Free Mining on Calagains

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Free Mining on Calagains relates to the idea of Mining on Calagains on the planet of Calagains should belong to citizens as opposed to mining corporations. The idea of Free Mining is also intertwined with Free-Farming and Farmers Rights on Calagains. This includes Akannite Colonizers, Calagainian Citizens and Calagainian Refugees.

Free Mining on Calagains started with the introduction of Volpramiti as an important mineral that produced Volpram, which made the value of properties in mountainous areas spike, particularily in Midgash and Myssera.

Free Mining was considered one of the most important topics in the Colonial Vote of Calagains as many rural people before the incorporation of Calagains as territories of the Three Systems of Akannus relied on off-the-books businesses including mining and farming native Calagainian resources.