Character Profiles: Royals
Co-Monarchs of Gristol-Serkonos
Anna I Eist (2013 - present)
Anna I Eist (Anna Caroline Hanna Kjerstin Eist, born 3 September 1987) is the Queen of the Constituent Kingdom of Gristol and co-Monarch of the United Kingdom and Constitutional Union of Gristol-Serkonos. She was born in Pontiac-Bernadotte, as the eldest child of King Anders II Eist and Queen Charlotte of Ghant. She was educated at UGS Pontiac-Bernadotte, completing a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology with Honours. She was about to join the Royal Gristo-Serkonan Air Force when King Anders II Eist was killed in a helicopter crash in the lower Osawanon mountains in the Crown Land of Kenhtè:ke in 2012. She became the youngest Queen in modern Gristo-Serkonan history, ascending to the Rose Throne of Gristol and the Federal Thrones at the age of 22. In the Federal Thrones, she is the junior Monarch in the current Diarchy, with Grand Chief Tehwehron of the League of Serkonos being the senior.
Tehwehron (1987 - present)
Tehwehron (Tehwehron Ford, born 6 August 1952) is the Grand Chief of the Constituent League of Serkonos and co-Monarch of the United Kingdom and Constitutional Union of Gristol-Serkonos. He is the eldest son of Royaner Kariwase Ford, and Iakoiane Adriana Garisto of the Wahta Nation. He is educated in UGS Donnaconna, completing a Bachelor of Arts in Norumbian History with Honours. He was selected to join the Wahta Nation Bloc in the Council of Rotiyaneson in 1979 following the death of his father. Following the election of the new Grand Chief in 1986, he was recommended by the Councils of Rotiyaneson and the Iakoianes after the Common Council became deadlocked following three unsuccessful votes. Following his successful confirmation vote, he also ascended to the Federal Throne. He is currently the senior Monarch in the current Diarchy, with Queen Anna I Eist of the Kingdom of Gristol being the junior.
Character Profiles: Politicians
Federal Chancellor
Kaniehtí:io Fox (2019 - present)
Kaniehtí:io Terés Elena Fox (born 11 December 1976) is a Serkonan politican, diplomat, and lawyer who currently serves as the 25th Chancellor of Gristol-Serkonos. Prior to entering politics, she served in the Norumbian Affairs Department in the Office of State Affairs as an diplomatic attaché in the Gristo-Serkonan Consulate in Viktorya, Wazheganon from 2000 to 2004. She was elected in office as a Member of Parliament in 2008, representing Donnaconna's 14th District as a member of the Progressive Conservative Party and a became a prominent member of the Serkonan PC Caucus. Following the 2015 elections, with the support of dissatisfied PC members, she challenged then-PC leader Morten Nordskov for the leadership of the party. Fox would lead the Progressive Conservatives to a majority government in the 2019 elections, sweeping the left-wing coalition led by the Social Democrats out of government.
Federal Political Party Leaders
Kenneth Solheim (2023 - present)
Lydie Tassi (2007 - present)
Brice Moreau (2006 - present)
Iostha Reed (2013 - present)
Florence-Gaëtane Fournier (2023 - present)
Kó:r Phillips (2003 - present)
Jone Streisand (1995 - present)
Asgeir Christensen (1986 - present)
First Minister of Gristol
Denis Guillot (2019 - present)
Denis Jacques Philippe Guillot (born 28 May 1967) is a Gristol politican and economist who currently serves as the 19th First Minister of the Constituent Kingdom of Gristol.