Extinction of the Wolves

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The Extinction of the Wolves was the final era of the Second Wolf Palatinate that marked its collapse through political instability and overarching societal collapse that affected the areas of the Imperial Central, the Imperial East and the Imperial West. It took place over a century. Alongside the collapse of the Second Wolf Palatinate, the extinction saw the mass slaughter, war and general violence among the wolves with under-arching causes such as famine and economic or political stagnation. The Extinction of the Wolves is also coterminus with the Fall of the Second Wolf Palatinate. The extinction has been characterized by its cultural disruption, and subsequently ushered in the Proto-Imperial Era which saw the rise and evolution of the Dogs and The Empire.

The exact cause of the extinction is still debated among historians and scholars. The Great Eastern Palatinate Famine has been considered to be one of the major catalysts of the extinction, as the Eastern Palatinate was where the majority of the Wolf Palatinate's agriculture was performed. Alongside the famine was the invasion by the enigmatic Ahrah'koons, a foreign confederation that migrated from the west towards the Empire that utilized superior strategies that the Army of the Palatinate was unable to handle properly. Political instability caused by a series of ineffectual, controversial and unpopular leaders only exascerbated the issue. Most importantly are the figures of Marcenius III, known as Marcenius the Hysteric; and Bassenius V, known as Lucius the Unfortunate. Economic disruptions are believed not to have been an important part until midway through the extinction. The extinction was precluded by the devestating Northern Hare-Lupine War, which saw a devestating loss and control of the area of the Northern Palatinate to the Third Hare Dominion.