Montsurian language

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Montsurian language
Lèng Montsurè
Pronunciation[ˈləɲ mon(t)ˈsuɾə]
Native to Galenia
Native speakers
ca. 3,770,990 (2020)
Solaric alphabet
Official status
Official language in
Regulated byAcademia d'e Lèng Montsurè (Montsurian Language Academy)
Language codes
ISO 639-1mt
ISO 639-2mts
ISO 639-3mts

Montsurian (Montsurian: /mon(t)ˈsuɾə/, Tethian: Malljug /maˈɫug/) also known as the Montsurian Language (Montsurian: /ˈləɲ mon(t)ˈsuɾə/, Tethian: Gjuha Mallugë /ˈɟuha maˈɫugə/) is a Modern Solaric language spoken officially in the Galenian region of Montsuria, and co-officially in the Galenian region of Tethia. It is a recognized minority language in Etruria, Emessa, and Piraea.



Montsurian consonant phonemes
Labial Dental/
Palatal Velar
Nasal m n ɲ   ŋ
Plosive p b t d k ɡ
Affricate t͡s d͡z t͡ɕ d͡ʑ
Sibilant Fricative s z ɕ ʑ
Non-sib. Fricative f v θ ð
Approximant   j w
Lateral l  
Trill r
IPA Description Written as Estmerish approximation
m Bilabial nasal m moon
n Alveolar nasal n neat
ɲ Palatal nasal nh ~onion
ŋ Velar nasal ng, nk gang
p Voiceless bilabial plosive p spirit
b Voiced bilabial plosive b boat
t Voiceless alveolar plosive t stool
d Voiced alveolar plosive d dense
k Voiceless velar plosive c, ch, k car
ɡ Voiced velar plosive g, gh goal
t͡s Voiceless alveolar affricate c, tc cats
d͡z Voiced alveolar affricate dx gods
t͡ɕ Voiceless alveolo-palatal affricate ç ~chew
d͡ʑ Voiced alveolo-palatal affricate dxh ~jewel
f Voiceless labiodental fricative f fur
v Voiced labiodental fricative v vein
θ Voiceless dental fricative z thick
ð Voiced dental fricative z that
s Voiceless alveolar fricative s soup
z Voiced alveolar fricative x zebra
ɕ Voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative sh Novalian miš će
ʒ Voiced alveolo-palatal fricative g, xh Novalian puž će
ɾ Alveolar tap r Poveglian riesco
l Alveolar lateral approximant l loan
w Voiced labial–velar approximant u, o war
j Palatal approximant i yogurt



Vowel phonemes
Front Central Back
Close i u
Close-mid e o
Middle ə
Open a ɒ



  • Hello - Çáo
  • Welcome - Mirvènut, Bènvènut
  • Good morning - Mirdxhiè, Bundxhie
  • Good afternoon/evening - Mirbriem, Bunbriem
  • Good night- Mirènat, Bunènat
  • Goodbye (formal) - Adéox
  • Goodbye (informal) - Mirçin
  • How are you? (informal) - Com sieni (tu)?
  • How are you? (formal) - Com èshtes (vas)?
  • What is your name? (informal) - Com truiame (tu)?
  • What is your name? (formal) - Com èshtes (vas) nim?
    • My name is ... - Mir nim si...
  • Thank you (formal) - Iáo salut vas ènor
  • Thank you (informal) - Salut vas
    • You’re welcome - Pèlçim, Il pèlçim si mir
  • Yes - Po
  • No - No
  • Who? - Cush?
  • What? - Çè?
  • When? - Cund?
  • Where? - Und?
  • Why? - Pè Cush?
  • How? - Com?
  • Which? - Cáol?
  • How many? - Chènt sa?