Ministry of Internal Affairs (Rossyiah)

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The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire (Russian: Министерство Bнутренних Дел, МВД; Ministerstvo Vnutrennikh Del, MVD) is the Ministry tasked with dealing with public security and police work, civil defence and emergency management, coordination of the territorial Governorates of Russia regulation of relations with the tolerated religions, supervision and co-ordination of institutions of public welfare and charity, the organization and superintendence of state archives, demographics, and immigration matters. The ministry is headed by the Minister of Internal Affairs.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs assumed this configuration, beyond its traditional police duties, after the Constitutional Crisis of 1993.

Central organization

The ministerial central organization is characterized by three levels of top hierarchy:

  • Senior management, consisting of the Minister, his own staff bodies and of the Deputy Ministers;
  • Functional management, consisting of the Main Directorates, formed according to a grouping criterion based on the input;
  • Directorates, which are the operational macro-units.

Main Directorates

Within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, communications between the Main Directorates are secondary to internal communications within the individual Main Directorates, and there is no high environmental variability. The structure of the Ministry ensures that the heads of the Main Directorates assume sub-organizational objectives limited to their function, allowing senior management to see the organization as a whole and to ensure the smooth flow of processes. The functional grouping of activities offers a vision based on the specialization of human resources skills: administrative processes unfold across multiple functions, while the same function can be unfolded by multiple processes.
The Ministry is therefore divided into 11 Main Directorates or equivalent bodies, each of which is in turn a sum of central and peripheral offices, and one Inspectorate-General:

  • Main Directorate of Territorial Affairs (Russian: Главное Управление по Tерриториальных Дел, ГУTД; Glavnoye Upravleniye no Territorial'nykh Del, GUTD)
  • Main Directorate of Immigration Affairs (Главное Управление Иммиграционных Дел, ГУИД; Glavnoye Upravleniye Immigratsionnykh Del, GUID)
  • Main Directorate of Police and Public Security (Главное Yправление Полиции и Oбщественной Безопасности, ГYOБ; Glavnoye Upravleniye Politsii i Obshchestvennoy Bezopasnosti, GUPOB); the Main Directorate represents a partial exception to the functional model because it is organized in order to function almost autonomously.
  • Main Directorate of Demography (Главное Управление Демографии, ГУД; Glavnoye Upravleniye Demografii, GUD)
  • Main Directorate of General Affairs and Civilian Personnel (Главное Управление Oбщих Дел и Гражданского Персонала, ГYOГП; Glavnoye Upravleniye Obshchikh Del i Grazhdanskogo Personala, GUODGP)
  • Main Directorate of Tolerated Religions (Главное Управление Bеротерпимых Pелигий, ГУBP; Glavnoye Upravleniye Veroterpimykh Religiy, GUVR);
  • Main Directorate of Emergencies and Civil Defence (Главное Управление по Чрезвычайным Cитуациям и Гражданской Oбороне, ГУЧCГO; Glavnoye Upravleniye po Chrezvychaynym Situatsiyam i Grazhdanskoy Oborone, GUChSiGO);
  • Administrations and other departments exercising oversight over firearms and private security regulation, personal protection and government personnel security guard service;
  • Centre for Specially Designated Government Personnel Security Protection;
  • State enterprise "Okhrana" (provides paid security and rapid response services to citizens);
  • Inspectorate-General of Administration (Генеральная Инспекция Aдминистрации, ГИА; General'naya Inspektsiya Administratsii, GIA).

Principal Director and Main Directorates

The Principal Director is the official responsible for a Main Directorate. The Main Directorates, which are functional groupings, are in turn subdivided into Directorates; both Main Directorate and Directorate are established or disestablished (along with their own functions and responsibilities) by the Minister of Internal Affairs, through his own decrees, within the functions which are assigned by the law to the Ministry. The positions of Princiapl Director are conferred by the Tsar, on the proposal of the Minister of Internal Affairs.
The Main Directorate may issue administrative acts with external effects both based on their own functions and responsibilities, assigned by the legislation, and based on functions and responsibilities delegated by the Minister; the latter ones are the most numerous.

See also