Bahram family

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House of Bahram
سلسله بهرام
طرح کاشی ایلخانی.gif
Current region Duran
Place of originSoltanabad, Pardaran
MembersReza Bahram
Ratasegyes Bahram
Radashir Tsering Bahram
Connected familiesNamgyal dynasty

The Bahram family are a leading Duranian noble family of Pardarian descent, whose influence peaked during the mid 19th century under Zhabrung Rinchen Namgyal. The family, who were of a historical mercantile background and who had been important in the kingdom's northern trade, came to hold positions of key importance within Duran as they were seen as a way of counter-balancing the powerful Shangean mercantile influences in the court. Targetted during the 1881 Duranian coup, the Bahrams under Ratasegyes Bahram fled among Dorji Namgyal's retinue and had their properties siezed during the Shangean period. While much of this property would be returned during the restoration, the Bahrams have not been able to regain their influence.

The Bahrams are also central to the Duranian Irfanic Community, which is primarily composed of the descendents of Pardarian merchants. The current head of the Royal Duranian Irfanic Congregation, Radashir Tsering Bahram, is a part of the family.


Reza Bahram

Rise to influence



Modern day