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A coup d'état in Lavana began on the evening of 6 March 2022, when Khudu Narinamoa General Secretary of the Lavanan Section of the Workers International (LSWI) removed his support from the democratically elected Premier Laina Keomany, removing her from the post. Keomany launched a coup to regain power and remove Narinamoa from his position. Following a day of fighting inside the capital Pers, and other cities on the 7th, as government and coup forces took over positions. With massive protests in support of Keomany. Narinamoa resigned his post and surrendered on the night of the 7th, with sporadic fighting following until the 9th. Keomany appointed herself as General Secretary the 9th, and made herself Premier again that same day. Constitutional changes were announced, along with sweeping purges of the party and society, as Keomany removed Narinamoa loyalists and rivals replacing them with loyalists. The coup brought widespread reprisal and condemnation by the international Socialist community.

After Narinamoa announced changes to the ways elections were performed inside the LSWI, in the lead up of the 1 March 2022 elections. The changes would had given him near unanimous support inside the party apparatus, and he could threaten the premier who is democratically elected by the Lavanan Congress by removing their party support, an essential according to the constitution. Narinamoa came to represent the party elite, who sought to cement their power. Keomany a party elite herself was threatened by the possibility of being sidelined and being a representative of the moderate wing of the LSWI, believed Narinamoa sought to undermine the democratic institutions of the country. (See more...)

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