Greenwich Area
The Greenwich Area was a free-travel area covering all the members of the Esquarian Union. Created in 1985 in Greenwich, Shenitsa, it referred to EU members who abolished passport control on their common borders, and thus shared a common visa policy. While the entirety of the Esquarian Union, as well as several non-EU members were covered, the most significant region where the Greenwich Area was seen was in southern Velkia, where due to the contiguity of members of the Greenwich Area, the effects of the Greenwich Area were most visible.
In addition, the Greenwich Area served as a free trade area between each other: members of the Greenwich Area did not have tariffs applied to products from other countries that were in the Greenwich Area.
However, with the demise of the Esquarian Union, responsibility for the Greenwich Area was transferred to the Esquarian Community via the Common Market and Greenwich Area Act 2017, which integrated the Greenwich Area into the Esquarian Common Market. The Greenwich Area was formally dissolved by the Comprehensive Common Market Act 2017.
- GreenAreasignpre17.png
Template for the Greenwich Area border signs in the Esquarian Union
- GreenAreasign17.png
Template for the Greenwich Area border signs in the Esquarian Community