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Commonwealth of Morrdh
Comhlathas Morrdh
Flag of Morrdh
Motto: "Via Trita, Via Tute"
Official languagesMorridane English Genchi
GovernmentFederal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy
• Righ (King)/Banrígh (Queen)
Lothwyn Boudica Cathmore II
• Taoiseach
Ser George Whittleton
Seanad (Senate)
Dáil (Assembly)
• Founding of Morrdh Penal Colony
February 15, 1723
• Proclamation of 1834
June 1, 1834
• 2016 estimate
17 billion
CurrencyMorridane Sovereign (MDS)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideleft
Calling code+674
ISO 3166 codeMD

The Commonwealth of Morrdh (also known as Comhlathas Morrdh, or simply Morrdh) is a large nation located in the north-east of Greater Dienstad, it is bordered by The People's Unified Federation of Mokastana on its sole land border to the south and its next nearest neighbour is The National Socialist State of Castille de Italia which lies to the west. Aside from Morrdh there are many others that are considered to be part of the Commonwealth, namely New Garrack also located in Greater Dienstad and the various colonies of the Commonwealth Colonial Authority.

Prior to the first colonial settlement in the early 18th century, Morrdh was inhabited by the indigenous Genchi. After discovery in 1642, Morrdh was claimed by the Kingdom of Mordent and initially settled through penal transportation beginning in 1723.


Pre-colonial history

An indigenous people known as the Genchi inhabited Morrdh prior to its colonization by the Kingdom of Mordent. It is widely believed that the earliest ancestors of the Genchi arrived in, what is now present day, Morrdh close to 30,000 years ago. It is uncertain where the ancestors of the Genchi originated from, though a popular theory is that it may have been from outside the region of Greater Dienstad.

The Genchi were divided into tribes who would sometimes cooperate, sometimes compete and sometimes fight against each other. They existed as hunter-gatherers, though by the 1600s Genchi society had begun shifting towards residing in permanent settlements. There was contact with the southern peoples, such as the Coztics and Mokas, which ranged from trade through to skirmishes. Though the Genchi managed to remain a separate people, no doubt due to their use of large avian creatures known as Dragonhawks which helped give them an edge in warfare.

Mordentish settlement

Mordentish explorers first discovered Morrdh in 1642, leading to visits by numerous other Mordentish ships. Mordentish food, metal tools, weapons and other goods for timber, Genchi food, artefacts and water. The introduction of Mordentish crops and, more importantly, black powder weapons transformed Genchi agriculture and warfare. Black powder weapons in particular saw a surge in inter-tribal conflict as smaller tribes were conquered by larger ones equipped with the new weapons. Gradually one tribe came to dominate the others and its chief became known as the 'High Chief'.

On 15th February 1723, a fleet of convict ships arrived in Ramarck Bay to establish the first Mordentish settlement in Morrdh as a penal colony. The date would later be celebrated as Morrdh Day and officially marks the beginning of the colonization of Morrdh. The vast bulk of Morrdh's early colonists would be convicts sentenced to transportation from Mordent, they would a valuable labour force to construct the colonial infrastructure such as roads or to establish farms. Penal transportation would last for a century until the 1830s when the Grand Fleet arrived from Mordent and saw the Mordentish seat of power moved to Morrdh.

The Grand Fleet

The War of 1832 against the First Empire of the Golden Throne saw Mordent left devastated and stricken with famine. The infamous Rat Plague struck in 1833 and Mordent started to reach the point where it would soon become uninhabitable, home only to the skeletons and ruins of a dead kingdom. With a heavy heart, Rí (King) Robert Cathmore declared an exodus and an armada of vessels was assembled. These vessels would become known as the Grand Fleet and would spend a great many months at sea before arriving in Morrdh by mid-1834.

Proclamation of 1834

Genchi Wars

20th Century

Geography and climate

Government and politics

Morrdh is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy, although its constitution is not codified. Lothwyn II is the Queen of Morrdh and is the head of state. The Queen can exercise the Crown's prerogative powers, such as reviewing cases of injustice and making appointments of ministers, ambassadors and other key public officials, and in rare situations, the reserve powers (e.g. the power to dissolve Parliament or refuse the Royal Assent of a bill into law). The powers of the Queen are limited by constitutional constraints and they cannot normally be exercised without the advice of ministers.

The Oireachtas (National Parliament) holds legislative power and consists of the Queen, Seanad (Senate) and the Dáil (Assembly). The supremacy of Parliament, over the Crown and other government institutions, is enshrined within Morridane law. The Dáil is democratically elected and a government is formed from the party or coalition with the majority of seats. If no majority is formed, a minority government can be formed if support from other parties during confidence and supply votes is assured. The Queen appoints ministers under advice from the Taoiseach of Morrdh, who is by convention the parliamentary leader of the governing party or coalition. Cabinet, formed by ministers and led by the Taoiseach, is the highest policy-making body in government and responsible for deciding significant government actions. Members of Cabinet make major decisions collectively, and are therefore collectively responsible for the consequences of these decisions.

The Seanad is the upper house of the Morridane Parliament. Seanadóirí (Senators) are appointed and serve until they reach 75 years old.

Members of the Dáil (known as Teachta Dála or Assembly Delegate), by contrast, are elected in general elections and by-elections to represent constituencies, and may remain Teachtaí Dála until the Oireachtas is dissolved, which occurs around five years after the last general election. Legislation is only introduced in the Dáil, the Seanad then reviews the bill before approving or rejecting it. Essentially, the Seanad acts as the chamber of "sober second thought".

The Provost Council

The Provost Council is a formal body of advisers to the Sovereign of Morrdh. Its membership comprises of the Crown's representatives at the provincial and county levels; Lord Provosts and Provosts respectively. Each Lord Provost and Provost is appointed by the Crown on the advice of the provincial governments, both serve in the position until they reach 75.


The Morridane legal system has its foundation in the English common law system, inherited from being a former penal colony of the Holy Empire of Stevid.

Foreign Relations


The armed forces of the Commonwealth of Morrdh—officially, Her Morridane Majesty's Armed Forces—consist of three professional service branches: the Royal Morridane Navy and Royal Morridane Marines (forming the Naval Service), the Morridane Army and the Royal Morridane Air Force. The forces are managed by the Ministry of Defence and controlled by the Defence Council, chaired by the Secretary of State for Defence. The Commander-in-Chief is the Morridane monarch, to whom members of the forces swear an oath of allegiance. The Armed Forces are charged with protecting the Commonwealth and its overseas territories, promoting the Commonwealth's global security interests and supporting international peacekeeping efforts.

Provinces and Territories

Morrdh has four Provinces—Gwentia, Ord, Thuria and Wythmoor—and two territories—the Rohannor Isles and the Southwest Territory. The Provinces are overseen by viceroys known as Lord/Lady Provosts and are split into counties which are in turn overseen by lesser officials known as Provosts, the territories are simply administrated by a governor on behalf of the Morridane Crown. The counties themselves contain a lower form of administrative division for local government purposes such as districts for rural areas and boroughs for urban areas (municipality in effect).


Viceroy: Lord Provost Rogan Turlough

Capital: Corbhen

MacKenzie County

Northforest County

Redcliffe County


Viceroy: Lady Provost Laura Montewick

Capital: Merin

Eastpoint County

Marchfell County

Westinmarch County


Viceroy: Lady Provost Caitlin Langworth

Capital: Midfast

Neatherd County

Thornwood County


Viceroy: Lord Provost Olan Duggan

Capital: Gotham

Cloutsdown County

Fennmar County

Greybranch County

Rohanner Isles

Viceroy: Governor

Capital: Point Bourne

Southwest Territory

Viceroy: Governor

Capital: Berck





The Clans of Morrdh originate from the main followers of Robert Cathmore when he led his revolt that overthrew Stevidian colonial rule. Over time they have become part of the major cornerstones of Morridane society, the Genchi kindreds are the other part. Some of the clans have specialized in a certain industry or business sector; for example Clan Smythe is heavily involved in the Commonwealth's finance sector.

Each clan is made up of a core family after which the clan is named, plus a number of affiliated families who are linked to the core family but have different surnames. Additionally, each clan maintains its own militia forces mainly protect the clan's interests as well as to help defend the Commonwealth should the need arise.

To resolve internal disputes and help keep the clan's legal affairs in order, each clan will appoint an official known as a Justiciar. In addition to handling internal clan disputes, the Clan Justiciar also the official that deals with marriages, death certificates, etc. A Lord High Justiciar is appointed by the Crown and is charged with ensuring with keeping the peace between the various clans.









































Ethinic Groups



Health and Education



Tattoo culture in Morrdh is a mixture of Genchi tribal markings and the gang motifs of the early penal settlers. The integration of the two began when Robert Cathmore (convict and later first Viceroy of Morrdh) married into the chief kindred of the Genchi, cementing the alliance between his followers and the aboriginals of Morrdh. Over time the Genchi markings were adapted and evolved as new interracial kindreds and clans emerged.

While the forms and styles of tattoo vary across kindreds and clans, the structure and culture behind the art are surprisingly uniform, making it a strong source of cultural bonding between the tribes. For the first few years of her life a Morridane infant has bare skin, and it is left symbolically so. When the infant reaches a certain age she is given a temporary naming tattoo, which identifies the child and tells which clan she comes from. This temporary marking is renewed as the young Morridane grows. It is the only tattoo a Morridane child is permitted to wear until the Voluval.

The Voluval is the sacred coming-of-age ceremony for the Morridane. It is here that the individual transforms from a child into a fully recognized member of their kindred. At the height of the ceremony the presiding shaman will finalize the ritual by invoking the Voluval mark, where the soul and destiny of a person are said to be revealed through the emergence of a tattoo on the recipient, the secrets of which are closely guarded by the Vherokior mystics who kept it alive during the long centuries of subjugation.

The Voluval is considered the most sacred mark a Morridane can carry, and in some rare cases can change his life irrevocably. Although the significance attached to the Voluval mark has waned considerably in today’s Commonwealth, certain marks can still see the recipient cast out from his clan and kindred, and conversely certain marks can lend the bearer much acclaim. In nearly all cases, however, the mark falls somewhere between these two extremes and the bearer moves on with little effect.

After the Voluval ceremony the young Morridane will receive her permanent naming mark which will reside forever on her face. This mark will identify the name, clan and kindred of that Morridane, plain for all other Morridane to see. In such a way, two Morridane meeting for the first time can immediately know these fundamental specifics about each other.

After the Voluval, the markings the individual will carry can vary greatly depending on the course of his life, where he travels, his occupation and what great achievements, if any, he has made. Each will reside on a specific area of his body – a person’s ranks within their occupation and their clan are usually displayed on the shoulders, for example.

In modern society many such tattoos are covered during day-to-day affairs. For example, Morridane military personnel will wear uniforms with rank identifiers, but their true mark of rank is considered to be their body mark, even though this is not usually displayed. The culture of tattoo is truly ingrained into the Morridane mindset, pervading nearly every aspect of their society.

A Morridane cannot bestow upon herself just any tattoo. In some cases she may be able to influence styling and shape, but she cannot add a tattoo without having first earned the right. Inking a tattoo upon yourself without permission is considered a grave crime and offenders are subject to severe judicial punishment. Because of this arrangement, a Morridane who is heavily tattooed is more respected by her peers, which will allow her greater opportunities to advance. Her experience is there for all to see.

Through this near-constant long-term process of tattooing, it is sometimes necessary for a tattoo to be removed or replaced with another tattoo. Though typically a Morridane will symbolically choose to use the method of skin removal, which carries the side effect of leaving large, highly visible scars. This is particularly prevalent when changes of allegiance or other actions of heavy emotional investment occur. (It is especially common after certain judicial punishments, for example.)


Morridane naming conventions tend to follow Celtic and Stevidian practice, fitting in with the penal colony heritage of Morrdh.

Traditionally the Genchi used to baptize and officially name their children at the age of eight, as naming children at birth was considered premature and a child would grow into the names he or she would need.



See Also

Morridane clan

Nobility of Morrdh

Protectorate of Mordent