Acrary Civil War

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Acrary Civil War
Part of the Red Monsoon
Carlosian Air Force jet fighters flying over Acrary
Date6 November 1985 (1985-11-06) – 21 March 1992 (1992-03-21)
(6 years, 4 months, 2 weeks and 1 day)

Decisive opposition-Carlosian victory


Acrary Free Acrary

  • Acrarian Army
  • National Vanguard
  • Social Democrats
Acrary Acrary
Supported by:
People's Republic of Bourgougia Bourgougia (1985 – 1987)
State Union
Commanders and leaders
Acrary Basil Fraire
Acrary Orlan Pargeter
Acrary Jason Devereux
Acrary Michael Sinclair
Carloso Tómas Contador
Carloso Adán Spalderán
Acrary Alistair Malraux

The Acrary Civil War was a nearly seven year long conflict in Acrary that was waged between the government of the People's Republic of Acrary and the united opposition forces lead by Basil Fraire. It followed a period of civil troubles all across Acrary, triggered by the successful 1981 Acrary coup d'état by the communist-aligned Colonel Alistair Malraux.

From the beginning of the war, Carloso supported Fraire and his forces, significantly increasing aid following the Bourgougian Blitz in 1987. While the government had been successful in containing the rebellion to the highlands in the south-east of the country, the Acrarian People's Air Force's air superiority was damaged with the supply of MANPADS from Carloso, while foreign military aid from Acrary's allies dried up following the collapse of the People's Republic of Bourgougia into civil war. By 1990, the war spread to encompass most of the country, and anti-communist forces were able to fight with the Acrarian government on an almost equal footing. Growing more desperate, especially zealous factions within the military resorted to more extreme practices, massacring entire villages if civilians were perceived as harbouring anti-government sympathies. The downfall of the People's Republic ultimately came about in 1991 when rogue elements within the Acrarian military bombed and then invaded the Carlosian city of Zaralt, hoping to eventually attack Ebon, Carloso's largest industrial centre. It what became known as the Battle of Zaralt, the Carlosian Armed Forces drove the Acarian military of Carloso and then began a colossal aerial bombardment campaign against Acrary. Carlosian forces then invaded Acrary, in support of Fraire and his forces, ultimately leading to the surrender of Acrary when Carlosian soldiers marched into Barton on 21 March 1992.

Following the opposition-Carlosian victory, the Republic of Acrary was restored, with Basil Fraire elected President in 1994. Alistair Malraux was tried and convicted of treason and crimes against humanity, and was executed on 8 August 1997.