List of political parties in Ostry

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Ostry has a multi-party system, with numerous parties and the inability for a single party to gain a majority, necessitating the formation of coalition governments..

Unlike many other states, Ostric politics is divided on the question of sovereignty and independence, with the left-wing Ostric People's Party and populist Freedom Party in favour and the liberal Progressive League and conservative Republican Party, both local branches of Navack-wide parties, against. Within this also exists various attitudes towards the "Ostric question", from support of a referendum to increased autonomy to a unilateral declaration of independence.

Political parties represented at a regional and national level

There are currently four parties represented in the Regional Assembly, two endorsing unionist sentiments and two endorsing separatist views. Traditionally, unionist parties sit on the right of the chamber, while separatists sit on the left, regardless of other political positions.

Name Founded Ideology Leader MRAs Deputies Senators
Progressive League
Lëga Pòkrokù
Progressiv Liga
1994 Navish unionism, liberalism Léch Rasmussen
7 / 15
2 / 2
2 / 3
Ostric People's Party
Òstrsczi Starna Lëdowô
Ostrøysk Folkeparti
1920 Ostric separatism, socialism Adóm Lës
4 / 15
0 / 2
1 / 3
Republican Party
Starna Repùblikańskô
Republikanske Partiet
1994 Navish unionism, conservatism Kjell Klimek
1 / 15
0 / 2
0 / 3
2018 Ostric separatism, centrism Adóm Szlązak
Macéj Dahl
1 / 15
0 / 2
0 / 3

Other parties recognized by Elections Navack

Name Founded Ideology Leader Notes
Ostric Coalition
Koalicëjô Òstrskô
Ostrøysk Koalisjon
2002 Ostric separatism, right-wing populism Wacłôw Adómczik Represented in the Regional Assembly from 2003 to 2018.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Since 2003, the Progressive League and Republican Party have run a joint list in regional elections. However, they form two separate caucuses in the Regional Assembly.