Minister president (Atmora)

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The Minister-president (Landsminister-president) is the head of government of a state or territory.

Constitutional roles and powers


List of current office-holders

Portrait Name Title entered office Party Deputy
Affligem wapen.svg
Han Polman bij het IPO jaarcongres 2014 (15227713058) (cropped).jpg Han van Rooy 2nd Minister President of Alexandria 7 May 2085 Liberal Adriaan Boesewinkel
Deputy Minister President
Blason ville fr Mackenheim (BasRhin).png
JRemkes.jpg Gustaaf Fijneman 3rd Minister President of Arcadia 1 July 2085 Conservative Corneel ter Keurst
Deputy Minister President
Arms of Astraeus.png
Asuka Mortier-Tyberghein.jpg Asuka Mortier-Tyberghein 5th Minister President of Astraeus 17 September 2089 Volks Belang Éloïse St-Laurent
(Volks Belang)
Deputy Minister President