Book of Justice (Sharifistan)

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The Book of Justice or Kitap-nin-Adalet is the constitution of Sharifistan.

Book of Justice
Original titleKitap-nin-Adalet
Subordinate toThe Qur'an
SystemIslamic constitutional monarchy
Branchesmonarchy and judiciary
Author(s)Chief Qadi Mehmet Ibn Suleiman Effendi II
SignatoriesChief Qadi Mehmet Ibn Suleiman Effendi II, Sultan Ed Ashleigh ,Chief Muhtasib Muhammad Suleiman Ahmed Khan , Grand Mufti Ali Suleiman Muhammed Ahmed Khan and Shaykhah Aisha Bint Ahmed Ali Khan along with 50,000 other people
Supersedesabsolute monarchy


The Sultan of Sharifistan shall not rule against the Qur'an.

No person shall be imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or sentenced to death or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. Qadis (Judges) may not be dismissed save for misconduct or incompetence.

The successor of His Royal Highness Sultan Ed Ashleigh to the throne of Sharifistan, shall be like His Royal Highness Ed Ashleigh: A Muslim of sound mind and body.

Even the great Sultan Ed Ashleigh should be subject to these laws as all human beings are subject to Allah Subhana wa tala. The Chief Qadi and Supreme Court of Sharifistan shall be empowered by the Sultan to ensure these laws are kept to.