This article belongs to the lore of Magia Regnum.
This article belongs to the lore of Sparkalia.

Ōrumaiti no Michi

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Ōrumaiti no Michi, the sacred path of Ōrumaiti, is the official state religion of Magia Regnum, deeply ingrained in the country's culture and society. With a substantial following of approximately 90% to 95% of the population, it holds a central place in the lives of its adherents. One of the most distinctive features of this faith is the tangible existence of the deity it reveres, the Ōrumaiti, setting it apart from many contemporary religions that perceive their deities as intangible or metaphysical entities.

Definition and categorization

Ōrumaiti no Michi is a monotheistic belief system centered around the worship and devotion to the Ōrumaiti, a divine being embodying purity, justice, and beauty. The faith draws inspiration from nature, the cycle of life, and the harmonious existence of all living beings. Ōrumaiti no Michi has evolved uniquely to become the guiding spiritual force for the people of Magia Regnum. Ōrumaiti no Michi stands out as a distinctive religious belief system, setting itself apart from conventional contemporary religions, primarily due to the extraordinary aspect of the physical presence of its deity, the Ōrumaiti. Unlike many other faiths that perceive their deities as intangible, spiritual, or abstract entities, the Ōrumaiti physically resides within the borders of Magia Regnum. However, while Ōrumaiti's tangible existence sets Ōrumaiti no Michi apart from many contemporary religions, the faith still shares common threads with other belief systems. Like other monotheistic religions, Ōrumaiti no Michi centers on the worship of a single, all-powerful deity. Additionally, the faith emphasizes the importance of virtues such as purity, justice, and beauty, which are not uncommon in various religious traditions worldwide.


At the heart of Ōrumaiti no Michi lies the profound veneration of the Ōrumaiti, a divine being who embodies purity, justice, and beauty. This central deity is believed to physically reside within the borders of Magia Regnum, making her presence palpable and tangible to her devoted followers. Ōrumaiti is not merely an abstract concept or a distant figure in the heavens; she is an active and ever-present guardian and guiding force for the nation. Within the Magian belief system, Ōrumaiti is revered as the source of all life and magic. She is seen as the driving force behind the natural world, imbuing it with harmony and balance. As the benevolent protector of all inhabitants of Magia Regnum, Ōrumaiti's influence is believed to extend to every aspect of life, from the smallest creatures to the grandest landscapes. Her divine presence is a comforting assurance to the people, offering them a sense of security and interconnectedness with the world around them. Magical girls, a significant aspect of Magian society, hold a special connection with Ōrumaiti. These young individuals possess innate magical abilities and are chosen to form a sacred contract with the deity. Through this profound bond, the magical girls gain access to their extraordinary powers. In exchange, they pledge to protect Ōrumaiti and nourish her with a portion of their life force.

The relationship between Ōrumaiti and the magical girls is a symbiotic one, reinforcing the unity and harmony between humanity and the divine. As the source of their magical abilities, Ōrumaiti empowers the magical girls to fulfill their duties as protectors and defenders of the nation. In turn, the magical girls act as the living vessels of Ōrumaiti's will, ensuring her influence extends throughout Magia Regnum. The presence of Ōrumaiti in Magia Regnum's physical realm shapes the spiritual outlook of its inhabitants. The belief in her direct presence fosters a deep sense of reverence, gratitude, and devotion among her followers. The tangible nature of her existence strengthens the bond between Ōrumaiti and her devotees, who find solace and guidance in her divine presence.