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StatusDe jure demilitarized Gasarian territory; de facto administered by Federate occupation authorities and the Gasaria-backed Solon Military-Civilian Council

Solon, constitutionally the Province of Solon, is a province of Gasaria. Ostov and Losdeman are the largest cities.

The status of Solon is contentious. Most countries regard the region as de jure administed by the Organization of Nations-backed demilitarized Solon Civilian Council in accordance to the Eastern Accord. In reality, control of Solon is divided between Federate occupying forces and Gasarian paramilitary authorities. The Federate Union regards its military actions as lawful self-defence in reaction to alleged Gasarian noncompliance for the Eastern Accords.

Gasarians and Tasians are the predominant ethnic groups in the region.

See also