Sloughttopian Royal Family

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The Sloughttopian Royal Family is a 8 member group of Sloughttopian hierarchical leaders of Sloughttopia. It consists of 6 family members and 1 observing member. Members of the royal family reside in the Sloughttopia Royal palace in Minajaji, Sloughttopia. The head of the royal family is the reigning monarch, Queen Keni I. The royal family was established on August 8, 2023, upon the independence of Sloughttopia.

The royal family is split into 4 groups, Reigning Monarch, Second in Line, Parental Royals, and the temporary position of Observing Member. The Sloughttopian royal family is sometimes regarded to as a political party. This is because there is a member of the royal family who is not a part of the family. This is the prime minister, Yuni Williams. She is an exception though, as when she is removed from her position, no other prime minister will be considered a part of the royal family.

Reigning monarch

The current reigning monarch of Sloughttopia is Queen Keni I. Queen Keni is the most respected and powerful member of the royal family. She is the richest and most elite person in Sloughttopia. She has the power to chose her heir and add and remove people from the royal family. She resides in the largest part of the palace's residential wing. This building is often referred to as the Qah House. She is the only monarch who does not wait to ascend to the throne as she is the first queen.

Second in Line

The second in line to the throne is the third most powerful person in the royal family. The current holder of this position is Prince Amileu of Minajaji. This position can be acquired by hierarchical position or by word of the reigning monarch. In the prince's case, Queen Keni announced that he would be second in line to the throne in September of 2023. The Second in line is traditionally in charge of peacful political actions of Sloughttopia. In this case, Prince Amileu was responsible for the current military and economic ties between Sloughttopia and Landiland.

Parental Royals

As the name suggests, Parental royals are members of the royal family who are parents of the main royals. These members of the royal family have minimal power and are only known by respect. Parental royals tend to have high levels of importance to citizens and the royals themselves. For example, the two men of the parental royals are very important figures. The queen's father is a psychologist and Imam who is very respected in the Islamic community, even before succumbing to his current position. The prince's father is highly respected for following his brother and religiously disconnecting from his (Christian) family by converting to Islam. Without him, the prince would most likely not be Muslim. The mothers of the royals are also still presented with the same amount of the respect.

Prime Minister (Observing Member)

The prime minister is the temporary observing member of the royal family. She handles things that most prime ministers do and is also very respected. Unlike most prime ministers, she resides in the Sloughttopian Royal Palace.