TECT Mythology

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File:TECT Gods Painting.jpg
Painting depicting the TECT gods and goddesses.

TECT Mythology is the collection and teachings of the ancient TECT Commoners. It is the body of myths, gods, heroes, origins, and the nature of the world. TECT Mythology originated as the dominate religion since written Commoner history; it played a huge part in ancient politics, religion, culture, and early Commoner Civilization. Modern scholars use the mythology to throw light on ancient TECT history.

TECT mythology is explicitly embodied in a large collection of narratives, poems, ancient forms of literature; TECT mythology is also representational in arts, such as vase-paintings, sculptures, and votive gifts. TECT myth attempts to explain the origins of the world, and details the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods, goddesses, heroes, heroines, and mythological creatures. These accounts initially were disseminated in an oral-poetic tradition and ancient forms of literature; today the TECT myths are known primarily from literature and other forms of knowledge.

The oldest known TECT literary sources are epic poems and spoken tales; they focused on the Genesis of the world and a very early period of Royal Civilization. Two poems by the pen name Arther, wrote the very first works down in written word around 12,000BCE (when the Royal Civilization founded its first capital city); the work "Origins" and "Day by Day", contain accounts of the genesis of the world, the succession of divine rulers, the succession of human ages, the origin of human woes, and the origin of ancient practices.

TECT mythology is made up of tiers of reign and age. The earliest deities were known as Founder Gods (German: Gründer Götter), they were sometimes referred to as Urheber and other terms related to father/motherhood, origination, and creators. These first few deities were identified as actual termed gods/goddesses; unlike many of the younger breed of deities, these beings were were extremely powerful and used that power to create what the world is now. After the founding primordial gods/goddesses left the picture, a newly created all powerful god was born from two specially powerful Urheber's. Weltall, God of Time & Space (which his name literally translates to English as "universe, space, and cosmos"; Weltall will be explained later) and Sonnen-, Goddess of the Light and Solar Lights (she is named after the main solar body, the Sun and will be explained later); both in their final act of strength, gave birth to the last born Commoner God, Erde; God of the Earth (for which he is named after), fatherhood, organization, order, Heaven and Heavenly Lights, and other attributions. Born from Erde were weaker, less powerful gods and goddesses known as "Angels" or "Engel" in German. Although not as powerful as the primary powerful God Erde who rules as king, Engel were in fact gods like their predecessors (although obviously not as powerful as their grandparents) and have been mistaken in the past (internationally) as being weak divine beings (mistakenly as angels from the Christian faith -- which is wrong and untrue). From these gods came even weaker deities also known as Engel but were weaker then their own parents; many other forms of creatures followed suit from multiple fashions of creation.

Genesis/Origin ("Entstehung")

From accounts in the works of "Origins" and "Day by Day", the author "Arther" detailed the beginning of time, the universe, and the planet. Arther provided much of today's records of Commoner Mythology that is known today; other authors such as "Gruder" and "Hans" also provided work depicting the gods and multiple other beings. Artwork also told stories on ancient paintings, statues, vases, and multiple other forms of ancient records. Other works depicting origins of the world are Gruder's "Home" epic and another epic, "Homecoming", that depicted the first days of Earth's creation.

The earliest depiction of the origin of the universe was told from the book of Origins (also known as Entstehung), which detailed a void of utter blackness. There were no signs of life and the universe was not dead but unborn. A single being, not physically bound or formed, made up of pure soul energy that had no attachments was the only being known to exist at this time. Identified as a "he", Arther named him Universum, God of Creation, the Universe, and Darkness; he is not to be mistaken with his son Weltall who is named similar in translation into German. Universum (which is German for "universe", named his creation after himself) in order to end the darkness of the void, sacrificed his own life and power to create the universe; his dying actions were to create a small set of gods (born from fragments of his own soul and power) and to set in motion is newly named creation, the Universe. Universum vanished after that, leaving his children to run the creation he made.

Among the select few newly born gods, there were six born with varying abilities and responsibilities they inherited from their farther (based on their creation from part of Universum's soul and power that was split) who had ultimate power before them. The most powerful of the six was Weltall, God of Time & Space; he was said to appear as a dark humanoid figure of void surrounded by divine light. He reigned as in charge of the void of space that had replaced the total darkness and controlled the flow of time. Weltall's main task was organizing his siblings, keeping time flow safe, and controlling the space throughout the Universe. Sonnen-, Goddess of the Light and Solar Lights that illuminated the brand new Universe, was also one of the most powerful goddesses (of which were two); she appeared as a body of pure light in the shape of a burning white star (which plays part of the reason she was named after the Sun). Stein, God of Surfaces, Solids, and Rock was a powerful god who was tasked with building planets and other rock formations throughout the Universe; he appeared as a oddly shaped asteroid body that glowed in a light misty white light, hence why he was named after the term known in english as "stone". Dunkelheit, God of the Void, Darkness, and Utter Blackness, was known as the first incarnation of pure darkness and is referred to mostly as an evil being. Although Dunkelheit (Darkness in english) did not perform many acts of evil, he is seen as an evil god mostly due to his appearance and abilities; he was responsible for the creation of darkness throughout the Universe, the creation of shadows, and most famously for creating black holes (which contributes to his evil persona) -- Dunkelheit is mostly seen as the birther of evil in the Universe. The remaining gods have not been mentioned in the works by Arther or other writers of the time; it is believed that these gods and last goddess are still lost within ruins and lost work.

Origin of the Modern Universe & Earth

Based on the ancient writer, Arther, time between the Universe's creation to Earth's creation is stretched over a long period of time; based on Arthor's last epic, "Day by Day", it is said that the living gods spent "billions" of years creating the universe before the Goddess Sonnen-, God Stein, and the God Weltall created the Earth in a combined effort. By the end of the Earth's creation, most of the gods began to die out for unknown reasons; it is believed they used up their limited strengths creating the vast Universe, depleting their life forces without limit. The remaining gods either preserved what life they saved or created a unique world for which they can live, retire, and other future ideas. Sonnen- provided the Sun and other light sources near the solar system among the other vast light sources in the Universe; Stein contributed by creating the planet and many of its features; Weltall contributed the space used, the time frame set, and created much of the features present on the planet. With the ladder of gods depleting the last of their life forces, Sonnen- and Weltall mated, becoming the first romantic couple in history, in order to give birth to Erde. The new god was born fully grown and was modeled after how his parents wanted him to be; a father like person in both appearance and wisdom. After a very short time, Erde's parents vanished in shinning dust -- the source of space clouds.

Erde, the last god born, was born with the goal of him becoming the most powerful being in the Universe. Erde is the God of the Earth (for which he is named after), fatherhood, organization, order, Heaven and heavenly lights, space, and many other attributions. He is depicted as looking primarily human and being taller than a mountain; he is usually wears a robe and is very muscular even though he has white hair with age and a long white beard. Above his head is a large earthly body that is the Moon (or represents the Moon as over his head because he represents the Earth). Erde is the last born God (by strength and generation) in the Universe and is usually labeled the strongest being in the Universe compared to his children, family, and other beings amongst the Universe. At this time frame and to the present of the last myth written, it is believed that some of the ancient gods live in hiding or hibernation. Erde, in the myths portraying him, is characterized as finishing the process of creating a his parent's work by finishing the Earth and creating the first stages of life. Erde is believed to have created evolution in order to create life that would one day match him in knowledge. Arthor and Hans differ in the idea of first mortal life creation; Arther wrote that Erde created evolution and watched as the Earth worked out its process -- Hans wrote in his early work that Erde created very basic mortal life and introduced evolution to advance life by itself or that evolution was a mistake on his part as a side affect of creating first mortal life.

Erde had taken centuries to finish his parents work on the Earth. Earth is described as the greatest accomplishment since the Universe; it is unique beyond other planets formed by Stein. The ancient writer Gruder is the next major writer that bases much of his writings on the time frame between Earth's creation and around 10,000BCE. His first work, "A New Family", depicts the first creations of animal life (including early humans) and Erde's efforts to repopulate the Universe with godly beings. With his creation of livable areas on Earth and the very first lifeforms (germ life), Erde contemplated on creating gods to both keep him company and to even out work; although this turns against him, he decided to create a new generation of godly beings. This new generation, the "Angels" (or Engel in German), is the final breed of deities to be born. Erde's initial children were born using both a small piece of his own soul and severing parts of his own body; using parts of his body, he insured that his children would be powerful gods -- the fingers, limbs, hands, feet, and organs he used would grow back almost instantly after being used as initial pieces of the birth process. Erde also used raw material around the planet and Universe as a material for the births. Erde eventually created four children who were enormously powerful: Himmel, Angel of the Sky, Weather, Electricity, and the Storm (among other attributes); Hölle, Angel of Hell and the Darkness (among other attributes and other duties); Meer, Angel of the Oceans, the lakes, water, sea life, and islands; Natur (goddess and also known as Mutter Erde), Angel of Nature, the Environment, Life, and is Mother Nature (Mutter Natur or Mutter Erde for "Mother Earth").

These four gods or Angels (Engels) are usually referred to as the "big four" and are usually presumed to be the most powerful of the Angels. Among them, they will birth children of their own through various means. Natur is the birth mother of much life on the planet and is the source of much mythological creatures for who she protects. Erde also eventually created a fifth son using a primitive human and part of his soul; the result, Erde hoped, would birth a Angel whom would represent human nature for which (humans) he found interesting. The actual result was the birth, in a fiery heating blaze, the Angel Krieg, the Angel of War, Greed, and Destruction -- his name literally meaning in German "War or Warfare", ironically does display a trait of humanity which is based in warfare. From these original gods (Angels), other offspring ranging from gods to demigods and even other creatures were born.