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LeaderMïgrai Bharamut
FounderMarveil Urshlo
Founded5 January 1953 (1953-01-05)
Headquarters16 Aterület Street, Angrast, Drevstran
IdeologyBig tent
One-nation conservatism
Economic liberalism
Liberal conservatism
Colors  Black
Parliament of Drevstran
291 / 561
Presidents of Departments
17 / 77
Local Mayors
2,164 / 8,004

Nepserot is a Drevstranese political party created by Marveil Urshlo in 1953 in the wake of the proclamation of the Second Mervoshia, the current political system of Drevstran. It's policies and platforms broadly tend to be qualified as centre-right or right wing, with an emphasis on economic liberalism, democracy, and nationalism. It is currently the country's largest party, holding both the Mayorship of the Palace and the Majority of the Parliament.



The party was officialy founded in 1953 but was the continuation of an informal political groupe nicknamed the Pristlav Clique: an unofficial circle and think-tank of liberal businessmen and officials who wished for the end of the Skolad Dictature and prepared for the aftermath of a potential overthrow of the Mayor of the Palace. The first real successes of the Party would come during the elections of 1958 when it's leader Marveil Urshlo, was elected Mervoret of Drevstran. This first mandate as Mervoret would refine most of the party's political line, and solidify it's position as the nation's liberal-conservative party and the main alternative to "the extremes" of Yednosc! and of Dursila's Anarchists.

Urshlo's victory in the 1964 elections was already tenuous, he barely won the mayorship and his party lost its majority in the Parliament. His second term was thus an awkward cohabitation between himself and a parliament led by the Socialist party Skozi. It's during this mandate that Urshlo would strengthen his anti-corruption campaign, and where the violence between Anarchists and Blue Guardsreached its peak to the point observers began to wonder if the young Second Mervoshia was already on its last leg. Angrast and the central Drev Valley were especially susceptible to this violence while less politicaly diverses cities like Pristlav, which had always been a Nepserot bastion, quickly ended their own troubles and remained peaceful allowing Urshlo's economic reforms to have their full effect.

By 1968, despite a decrease in violence, the dismembering of many Blue Guards, and the emprisonment of the last few Countryside Chieftains and of their men radicalized by the anti-corruption campaign, and the unwavering support of the Periclean Coast to Nepserot, the rest of the country had gotten tired of Marveil Urshlo. In 1969, his party lost the presidency and could only maintain itself in the eastern bastion. Despite this, Urshlo would manage to maintain at the head of the party and would spend the rest of his political life as Mayor of Pristlav. In 1975 he passed down the leadership of Nepserot to his designated successor: Sargaï Bharamut, the son-in-law of Urshlo's long-time friend and collaborator Andras Lugos.

Post-Urshlo struggles

Unfortunately, Sargaï Bharamut was not as popular nor as charismatic as his predecessor and inherited a party struggling with the fatigue left by the anti-corruption campaigns and Urshlo reforms. Sargaï Bharamut, once himself a leader of the Blue Guards and a close parent of one of Drevstran' wealthiest family, proved to be a constant reminder of the darker and more troubled aspect of the party, an image other leaders were trying to get rid off.

As a result in 1974, Sargaï brought to Nepserot its worst results to date in a Mayoral election, not even reaching the second turn. This opened the door to all sorts of criticisms and controversies from within the party. Ultimately, it led to a scission within Nepserot.

While Sargaï had a reputation for brutality and authoritarianism, he also defended a secular, unitary view of the state and was a most orthodox inheritor of Marveïl Urshlo’ politics. Meanwhile, the secessionists created their own “union”, one concerned with preservation of society’ traditions and values. They allied themselves with the “survivors” of the politico-religious parties and other ethnics interest groups to form Yedviro in 1976. The formation proved unable to win the mayoral elections of 1979, but neither could Sargaï Bharamut who was forced to abandon the position of party leader.

Bharamut era (2014 - present)

Mïgrai Bharamut became President of Nepserot in 2012 following the murder of Elross Gismond. He placed himself in the continuation of his predecessor, promoting what has often be perceived as “populist social policies”. Said populists accents of his rhetoric and program, plus the outrage sparkled by Elross death and the lack of a coherent opposition since Simon Smeleres was still at the time occupied with his judicial case, allowed Migrai Bharamut to easily win the 2014 elections and the “Bharamist” view on welfare has become the main line of Nepserot. The Party's stance on Liberalism, however, never fluctuated and it continues to push for a greater integration of the country to international markets, promoting the quality and education of its workforce to do so.

Mïgrai has expanded Drevstran’s social coverages from a very selective set of provisions of social-service to a “cradle-to-the-grave” model. But his most controversial reform was to severly restrict access to said coverages, stressing out the "necessity of citizenship” limiting it to “full-citizenship” and making the access to such status more difficult for people not born from two Drevstraneses parents.

Electoral Results

Mayorship of Drevstran
Election year Candidate 1st round 2nd round
Votes % Rank Votes % Rank
2019 Mïgrai Bharamut 7,812,000 24.8 1rst 16,348,500 51.9 1rst
2014 Mïgrai Bharamut 7,938,000 25.2 1rst 19,120,500 60.7 1rst
2009 Elross Gismond 6,961,500 22.1 2nd 16,506,000 52.4 1rst
2004 Elross Gismond 7,040,000 21.5 2nd 15,390,000 48.5 2nd
1999 Lecto Ozyman 6,030,000 20.1 3rd
1994 Lecto Ozyman 5,310,000 17.7 2nd 15,450,000 51.5 1rst
1989 Sargaï Bharamut 9,435,000 25.5 1rst 16,761,000 45.3 2nd
1984 Lecto Ozyman 7,308,000 20.0 2nd 17,411,400 49.1 2nd
1979 Sargaï Bharamut 5,106,000 22.2 2nd 11.201.000 48.7 2nd
1974 Sargaï Bharamut 4,623,000 20.1 3rd
1969 Marveil Urshlo 4,514,400 19.8 2nd 10,419,600 45.7 2nd
1964 Marveil Urshlo 4,856,400 21.3 2nd 11,582,400 50.8 1rst
1959 Marveil Urshlo 4,600,000 23.0 1rst 10,820,000 54.1 1rst
1954 Marveil Urshlo 3,700,000 18.5 2nd 6,680,000 33.4 2nd
Parliament of Drevstran
Election Leader Seats won +/− Rank Government Notes
2019 Mïgrai Bharamut
291 / 561
Decrease51 #1 Government
2014 Mïgrai Bharamut
342 / 561
Increase40 #1 Government
2009 Elross Gismond
302 / 561
Increase100 #1 Government
1979 Sargaï Bharamut
89 / 561
Decrease16 #3 Opposition
1974 Sargaï Bharamut
105 / 561
Decrease22 #2 Opposition
1969 Marveil Urshlo
127 / 561
Decrease94 #2 Opposition
1964 Marveil Urshlo
221 / 561
Decrease103 #1 Government
1959 Marveil Urshlo
325 / 561
Increase224 #1 Government
1954 Marveil Urshlo
101 / 561
Increase101 #2 Opposition