48 twa (Themiclesian coin)

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Two rang
Value110 Qik (pre-decimal)
Mass42.67 g
Diameter37.6 mm
Thickness2.2 mm
Composition.9 Au
.1 Cu
Gold1.23459 troy oz

The 48 twa or gold two rang was a Themiclesian gold coin issued regularly from the 9th century until 1910. It contained 38.4 g of fine gold and was the heaviest gold coin minted by Themiclesia intended for general circulation; containing two rang, it was ​110 of a qik, the principal coin of account. It is only eclipsed by the 60 twa piece, minted several times in the 19th century, as a commemorative coin upon an Emperor's silver jubilee of 30 regnal years.

Its customary legend was "pure gold weighing 48 twa" (屯黃重卌又八朱), hence the name of the coin.


See also