Gabriel Narutowicz Pioneers

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Gabriel Narutowicz Pioneers
Leader Emily Lowwe
Founded 11th June 1935
Headquarters Epping, Malgrave
Newspaper Tomorrow's World
Ideology Non Partisan (official)
Official colours Red

The Gabriel Narutowicz Pioneers is a non-government organisation in Malgrave. It is the largest youth organisation in the country with some 88% of the country involved in the group and holds massive influence over national and local politics. It is open to both sexes between the age of 4 and 14 when members are allowed to transfer to the Free Democratic Youth (Malgrave)


In response to growing unrest in Malgrave, it was decided that a new approach was needed to heal divides caused by the Great Exodus and maintain national unity. After much discussion, a new youth organisation was settled upon and so the framework for the Pioneers was started in the early 30s. At the time Gabriel Narutowicz, an engineer and politician was held in high regard by a large section of society and it was decided that it would be best to name the organisation in his honour over a living politician.

Since that date successive governments have supported the GNP and the organisation is officially attached to the education system and various state-owned companies, a privilege that means the group can offer educational trips, concerts and holidays to current members.


Membership in the Narutowicz Pioneers is completely voluntary however the perks enjoyed by members is extremely attractive to parents and a majority see non-membership has potentially harmful to the future of their children as non-participation in such a respected youth group is perceived as being frowned upon by state academia and employers.


Since foundation the Gabriel Narutowicz Pioneers has worked to create a common Malgravean identity and heavily promotes the cause of social solidarity between all members. Alongside this main goal the organisation teaches the importance of the ancestors and the Pioneers engages in a wild variety of teaching experiences in order to broaden the mind and build a sense of comradeship between members.