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Education in Halland (TBC)



Academic year

Educational stages

Age range Name Categories Mandatory?
0-2 Nursery Infant education No
2-3 No
3-5 Kindergarten No
5-6 Preschool No
6-7 Year 1 First Stage of Elementary Yes
7-8 Year 2 Yes
8-9 Year 3 Yes
9-10 Year 4 Yes
10-11 Year 5 Yes
11-12 Year 6 Second Stage of Elementary Yes
12-13 Year 7 Yes
13-14 Year 8 Yes
14-15 Year 9 Yes
15-16 Year 10 High school Yes
16-17 Year 11 High school Technical school Yes
17-18 Year 12 Yes
18-19 University Medicine Licentiate Bachelor's Engineering Technological college N/A No
19-20 N/A No
20-21 N/A No
21-22 Master's degree N/A No
22-23 Master's degree N/A No
23-24 Doctorate N/A No
24-25 Specialization Doctorate N/A No
25-26 N/A No
26-27 Residency N/A No
27-28 Post-doctorate N/A No
29-30 Doctorate Post-doctorate N/A No
30-31 N/A No
31-32 N/A No
32-33 N/A N/A No

Pre-school education

Elementary school=

High school

Technical school

Post-secondary education