List of Namorese mythological figures

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This is a list of Namorese mythological figures, which includes immortals and mortals (some of whom were deified) from Namorese mythology, ancient Namorese folk religion and Txoism. Descriptions include the figures' names in both modern Tzishin and in Tzihan, the writing used in ancient Namorese religious scriptures.


Deity Description
Jade Emperor. Ming Dynasty.jpg Songte (Сонгте, 上帝) is the most supreme of gods in Namorese mythology, and the most powerful. He holds supreme power in the imperial house of immortals, and was the first god to appear in the universe when the Force created it. According to Namorese mythology, Songte was recognized as the supreme sovereign of all after defeating an all-powerful evil entity which desired to destroy all that was created. After vanquishing evil, Songte became ruler of the universe, and raised a family of gods and goddesses. He is the God of Might, Power and Supremacy.
File:Nushen.jpg Nushen (Нушен, 女神) is the Protector-Goddess of the People of the Nozama (Namorese), the goddess of justice, honor, integrity, courage, strength, wisdom and pride. Nushen is the eldest daughter of Songte. A powerful warrior, she became Queen of Nozama and exterminated the Yaoguai demon clan and its leader Teyu.
File:Mazu statue.JPG Vanho (Ванhо, 溫和) is the second-eldest daughter of Songte after Nushen. She is the protector of fishermen and sailors.
File:Yenfang.jpg Yenfang (Йенфанг; 遠方) is the youngest of the three daughter-goddesses of Songte, sister to Nushen and Vanho. Yenfang is the goddess of bitterness, night, and winter. She carries a bow, known as "Yenfangon (Йенфангон; 遠方弓)," or "Yenfang's Bow" to show that the bow belongs solely to her and was created for her. She is sometimes accompanied by Lang, her pet wolf. Due to a fight in which she defied Songte and tried to rebel against him, Songte sent Nushen to battle Yenfang, and Nushen won. Consequently, Yenfang was banished to the Northern Sea, only allowed to return to the land of the Nozama once every year (that period which became known to be the wintertime). Where she resides in the Northern Sea, winter and coldness lasts for eternity.
Hells judges.jpg The Three Kings of the Underworld (Тею Санванг, 地獄三王) are the presiding judges who rule over the realm of Hell. They are King Jung, King Tung, and King Huang. Prior to the three becoming rulers of the underworld, Hell was ruled by one king named Teyu, but Songte removed Teyu from power after his rebellion.