Economic History of Ovandera

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Preceding the 20th century the Ovan Commonwealth was organized heavily around the exportation of raw agricultural and mineral produce to Asura and other states in Vestrim and Rennekka. By this point, an estimated 10% of the population owned 95% of land. Operating primarily through a social policy of "Alemannische Erleuchtungsheit", or Alemannic Enlightenment, Ovandera maintained an institution of chattel slavery until 1832, wherein it implemented "Getrenntheit", or separateness, which forbade ethnic minorities from 'participating in white society," in effect preventing them from owning land, speaking Ovan-Alemannic, or even using money. Getrenntheit would only be dismantled after the implementation of the Gloßner-Lewang Reforms in 1903. A push for national integration throughout the 1900's would see the construction of road and railways, as well as the investment into a larger industrial base. The liberal Scheußler reforms in 1933 would see a loosening of export tariffs and taxation on industries such as agriculture and mechanized production. After the Ovan Civil War however, the various efforts toward "Kommunisierung", or Communization, on behalf of the Ovan Communist Party would eradicate the last vestiges of private property and capitalist economics in the country, transitioning the newly formed Common-State rapidly toward a socialist self-managing economy.

Precolonial Ovandera

Viceroyal Period

Interior-Peninsular Society

West-Coastal Society

East-Coastal Society

Northwest-Peninsular Society

Mercantile Period

Economy of the early 1900's

Gloßner-Lewang Reforms

Scheußler Reforms

Economy of the Common-State


See also

History of Ovandera