Coalition Security Council Resolution 237

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Coalition Security Council Resolution 237
Lysychansk 16.jpg
Damaged building in Alicent during the Birat Civil War
SignedMay 20th, 2021
LocationTofino, Zamastan

The Coalition Security Council Resolution 237 was adopted on 20 May 2021. The resolution was intended to cease the hostilities of the civil war in Birat and open peace negotiations between all belligerents.



Security Council Resolution 237 Proposal

Concerns: Birat Civil War

The Security Council of the Coalition of Crown Albatross, recognizing the civil war facing the people of Birat, hereby endorses the following actions (Security Council members can vote to approve all, none, or a select collection of categories);

1. Identifies the conflict as a civil war.

a. With the belligerents being that of;

i. The Government of President Alan Meidan.

ii. The People’s Democratic Army.

iii. The PDA is backed by the government of Timeria.

b. Endorses a cessation of hostilities.

2. Endorses open negotiation of peace talks.

a. Belligerents:

i. Belligerents involved the Government of President Alan Meidan.

ii. Belligerents involved the People’s Democratic Army.

b. Full cessation of hostilities.

c. Options available in negotiations are as follows;

i. Shared government functions between representatives of each belligerent party.

ii. Divided territorial boundaries by each belligerent party.

iii. International observation force to be implemented in Birat.

iv. Coalition of Crown Albatross to moderate peace progress.

v. Demanding immediate, unhindered access for observation of monitoring civilian evacuations and refugee movements from Birat.

vi. Additional options to be suggested during established talks.

3. Endorses the cessation of Timerian hostile intervention.

a. All Timerian military operations must cease.

b. Timerian military officials may not consort with rebel forces.

4. Endorses the removal of Timerian forces from Birat.

a. All Timerian military equipment, supplies, and personnel must withdraw from Birat.

b. All Timerian military equipment, supplies, and personnel must be allowed safe passage through East Chanchajillan corridors for arrival in Estoca.

c. Timerian forces may not act in mediation for future involvement.

i. Including involvement in peace talks.

5. Endorses the establishment of a peacekeeping force

  • (should any of the previous actions be established by vote of the Security Council).

a. A neutral state(s), to be determined by volunteer or selection by the CCA Security Council or General Assembly, will provide adequate forces to maintain peace and moderation in Birat.

6. Endorses humanitarian aid to be sent to Birat.

a. Endorses grant for access to humanitarian workers in Birat.

b. Endorses neutral states to contribute to these aid packages.

c. Endorses moderation in no involvement by belligerents in the civil war.

7. endorses humanitarian aid to be sent to neighboring countries of East Chanchajilla and Avergnon.

a. Aid to be used in housing and maintaining refugees.

b. Aid to be used in damage sustained to infrastructure during conflict.

8. Hereby condemns the Government of President Alan Meidan.

a. For suppressing public demonstration.

b. For suppressing civil liberties.

c. For suppressing civil rights.

d. For disregarding the political process.

e. For crimes against humanity.

f. For falsifying a peace negotiation.

9. Hereby condemns the Government of Timeria.

a. For encroaching the sovereign territory of East Chanchajilla.

b. For conducting military operations unsanctioned by the Coalition of Crown Albatross.

10. Hereby condemns the Government of Estoca.

a. For conspiring with the Government of Timeria in section 8a.

11. Hereby acknowledges that should either belligerent in the conflict refuse terms agreed to by the resolution, the resolution becomes null and void in effect.

Adoption and implementation

All articles were adopted by the Security Council with minimum hesitancy, with the exception of Article 10, which was deemed null in a 5-7 vote, and with Article 4, which was only partially accepted. Article 4b was adopted, while 4a and 4c were not, meaning that Timerian military forces and equipment could remain in Birat. However, due to the passage of Article 3, Timeria was prohibited from conducting military strikes in Birat. Article 10, which would have condemned the government of Estoca, was completely made null.

Upon its adoption, Security Council diplomats began working to determine what international government would host peace talks between the Meidan party and the PDA, with another debate opening about the source of peacekeeping forces.
