem Emerska
King of the Emerstarians
House of Wassen in Emerstari Coat of Arms.png
Kong Christoffer 1. (1219-1259).jpg Olaf II
the Tall
der Langt
Olaf Villemsson
18 April 1218

1 December 1250 (32)
Son of Villem 1242

Alicja Jadrowąż (no issue) House of Wassen in Emerstari Coat of Arms.png

House of Malmø (1250-1270)

Gustaf, Earl of Malmø ascended to the throne in 1242 via election. He was the first Emerstarian king to adopt a regnal name to rule with beside his own; this was mainly to show reverence to Erik I as the House of Malmø was a cadet branch of the House of Eirikr through a bastard great-grandson of Karl I. Gustaf I died in 1261, and his son and successor Erik IV Jakob died in 1270 with only daughters. His brother was seen as too weak to be King, so his nephew, seen as too young at the moment, made a gentlemen's agreement with the nobility at the Council at Ragnvaldsholm that they would elect his maternal uncle, Canute Heinrich von Wesse, Count Palatine of Wesse King, then upon his death, they would elect him.

Portrait Modern Name
and Epithet
Contemporary name
and Epithet
Lifespan Relation to Predecessors Reign Consort(s) Title Arms
Eric the Lisper & Halter of Sweden grave detail 2009 (2).jpg Gustaf I Erik
the Gold-Haired
der Gylhjardt
Gustaf I Erik
21 March 1208

17 November 1261 (52)
Fourth great-grandson of Karl II 1250

Auguste von Heichel–Leffenburg (four children) Kounge af dem Emerska
King of the Emerstarians
House of Malmø Coat of Arms.png
Canute I of Sweden c 1290.jpg Erik IV Jakob
the Well-Crowned
der Valkrondt
Erik I Jakob
5 September 1230

6 April 1270 (39)
Fourth great-grandson of Karl II 1261

Rikissa Johanna Månfredsdattir (two children) House of Malmø Coat of Arms.png

House of Wesse (1270-1312)

Canute Heinrich von Wesse, Count Palatine of Wesse ascended to the throne in 1270 as a result of the gentlemen's agreement between his nephew and the nobility of Emerstari, ruling as Knudt I Henrik. Against it, though, he began to consolidate power in an attempt to secure the throne for his son; ultimately, when he died in 1303, his son Lokke Knudtsson had surrendered his claim to the Emerstarian throne to Knudt's brother, so he could rule as the Elector of Heischten in Rhenland. Folke I Villem, Knudt's brother, died in 1312 without issue.

Portrait Modern Name
and Epithet
Contemporary name
and Epithet
Lifespan Relation to Predecessors Reign Consort(s) Title Arms
Stockholms stads tredje sigill.png Knudt I Henrik
the Foreigner
der Udtmann
Knut I Henrik
16 July 1241

2 June 1303 (61)
Brother-in-law of Erik IV Jakob 1270

Sofia Helvig Eriksdattir (two children) Kounge af dem Emerska
King of the Emerstarians
House of Wesse Coat of Arms.png
Karl-sverkersson.gif Folke I Villem
the Usurper
der Tilriver
Folke I Villem
11 August 1251

1 February 1312 (61)
Brother of Knudt I Henrik 1301

Katerin Martha Haraldsdattir (two children) House of Wesse Coat of Arms.png

House of Malmø First Restoration (1312-1370)

Upon the death of his other maternal uncle Folke I Villem, Ervin Klasson, Duke of Malmø, supported by the King of Coelans, called upon the nobility which he had convened with and their descendants to execute the agreement they had made with him fifty-two years prior in 1270 with threat of war. Thereafter, he was crowned at the advanced age of 68, and he ruled for nearly fourteen years. His long life was attributed to divine right, that, for his right to rule had been denied for so long, God blessed him with the longest life of any Emerstarian king to that point. Ervin I Knudt's son Olaf III Kristoffer succeeded him in 1338, ruling with his mother, Elsa I Annikke as co-monarchs for twelve years until her death in 1350. The term diarch is not used here by historians as Elsa was more of a sovereign adviser to Olaf than a sovereign ruler with him. Regardless, she is the first woman to be a Queen-regnant of Emerstari. In 1358, Olaf sent his daughter, Johanna Olafsdattir, to Marseile to wed the son of Charles VII of Marseile, the heir apparant, but en route she died due to the outbreak of the Coughing Plague, the Great Mortality. Upon, Olaf's death in 1370, Charles declared war, proclaiming himself as the King of the Emerstarians by right of his son's "sabotaged" marriage to Johanna.

Portrait Modern Name
and Epithet
Contemporary name
and Epithet
Lifespan Relation to Predecessors Reign Consort(s) Title Arms
Waldemar of Sweden (1240s) bust 2009 Skara (2).jpg Ervin I Knudt
the Old
der Ald
Eruin I Knud
1 February 1254

17 May 1338 (83)
Grandnephew of Erik IV Jakob 1312

Elsa I Annikke (three children) Kounge af dem Emerska
King of the Emerstarians
House of Malmø Coat of Arms.png
Margaret of Denmark, Norway & Sweden (1389) effigy 2010 (2).jpg Elsa I Annikke
the King's Mother
der Kuingsmoder
Elsa I Annikke
28 April 1270

16 September 1350 (80)
Wife of Ervin I Knudt 1338

Ervin I Knudt (three children) Drottning af dem Emerska
Queen of the Emerstarians
House of van Eek.png
Krzysztof2 sorø.JPG Olaf III Kristoffer
the Bearded
der Skagdt
Olaf III Kristoffer
30 December 1303

19 November 1380 (76)
Son of Ervin I Knudt 1338

Solveig Annikke van Weitvelt (three children) Kounge af dem Emerska
King of the Emerstarians
House of Malmø Coat of Arms.png

House of Potois (1380-1381)

Emerstari fell to the armies of Charles VII and III, but after one year, in an attempt to stabilize and legitimize his rule, he met with the nobility of Emerstari in Arhus where it was agreed that Emerstarians would recognize his brother-in-law as King as opposed to him.

Portrait Modern Name
and Epithet
Contemporary name
and Epithet
Lifespan Relation to Predecessors Reign Consort(s) Title Arms
Albert of Sweden effigy 2010.jpg Karl VII and III
the Wine-Drinker
der Vindrikkere
Karl VII and III
7 March 1328

August 31 1381 (62)
Brother-in-law to Olaf III Kristoffer 1312

Eléonore Blanche de Jacquesse (one child) Roi de Marseille
King of Marseille

Roi de l'Emersterrians
King of the Emerstarians
Marseile Coat of Arms.png

House of Jacquesse (1381-1390)

Pers, Duke of Jacuqesse, Charles VII and III's brother-in-law, reigned over Emerstari for nine years until the Emerstarian nobility fianally rebelled in the Olafsson War, which the two sons of Olaf III Kristoffer led.

Portrait Modern Name
and Epithet
Contemporary name
and Epithet
Lifespan Relation to Predecessors Reign Consort(s) Title Arms
JeanIIdFrance.jpg Per IV and I
the Marseilian King
der Marskkuing
Peder IV and I
27 June 1330

14 November 1402 (71)
Brother-in-law to Charles VII and III 1381

Emma von Schende (five children) Dux de Jacquesse
Duke of Jacquesse

Roi de l'Emersterrians
King of the Emerstarians
Jacquesse Coat of Arms.png

House of Malmø Second Restoration (1390-1401)

After the Olafsson War, the elder son of Olaf III Kristoffer handed the throne over to his son who would rule as Sigismund I Kristoffer. Sigismund died in 1401, leaving the throne to his only son, Erik Sigismundssen. However, Erik was serving as a mercenary in Polsnia at the time, so his mother crowned herself Queen-regnant of Emerstari, becoming the first woman to rule as the sole monarch of Emerstari.

Portrait Modern Name
and Epithet
Contemporary name
and Epithet
Lifespan Relation to Predecessors Reign Consort(s) Title Arms
Oluf 2 of Denmark (Kronborg tapestries) cropped.jpg Sigismund I Kristoffer
the Freer King
der Frierekuing
Sigismund I Kristoffer
4 October 1362

14 November 1401 (38)
Grandson of Olaf III Kristoffer 1301

Erika I Henriette (one child) Kounge af dem Emerskar
King of the Emerstarians
House of Malmø Coat of Arms.png

House of Sverrer

The reign of Erika I Henriette, which installed the House of Sverrer, another cadet branch of the House of Eirikr, was met with general discontentment from much of the nobility mainly due to the fact that she was a woman, so Harald Karlsson, Duke of Marland convinced the nobility in council to crown him King alongside Erika, at least until Erik returns. Erik returned in 1403, however, by this time, he had lost favor amongst the nobility and was never made King.

| rowspan=1| Philippa of England-Herman Wilhelm Bissen.jpg | rowspan=1| Erika I Henriette
Erika Ljushårig | rowspan=1| 13 April 1370
younger daughter of Valter Olof Karlsson, Marquess of Sverresland and Frederikke Adulfa Wesse–Rauenburg | rowspan=1| 1381

1390 | rowspan=1| Erika I Henriette
one child | rowspan=1| 21 Speptember 1416
aged 46 |- |}

House of Sverrer

Portrait Name Birth Reign Marriage Death
Eryk I Pomorski Darłowo.jpg Harald I Håkon
1 October 1369
eldest son of Valter Olof Karlsson, Marquess of Sverresland and Frederikke Adulfa Wesse–Rauenburg

Haelvig Hallthora Sigfriedsdatter
no issue
9 August 1421
aged 51

House of Aldburg

Portrait Name Birth Reign Marriage Death
Christian I of Denmark, Norway & Sweden 1440s.jpg Vilhelm II Karl
9 May 1370
eldest son of Deitrik Johann Karlsson, Earl of Ålhus and Anne Georga Johannsdottir

(1) Margaret Jeanne de Potois
five children
(2) Isabella von Schlaudlin
two children
29 September 1430
aged 60
Christopher of Bavaria crop.jpg Kristien I Ulrik
Karl Onreda
24 November 1398
eldest son of VIlhelm II Karl and Margaret Jeanne de Potois

Martha von Schlaudlin
two children
17 July 1438
aged 39

House of Eric (restored, first time)

Portrait Name Birth Reign Marriage Death
Gustav I of Sweden c 1550.jpg Georg I Erik
Georg Storre
7 August 1426
eldest son of Birger Olaf Karlssen, Duke of Flodland and Filika Johanna Össelhus

Svea Frederike Olofsdottir
four children
17 July 1512
Rensulier Palace
aged 85
Eric XIV of Sweden.jpg Erik V Georg
3 December 1456
Rensulier Palace
eldest son of Georg I Erik and Svea Frederike Olofsdottir

Theresa Johanna Elisabet of Saexe–Vassen
one child
9 July 1529
Uppsalle Palace
aged 72
1462 Christine.jpg Elsa II Nathalie
1 August 1483
eldest daughter Erik V Georg and Theresa Johanna Elisabet of Saexe–Vassen

Ernest Wilhelm Friedrich von Wolnbach
three children
7 November 1570
Eriksborg Castle
aged 87
ChristianII of denmark.jpg Gustaf II Jakob
8 July 1511
Undersalle Palace
eldest son of Elsa II Nathalie and Ernest Wilhelm Friedrich von Wolnbach

Mathilde Wilhelmina van Ziest
five children
2 August 1582
Floddal Castle
aged 71
Maleri (Glücksborg).jpg Gustaf III Folke
19 April 1530
eldest son of Gustaf II Jakob and Mathilde Wilhelmina van Ziest

(1) Joan de Oullise
two children
(2) Sofia Isabel Persdottir
one child
9 February 1604
Rensulier Palace
aged 73
Christina of Sweden by Jacob Ferdinand Voet.jpg Katarina I Solveig
28 February 1552
Rensulier Palace
eldest daughter of Gustaf II Jakob and Mathilde Wilhelmina van Ziest

Karl Rudolf Maudbourg
one child
17 October 1623
Perseng Palace
aged 71

House of Leijonhuvud

Portrait Name Birth Reign Marriage Death
Charles XI of Sweden (1691).jpg Ervin II Gustaf
19 May 1576
Svartskog Castle
eldest son of Johann Ludvig Leijonhuvud, Duke of Skogland and Sofie Freja Lorenssen, Duchess of Skogland

Anna Fredericha von Zeihr
three children
22 November 1650
Rensulier Palace
aged 74
Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden.jpg Erik VI Georg
2 June 1601
Svartskog Castle
eldest son of Ervin II Gustaf and Anna Fredericha von Zeihr

Kjarlotte Amelie Persdottir
four children
31 August 1669
Bergland, Coelans
aged 68
Adolph Frederick of Sweden c 1751 by Gustaf Lundberg & Jakob Björck.jpg Gustaf II Jakob
30 April 1630
Stenhus Castle
eldest son of Erik VI Georg and Kjarlotte Amelie Persdottir

Freja Ingvara Karlsdottir
two children
6 December 1690
Rensulier Palace
aged 60
Karl XII 1697.jpg Karl IV Lorens
Karl der Stor
30 April 1672
Rensulier Palace
eldest son of Gustaf II Jakob and Freja Ingvara Karlsdottir

- 2 June 1704
Kääjoki, Soumeland
aged 32
David von Krafft (ateljé) - Drottning Ulrika Eleonora dy.jpg Annette I Maria
15 June 1673
Rensulier Palace
eldest daughter of Gustaf II Jakob and Freja Ingvara Karlsdottir

Wilhelm Adolf III, Landgrave of Schefft
two children
19 July 1740
aged 66
Gustavo-III,-Rey-de-Suecia 1777-by-Roslin.JPG Erwin III Karl
12 September 1692
eldest son of Deitrik Johann Gustafssen, Prince of Emerstari and Maria Elisabet, Duchess of Landberg

Anaïs Magali de Donat
one child
20 October 1718
aged 26

House of Eric (restored, second time)

Portrait Name Birth Reign Marriage Death
Hans Axel von Fersen2.jpg Erik VIII Olaf
10 July 1679
Uppsalle Palace
eldest son of Hans Georg Finnssen, Prince–Elector of Thössenland and Aleksendra Elsa Månsstrom, Margravess of Hullen

Elsa Frederike Leijonhuvud
eleven children
9 July 1744
aged 64
GustavIII.jpg Erik IX Johann
16 March 1720
eldest son of Karl Frederik, Crown Prince of Emerstari and Amelie van Hoekkers

Kjarlotte Ingvera Persdottir
six children
10 November 1778
Rensulier Palace
aged 58
Frederick Adolph of Sweden.jpg Olaf III Aleksender
29 May 1723
younger son of Karl Frederik, Crown Prince of Emerstari and Amelie van Hoekkers

Else Johanna Ludvigssdottir
five children
5 October 1800
Stromholm Palace
aged 77
Thomas Gainsborough - Jorge IV como Princípe de Gales.jpg Karl V Erik
1 September 1749
eldest son of Erik IV Johann and Kjarlotte Ingvera Persdottir

Isabel von Freid
two children
19 March 1808
aged 58
Charles XIII of Sweden.jpg Ervin IV Thomes
12 May 1769
eldest son of Karl V Erik and Isabel von Freid

Sofie Erika Henrikssdottir
five children
7 March 1835
aged 56
Gustav of Sweden (1799) c 1830.jpg Folke II Knudt
6 July 1790
Rensulier Palace
eldest son of Ervin V Thomes and Sofie Erika Henriksdottir

Karolin Georga Frederikssdottir
three children
7 March 1835
aged 48
Frederik VII af August Schiøtt.jpg Gustaf IV Johann
21 June 1810
eldest son of Folke II Knudt and Karolin Georga Frederiksdottir

Elisabet Kjarlotte Fjellborg
one child
12 May 1872
aged 61
Oskar II by Oscar Björck - no border (Nationalmuseum, 38942).png Kristien II Gustaf
22 August 1812
younger son of Folke II Knudt and Karolin Georga Frederiksdottir

Louise de Rieumont
four children
1 August 1879
aged 66
Josephine of Sweden & Norway c 1858 by Axel Nordgren.jpg Elsa III Marie
9 October 1850
Rensulier Palace
eldest daughter of Kristien II Gustaf and Louise de Reiumont

Hasse Johann Folkberg
two children
30 December 1941
Rensulier Palace
aged 91
A-portrait-of-Prince-Gustavus-Adolphus-352025366322.jpg Erik X Gustaf
Erik der Langtlivere
18 August 1900
Rensulier Palace
eldest son of Olaf Frederik Hassen, Crown Prince of Emerstari and Anne Margeret, Princess of Coelans

Nathalie Leijonhuvud
three children
17 February 2019
Rensulier Palace
aged 118
Gustaf VI Adolf av Sverige som kronprins.jpg Erik XI Deitrik
2 September 1933
Rensulier Palace
eldest son of Erik X Gusaf and Nathalie Leijonhuvud

Synnøva Leijonhuvud
two children
Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark 2016.jpg Erik XI Deitrik
4 August 1970
Rensulier Palace
eldest son of Erik XI Deitrik and Synnøva Leijonhuvud

Elsa Ljundburg
three children

Timeline of Emerstarian monarchs

Erik XII Georg of EmerstariErik XI Deitrik of EmerstariErik X Gustaf of EmerstariElsa III Maria of EmerstariKristien II Gustaf of EmerstariGustaf IV Johann of EmerstariFolke II Knudt of EmerstariErvin IV Thomes of EmerstariKarl V Erik of EmerstariOlaf III Aleksender of EmerstariErik IX Johann of EmerstariErik VIII Olaf of EmerstariErvin III Karl of EmerstariAnnette I Maria of EmerstariKarl IV Lorens of EmerstariErik VII Jaems of EmerstariJakob III Georg of EmerstariErvin II Gustaf of EmerstariKatarina I Solveig of EmerstariGustaf III Folke of EmerstariGustaf II Jakob of EmerstariElsa II Nathalie of EmerstariErik VI Georg of EmerstariGeorg I Erikof EmerstariKristien I Ulrik of EmerstariVilhelm II Karl of EmerstariHarald I of EmerstariErika I Henriette of EmerstariSigismund I Kristoffer of EmerstariPierre I of EmerstariCharles VII of MarseileOlaf III Kristoffer of EmerstariElsa I Annikke of EmerstariErvin I Knudt of EmerstariFolke I Vilhelm of EmerstariKnudt I Henrik of EmerstariErik IV James of EmerstariGustaf I Erik of EmerstariOlaf II of EmerstariVilhelm I of EmerstariKarl II of EmerstariHaakon I of EmerstariErik III of EmerstariErik II of EmerstariHarald I of EmerstariKarl I of EmerstariJakob II of EmerstariOlaf I of EmerstariJakob I of EmerstariErik I of EmerstariHouse of EricHouse of LeijonhuvudHouse of EricEmerstarian InterregnumHouse of AldburgHouse of SverrerHouse of Saexe-VittelsbachHouse of JacquesseHouse of PotoisHouse of MalmøHouse of WesseHouse of MalmøHouse of VassenHouse of SigfredssonHouse of Eric